La Roberts in toe-posts rant.....


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Probably takes the attitude I know it annoys you so I'll do it all the more.

I know I would if I was her.:tongue:
I said it a while ago - it's been mentioned by another presenter that JR's mules are orthotic and worn for medical reasons, so it's not really like she has much of a choice. There are much worse things she could be wearing on her feet and I think they look OK - no-one even mentions Jilly Halliday who almost always wears those bliddy awful ballet pumps every time she's on...that's a far worse crime in my book :wink:
I said it a while ago - it's been mentioned by another presenter that JR's mules are orthotic and worn for medical reasons, so it's not really like she has much of a choice. There are much worse things she could be wearing on her feet and I think they look OK - no-one even mentions Jilly Halliday who almost always wears those bliddy awful ballet pumps every time she's on...that's a far worse crime in my book :wink:

I wear orthotic inserts in my shoes because of high arches (no, I was never a dancer haha!) and I can put them in 99% of shoes. If I don't feel like using them I can happily wear Birkenstocks or Rockport, both of which have arch support built in. So JR has plenty of choice! I think she just can't be arsed wearing something else and she clearly thinks they look good. I like her as a presenter so I won't lose sleep over her footwear, but I do think she looks a bit ropey sometimes. Saying that, compared to AY she's a freakin fashion guru!!

I said it a while ago - it's been mentioned by another presenter that JR's mules are orthotic and worn for medical reasons,

How odd. I've never seen a pair of orthotic (toe post) mules and I can't see how orthotic inserts would work in that type of sandal, or indeed any type of shoe without sides. I'm sure someone will enlighten me. :mysmilie_506:

Oh, and Burlz please don't harp on about any female who doesn't fall worshipping at the teeny weeny, high-instepped DANCERS trotters of Miss Piggy as being jealous, cos it just ain't true hon. :sun:
Food for thought :

If any of us were to turn up every day at the office or in our place of work with the same item of clothing on (even if she has 2 pairs of jeggings !) dont think for one minute that we wouldn't get talked about in the ladies or at the water machine !!!!!! and I am sure it must happen in the offices at qvc !

Of course its bitchy, but its LIFE !!! and until the whole planet dies out it will carry on for centuries to come - until the last 2 women on board scrap it out between them !!! (one wearing toe posts and the other wearing jeggings)
If a saless person spent an hour telling me about on trend this years look etc, a question I would ask is ' so why if your products are so good so comfortable cover every need why arnt you wearing them ?
Forty years as a buyer makes yoiu ask awkward questions
Food for thought :

If any of us were to turn up every day at the office or in our place of work with the same item of clothing on (even if she has 2 pairs of jeggings !) dont think for one minute that we wouldn't get talked about in the ladies or at the water machine !!!!!! and I am sure it must happen in the offices at qvc !

Of course its bitchy, but its LIFE !!! and until the whole planet dies out it will carry on for centuries to come - until the last 2 women on board scrap it out between them !!! (one wearing toe posts and the other wearing jeggings)[/QUO

Does that make it ok then?
But if she wears them for feet problems - why does she then tell us she lives in markon,birkenstock and emu,"outside" of QVC?
I think JR reads all the threads on here that are about her as she loves the attention. I don't think she's even particularly bothered if they're good comments or bad ones.

What is it they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity!!
I like Julia, I think she is good at her job, sometimes she looks wonderful, other times less so, but then don't we all?. I do think she would look very glam in a pair of heels, she should give it a go as she doesn't have to walk any great distances while working!
If she doesn't give the comments on here a second glance, why on earth would she mention/defend her shoes or "jeggings" on air? I think she reads the comments but displays a petulance and defiance and just continues to do what she wants. Her choice - she is an adult and is good at her job, so she can get away with it. It won't stop us commenting, as those shoes really are the pits.

I wasn't aware that she had commented about either on air but unless she is also defending her hair, her ****s, her upper arms and flinging her legs in the air then perhaps she is responding to comments from elsewhere.

I'm sure someone at QVC Towers is very aware of the site and what's being said but I don't think the presenters should read. If Julia was my neighbour I'd be keeping quiet about the jeggings and shoes but if she was best friend I'd maybe take her to one side but honestly I think I'd leave her be. She is who she is. And who she is is pretty damned good.
I said it a while ago - it's been mentioned by another presenter that JR's mules are orthotic and worn for medical reasons, so it's not really like she has much of a choice. There are much worse things she could be wearing on her feet and I think they look OK - no-one even mentions Jilly Halliday who almost always wears those bliddy awful ballet pumps every time she's on...that's a far worse crime in my book :wink:

B...locks! Medical mules no way- if any problems with feet then a full supportive shoe is always come when the mood takes she can wear boots etc she's always banging on about her Emus and Birkis. I would have thought for a health and safety issue alone especially in a tv studio enviroment with all those cables etc that flip flops would not be permitted.
I have feet problems (not from being a dancer) and if I wear shoes that are not comfy even for a short time then I am in agony and can hardly walk for a lot longer.
Not all foot problems need an orthotic insert sometimes you just need some extra shock absorbtion. I have wondered if " the toeposts" were fitflops, I wear a pair and they are great at absorbing shocks so our joints dont ache, my daughter hates them and tells me they are awful looking but I am sorry I want to be able to walk so wear them I will.
I like JR and she does come in for an awful lot of stick on here sometimes in the great scheme does it really matter what she wears on her feet I would rather her presenting in her toe posts than some others who wear very glamerous footwear because at least when she is presenting there is an outside chance of actually getting some useful information about a product before you buy it. I know she is not perfect but then who amongst is???
I wonder what sort of comments JR would get if she DID suddenly dump the toe posts?

Would people be supportive, or would this just be a red rag to a bull: after all, it would be seen that JR has "caved in to pressure", so isn't there the possibility that criticism could get worse and not better?

And what if JR did suddenly start wearing glam heels and the like? Would we get yet another round of "Oh look at HRH showing off" comments like when she went to LA for the Oscars?

I think JR is one of those people you either like or you don't, without there being any kind of middle ground.
I wasn't aware that she had commented about either on air but unless she is also defending her hair, her ****s, her upper arms and flinging her legs in the air then perhaps she is responding to comments from elsewhere.

But that's why the thread was started-coz she DID mention her shoes on air!
All to do with publicity. Negative or positive who cares! me, her Ego says she is happy n smug for creating high post counts for every JR thread start
I don't care what she wears, whether her hair is straight, curly or had a dead rat hanging from the back of it. She looks sensational sometimes and sometimes she looks like a bag of sh*t tied up but then again, don't we all from time to time?

What I object to is her attitude. At her age and with her experience she should conduct herself with a little more grace and a lot less bitchiness. All this wide eyed little girl act and hair tossing also gets on my wick.:mysmilie_486:
Someone is having a laff

I'm scrolling through the comments and every so often an ad for Fitflops pops up. :cheeky:

Coming back to Julia Roberts, I watched her on a Butler and Wilson show a couple of weeks ago, and she was great! Knowledgable, entertaining, seemed to have a good rapport with the guest presenter, and moved the show on at a good pace. I am now more puzzled by the fact she gets such a slagging on here.

In relation to the shoes, the presenters are often standing for much of a show, and that can be a foot killer (anyone who has worked in a shop will confirm!), if I was her, and found something comfortable, I'd wear them the whole blessed time, and not care what anyone thought.

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