Korner Skincare?


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Mar 7, 2009
Anyone tried this?
I must confess I've never heard of it, ignorant little turnip that I am! :15:
There's a discovery kit but it's bloomin' expensive! (Having moaned earlier that I didn't think I could run to the continued expense of SC as the 3 girls get through a department store counter of skincare products & make-up a month between them, or so it seems & I seem to make do with their leftovers & 'unwanteds' half the time! Plus, anything 'nice' I get, they pinch instantly! lol)
I've never heard of the range either, but I can sympathise with you re your girls pinching your stuff, I'm always saying thank god I've got girls but in this instance I would love boys:3:
#2 They're terrible, they pinch everything! This last couple of weeks, they've nabbed at least 2 lipglosses, a brand new Models Prefer blush, at least 2 bottles of perfume, a mascara (it 'disappeared' so I presume one of them half-inched it!) & various other bits & pieces, some of which they claim to be 'only borrowing' (never to be seen again usually!).

Ah, knickers to the Korner, it's stupidly expensive I've decided, particularly as I have totally failed to find a comprehensive ingredients list anywhere! At least I know I'm reasonably 'safe' with LE stuff, though I'm still hoping to find an eyecream that actually does something for my grotty eyes!
Might treat myself to some more Smashbox items instead, or maybe a ring......? (Or both!)
#2 They're terrible, they pinch everything! This last couple of weeks, they've nabbed at least 2 lipglosses, a brand new Models Prefer blush, at least 2 bottles of perfume, a mascara (it 'disappeared' so I presume one of them half-inched it!) & various other bits & pieces, some of which they claim to be 'only borrowing' (never to be seen again usually!).

Ah, knickers to the Korner, it's stupidly expensive I've decided, particularly as I have totally failed to find a comprehensive ingredients list anywhere! At least I know I'm reasonably 'safe' with LE stuff, though I'm still hoping to find an eyecream that actually does something for my grotty eyes!Might treat myself to some more Smashbox items instead, or maybe a ring......? (Or both!)

Me too lol the latest one I'm using at the moment is Olay regenerist eye lift serum and it's not bad, it sorted out my puffy eyes.
Me too lol the latest one I'm using at the moment is Olay regenerist eye lift serum and it's not bad, it sorted out my puffy eyes.

Thanks for the tip, I may as well try it & at least it's easy to get hold of!
I've got horrible hereditary bags under my eyes which manage somehow to look dark, puffy and sunken all at the same time!
The LE eye repair irritates my eyes, no 7 protect & perfect has improved them a little I think but not as much as I would like & almost everything else I've tried irritates then too! :(
(I'm too scared to try the SC one as a few reviews said it irritated eyes & one QVC reviewer had to take antihistamines so I don't want to risk it!)
Ohhhh I see you've learned how to quote well done hehe, I got my Olay from a guy on Ebay for £4.99 but I've just checked and he's sold out but I think Amazon are quite reasonable.
#2 They're terrible, they pinch everything! This last couple of weeks, they've nabbed at least 2 lipglosses, a brand new Models Prefer blush, at least 2 bottles of perfume, a mascara (it 'disappeared' so I presume one of them half-inched it!) & various other bits & pieces, some of which they claim to be 'only borrowing' (never to be seen again usually!).

Ah, knickers to the Korner, it's stupidly expensive I've decided, particularly as I have totally failed to find a comprehensive ingredients list anywhere! At least I know I'm reasonably 'safe' with LE stuff, though I'm still hoping to find an eyecream that actually does something for my grotty eyes!
Might treat myself to some more Smashbox items instead, or maybe a ring......? (Or both!)

hi Kitten,my 8 year old was grounded the other week,she put mascara on for school!! Dad took her and didnt notice...I did though cause she'd had a swimming lesson that day and came out of school looking like Alice Cooper!! God knows what the teacher mustve thought...so I am dreading it when she gets older if she is doing that now!! So I can understand your girls''borrowing'' from you !! x
#7 Queenie - they only get worse as they get older, sadly!
My 15 year old takes a (fairly hefty!) make-up bag to school & used to be frequently hauled off to the loos to remove it all, only to re-apply it as soon as they'd gone again!

She has now however, perfected the art of 'invisible make-up' for school, certainly from a distance & mostly gets away with it nowadays, except when she occasionally defiantly adds on the turquoise eyeliner! :11:
hi all! not having any children, i can read all your messages and wonder how i would cope....probably not very well at all!!! although i can say you are all probably doing great job as your little ones will probably all be that much more aware of skincare as they get older and probably be the ones who do not plaster themselves with make-up as they will have perfected the art of applying it!

on the korner front, i think it is quite a good brand - has great reviews and the woman behind it has a good family history of the developing the brand - i was always impressed with the demos, but never took the plunge to try it (so obviously not THAT impressed, i guess!) seriously, anyone who is interested should check out the spacenk website and i think sephora had some info...if i remember rightly it is pretty similar to the nude range (i think).
Sorry not tried Korner skincare but I can sympathise with daughter pinching products, my 13 year old is taking all my skincare - its costing me a fortune and as for wearing make up to school, she applies it after I have left in the morning and the school dont seem to be that bothered that they are wearing make up even though its against the rules :(
Any skincare range that we buy but dont like OH gets it :D
#9 Nothing on either of those, obviously a pig to get hold of then?
Hhmm, I'm sure if I really wanted it, I'd have ordered it by now, very undecided....! I think I'd probably want to see a few more reviews first, maybe? *sigh!* (Mrs. Indecisive, that's me! lol)
It got so bad in our house with my DD taking my stuff and me going wild about it my OH put a padlock on our bedroom door and that fixed her!!!! :LOL
#10 Bluebell - they're like locusts or something aren't they, devouring (or pinching) everything in their path! lol

The eldest is very good with skincare (cleanses, tones, exfoliates voluntarily!) & mostly goes in for the minimal make-up look & the youngest occasionally waves a LE muslin cloth around (though still has to be prised off the soap she claims is 'quicker'!) but the 15 year old is sadly addicted to wipes, being inherently lazy!

She also appears to emulate Jodie Marsh at times, though we have dropped the orange foundation, thank gawd! :11:
To get her to use a moisturiser at all I had to resort to crafty moves such as no 7's dual action tinted moisturiser, which I sneakily (& rather cleverly I thought!) suggested in a sweet voice would be 'just perfect for school darling as it hardly shows at all'! ;)
(She fell for that one instantly! lol)
#12 Beauty Junkie - I'm not a great make-up wearer & tbh, my new Halo is about the nicest thing I own so although I showed it to DD no 1 (who's not too bad), I pounced on DD no 2 the second she got it from school with a 'See this? It's mine! Taboo! Out of bounds! If you touch it, bad things will happen to your mobile/wireless internet connection/Facebook account/pocket money/Bebo account etc. etc.....!' :16:
LOL and sympathies here re daughters!

I just have the one. She is 20 and uses Liz Earle, Smashbox and BE... strangely, so do I...

She left home about six months ago but still returns regularly to do a 'raid'!!!

PS She also had a heavy Molton Brown habit, until I could no longer afford!
Alison's presentation of RK seemed to be entirely based on the fact that RK cutomers are absolutely loaded! I didn't glean anything about the products themselves.
My 4 girls have all left home and I am still finding things that I had hidden away from them the other day I found a litre bot of Aveada shampoo that I had stashed but the do visit often so I still cant leave things on open view as if I do it can go missing

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