Kirks Folly


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Poor Simon was covered in that glittery s***e (oops, sorry fairy dust) after the show, it was in his eyes, up his nose - in his mouth. I hope the presenters send Jenniefierererere Kirk all their dry cleaning bills after the show...sheesh!
I admit to popping on the TV to see the show as I quite like Simon. Jewellery/ etc., is subject to personal taste and I always think each to their own, but who would buy those ornaments The faces looked really bad as if they fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!:giggle:

TC's said they still used watches they bought years ago from her which I thought was a good advert as they were quite reasonable price.
I've never been able to understand the Kirks Folly fascination - in my opinion, it is just over-priced tat and a con trick. Mz Kirk must be laughing all the way to the bank.
I have bought items from the KF range,in the past.Both probably bought a year apart - 1 fell apart within the month,one arrived broken.

I refuse to buy anything from her range now.*trying not to offend* but I think the sweet old dear jennifer is very clever,praying on the old,sick and vulnerable.I'm led to believe the house in the kirks folly advert is hers............shes made a pretty penny "trying to touch and help people" with her range....:sad:

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