Kipling & Travelon


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Jun 26, 2008
What's happened to the other Kipling woman - was her name Lorraine ? Were we told she was leaving or has she just disappeared like other guests have done in the past ?

I've noticed that the presenters and guests on both these shows keep wittering on about boarding passes and passports, obviously subliminal hints that we all need these bags for our holidays. Still, makes a change from oyster cards and bottles of water.

Both Claudia and Jill come across (IMHO) as spoilt women indulged by well-off husbands who have no worries about the credit crunch. Mind you, if I had the chance of such a man......!

P.S. love the GADE leather bag on at the moment.

I think QVC works n the principle of selling us 'lifestyles' so by buying a Kipling bag we can for a brief second be one of the 'in' crowd.

As a single mum I do sometimes feel a bit inadequate because I have no hope of a cruise, a foreign holiday or even a mini break and I certainly don't have invites to dinner parties where I can take the hostess a gift of a Yankee candle.

It's all another world and that's what they try to sell.
Mimi you hit the nail on the head.

...and you don't need qvc's delusions of adequacy if you're the best mum in the world for your family. :7:

Eric's Mum...I was wondering about Lorraine too.

Jude xxx
The last few times on Kipling shows it has been Marie Francoise(sp?)so I think Lorraine has gone to the same place as Lee from Philosophy...the back of beyond!
Another one who sat wondering about Lorraine yesterday as the TSV was being shown...
The last few times on Kipling shows it has been Marie Francoise(sp?)so I think Lorraine has gone to the same place as Lee from Philosophy...the back of beyond!
Although Marie Francoise is quite pretty, she hasn't got that spark that Loraine had with selling. Everything seems a bit boring and she doesn't seem so informed about the styles where Loraine used to get right into it and IMHO could sell me a Kipling bag very easily.
Talking about people disappearing, what happened to Jo the model who became a representative for Clientele? Noticed also the Yankie Candle's Michaela has not done the last few presentations. Are they training miss stroky pillows in NN to take over from Suzy too? Mind boggling.
I think QVC works n the principle of selling us 'lifestyles' so by buying a Kipling bag we can for a brief second be one of the 'in' crowd.

As a single mum I do sometimes feel a bit inadequate because I have no hope of a cruise, a foreign holiday or even a mini break and I certainly don't have invites to dinner parties where I can take the hostess a gift of a Yankee candle.

It's all another world and that's what they try to sell.

I know what you mean, no Bridget Jones mini breaks for me, I've never been to a dinner party and I don't live in London so I don't even have an oyster card to put in the pocket of my handbag! I'm generally quite happy with my lot though however they do make you feel a bit insecure.

I think that's why I like the presenters like Julian who are a bit more normal like us!
I think QVC works n the principle of selling us 'lifestyles' so by buying a Kipling bag we can for a brief second be one of the 'in' crowd.

The 'in crowd', big deal! You might see the chavviest twit on the planet carting around a Chloe Paddington (yes, a real one! lol), would you really want to be like them?

As a single mum I do sometimes feel a bit inadequate because I have no hope of a cruise, a foreign holiday or even a mini break and I certainly don't have invites to dinner parties where I can take the hostess a gift of a Yankee candle.

Well, you shouldn't feel inadequate, most of it is imagined nonsense anyway! I have quite a few friends with 'money' & I can assure you they don't spend their days trundling round each other's houses clutching Yankee Candles to hand out! (Chocolate cake & alcohol possibly! lol)

It's all another world and that's what they try to sell.

As I say, half of it's imagined anyway & is kinda like a Chinese whisper - if QVC say or imply it often enough, people start to believe it to be true & don't want to be 'left behind' or 'left out'!
I've had some lovely bags over the years but my current everyday one is a locally sourced unbranded leather one that, although very well made, cost only a few pounds!

It works both ways too! One friend always has a Prada bag, carts it round everywhere, even used to take it on camping weekends which we would mock her absolutely mercilessly for! lol
I know what you mean, no Bridget Jones mini breaks for me, I've never been to a dinner party and I don't live in London so I don't even have an oyster card to put in the pocket of my handbag! I'm generally quite happy with my lot though however they do make you feel a bit insecure.

I think that's why I like the presenters like Julian who are a bit more normal like us!

Be very grateful you don't live in London! I'd move far out of it tomorrow if I could and then I'd be happier with my lot - who needs Oyster cards.
Im very grateful I don't live in London, I have visited there and its a different world, I like life a little more laid back

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Well, you shouldn't feel inadequate, most of it is imagined nonsense anyway! I have quite a few friends with 'money' & I can assure you they don't spend their days trundling round each other's houses clutching Yankee Candles to hand out! (Chocolate cake & alcohol possibly! lol)

As I say, half of it's imagined anyway & is kinda like a Chinese whisper - if QVC say or imply it often enough, people start to believe it to be true & don't want to be 'left behind' or 'left out'!
I know, it seems like a cruel sales technique, aimed at making people feel inadequate, and feeling like they don’t quite measure up. Yet can conveniently buy into an implied ideal, that isn’t even real.:53: Yep, a classic example of the Chinese whisper technique.

Like you mention KWC, most people with a bit of money have more meaningful things to do, than attend champagne lunches.:20:

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