Kim giggling like a schoolgirl


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Jun 27, 2008
Does she always do this ?! I've never watched one of her shows before and it's only on because I'm cooking and wasn't really listening- but that giggle caught my attention for the wrong reason . Is she shy and giggling in embarrassment or what ?

( on another tack, I couldn't believe the price of some of her clothing . It looks the same as the stuff you see in the windows of shops like Bon marche to me.)
Does she always do this ?! I've never watched one of her shows before and it's only on because I'm cooking and wasn't really listening- but that giggle caught my attention for the wrong reason . Is she shy and giggling in embarrassment or what ?

( on another tack, I couldn't believe the price of some of her clothing . It looks the same as the stuff you see in the windows of shops like Bon marche to me.)
Kim is always the same she sounds as if she's been in the bar before the show. I saw a few minutes today but with her motor mouth and Julia's obsession with the iPad I turned off.
Kim is not my favorite but she does a promo video where she says she is shy.I think that might explain her behaviour on air.I just listened to her the other day ( for a very short space of time) & words were just tumbling out of her mouth & I thought does it all make sense?It is as though she has to keep talking & moving, swishing & stretching the pieces.I can't watch her for long but she does seem to know her range.
:mysmilie_1:Oh I thought it was just me. I am at home for a few days and caught some of her programmes. I honestly thought she as on some heavy medication she was so hyper and impossible to watch or listen to (unless you were on the same medication.)
She's been like this for years.

I remember about 11 years ago being invited to a fashion event at Marco Polo house, and she was there, along with Simon Wilson, Stacey from YBF - Models Prefer, and Elaine from Kipling (those were the days). Renee the model with long hair and a pout was there too, so shows you how long ago it was. Anyway, Kim blossomed when in full spiel pitch about her range, but was as quiet as a mouse when faced with a throng of people around her, so it could be true about her shyness.
I understand why some people could find her irritating but she does turn up to present the shows and she knows the products inside out unlike some of the reps who you would think had never seen the items before the show. I've never bought any of her products as they're not really my thing but somehow she always looks really good in items.
I understand why some people could find her irritating but she does turn up to present the shows and she knows the products inside out unlike some of the reps who you would think had never seen the items before the show. I've never bought any of her products as they're not really my thing but somehow she always looks really good in items.

Totally agree, I can forgive her an awful lot for those reasons alone.
She can be annoying but l generally don't mind her. I do think it's her shyness coming out which is making her behave this. The main thing l admire about her us her excellent product knowledge.
Kim is not my favorite but she does a promo video where she says she is shy.I think that might explain her behaviour on air.I just listened to her the other day ( for a very short space of time) & words were just tumbling out of her mouth & I thought does it all make sense?It is as though she has to keep talking & moving, swishing & stretching the pieces.I can't watch her for long but she does seem to know her range.

Saw her the other day and she was jumping and squealing like a baby! Don't mind her usually but her behaviour wasn't normal! Even the presenter, I think it was Debbie looked slightly bemused! :mysmilie_7:
Kim knows her stuff inside out and back to front and rattles sizes off from memory. I have no criticism of someone so competent. So what if she is hyper. Better that than banality from a so called brand ambassador.
I didn`t notice Kim`s giggles I`m too busy looking at the peg in the back of Jil Frank`s top ..she has it pulled skin tight hasn`t been on air yet so don`t know if its supposed to be fitted ..Kim`s tops of late are mostly more tunic styles
as soon as i hear her speak i have to switch over to another channel.

Ditto! Imo the ott behaviour can't be natural for an adult. I have given up trying to watch her, but I do feel sorry for the presenter that have to listen to her for a full hour...
Kim knows her stuff inside out and back to front and rattles sizes off from memory. I have no criticism of someone so competent. So what if she is hyper. Better that than banality from a so called brand ambassador.

She usually knows the item numbers of her clothes even when not on the shows.
I didn`t notice Kim`s giggles I`m too busy looking at the peg in the back of Jil Frank`s top ..she has it pulled skin tight hasn`t been on air yet so don`t know if its supposed to be fitted ..Kim`s tops of late are mostly more tunic styles

Heard Jackie say today that Jill Franks asks for a chair for her handbag when she goes into a Restaurant!
I think Kim has got worse as the years have gone on. I find it very strange the gasps for air when she notices a model in her clothes. I mean she has designed it and yet she behaves like she has never seen it before.

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