Kim & Co


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Mar 21, 2015
Is it just me, or are all the cloths that have been on air today spectacularly awful?

I've got it on in the background on mute and Kim is being worn by a lurid floral number and looks dreadful - definitely not a good advert for her clothes as she usually is. She looks dumpy and frumpy...and the models don't look much better, to be honest.

The trousers they've had the models in look an odd mixture of too lose and too short. They're labeled as denim - but not any denim I'd recognise!

Whatever is going on in those design studios in Montreal is not inspiring.

When the models look like a sack of spuds in the garments, I know I'm on a hiding to nothing.

I remember a time when Kim used to produce elegant understated flattering clothes. Not much evidence of that in today's offerings, in my opinion.
Totally agree.

Horrible patterns and styles.What has happened to Kim the designer? The nasty animal print you can buy the top and bottoms and be covered from head to toe in it .Same with the lurid flowery patterns .Lesley Ebbetts said they will look like a catsuit which is very " in "this autumn. Give me a break......... Kims designs are looking increasingly like they are from the same warehouse as all the other nasties.
Everything's "very in" - jewellery, clothes, mops & brushes, make up, you name it, it's "in". I get so sick of that expression, same as I do with the constant harping on which "Sleb" wears it.

Totally agree.

Horrible patterns and styles.What has happened to Kim the designer? The nasty animal print you can buy the top and bottoms and be covered from head to toe in it .Same with the lurid flowery patterns .Lesley Ebbetts said they will look like a catsuit which is very " in "this autumn. Give me a break......... Kims designs are looking increasingly like they are from the same warehouse as all the other nasties.
Half my wardrobe consists of Kim plain garments in black and navy which are the best things I ever bought. They have lasted years, still look elegant and in Kim's famous phrase "people say 'have you lost weight?'" Whenever I need to look either professional for my patients, or dressed well for a social engagement, I dive my hands into one of the suitcases of Kim clothes and it makes dressing effortlessly easy. I "dress them up, dress them down" in Glenn fashion, with bright scarves and jackets.

The other half of my wardrobe consists of hideously expensive fashion mistakes, hundreds of pounds worth of big floral nightmares, more likely to make people say "have you turned into a sofa?" They are also by Kim.

I don't even watch her any more, as she does few plain clothes now. I just look at the 'recently on screen' section of the website after she has gone. The trend for multicolour horrors continues. There was a two part trouser suit in blue with some floral arrangement with white lumps that I though were frogs until I enlarged the photo. All that would cause friends to say is "have you lost your mind?"
I thought Kim's hair looked nice - maybe a tad too long, but the style suited her.

But the clothes have had their day. If this is all she can come up with now, more samey style, garish patterns - I'm not buying any more. I've got about 2 of her tunics which hardly got worn this summer so it's pointless, really. The one top I do wear a lot is one I bought in clearance for £10 a few years ago which has a lovely delicate Chinesey pattern.
Miss Grumpy - you are so right! My Kim dresses - I have 2 plain dresses, and 3 in a non-floral. I always get compliments asking if I've lost weight, and how elegant... there is absolutely no way I would contemplate buying anything these days, sadly.

We're having stylist after stylist telling us that 1970s are back in - I am in no hurry to revisit. My 1970s included wide flared jeans, cheesecloth shirts and clogs - but I was a skinny-ma-ling back then. I would be a laughingstock the shape I am now.

I think the best way to look polished and not spend a fortune is to find what suits you and not jump into every season's trends. QVC isn't the place for that.
Alas, maymorganlondon, jumpsuits are everywhere. I went shopping with a friend who uses department stores as her second home and has Debenhams and John Lewis as the first two numbers on her friends and family rapid dial phone numbers. It was a bit like revisiting the 1970s. All it made me feel was my terrible decline from dolly bird to pensioner. At least they could bring back real men's fashions from then, tight trousers, and Jason King ties, from when we had real men, even if Jason King wasn't, he was still fanciable in a way young blokes today are not.

Now add to the fashion disasters of the 1970s QVC's polyester, and what used to be dreamy cotton numbers look like hot sweaty dishrags. Laura Ashley got it right with her floral numbers. But Kim, like Laura Ashley on acid, most definitely does not.
On planet QVC there is "fashion" that the rest of the World aren`t even aware of and like never before and not in a good way either. If ever there`s proof that the presenters will say anything just to sell anything, then the so called fashion hours are it.
They try telling us that certain styles and designers are only available on QVC but there`s a reason for that, the rest of the World doesn`t want them, wouldn`t be seen dead in them and a bricks and mortar shop wouldn`t sell them. As much as they try to convince me (and I daresay many others) that QVC are bringing us something new, exciting and exclusive, they are on a hiding to nothing. Good quality clothes, exciting clothes, classy clothes and quality clothes wouldn`t need screeching or fawning presenters to sell them, they`d sell themelves and QVC`s so called designers would be out of a job asap.
Having said all that, I prefer the material Kim uses now to the scratchy, heavy, plain fabric of earlier days. Just give it to us in plain colours, Kim, and different styles and lay off the 3/4 sleeves. They may look elegant but they're too hot for summer and no good for winter and I can adapt my existing clothes to spring or autumn.
I too have a few Kim items I wear either plain or with a small print.But the all singing /dancing patterns now are a no from me.

Not that I've watched every show but I haven't see any sell outs yet.

The seventies fashions are great ,if you are young and as others have said we relished the cheese cloth and clogs, but we don't want to revisit. I loved my maroon velvet flared trousers too........
I think, officially, that jumpsuits are hideous and there should be some sort of government ban on them (this government seems very keen on banning things, so maybe we should start an online petition on I saw a jumpsuit on Sharon yesterday and though 'ye gods, that is simply awful!' My rule is if it looks hideous on Sharon then on me...I'm likely to get harpooned. Or someone take me literally at my fashion sense and push me out of a plane for crimes against fashion.
I think, officially, that jumpsuits are hideous and there should be some sort of government ban on them (this government seems very keen on banning things, so maybe we should start an online petition on I saw a jumpsuit on Sharon yesterday and though 'ye gods, that is simply awful!' My rule is if it looks hideous on Sharon then on me...I'm likely to get harpooned. Or someone take me literally at my fashion sense and push me out of a plane for crimes against fashion.

And the young fashion buyers (surely an offence against the Trades Descriptions Act) do not realise that jump suits are impractical for the older ladies who need to dash to the loo more often after the menopause has played havoc with the waterworks.
And the young fashion buyers (surely an offence against the Trades Descriptions Act) do not realise that jump suits are impractical for the older ladies who need to dash to the loo more often after the menopause has played havoc with the waterworks.

Quite. In fact, when Kim was rolling and tucking the legs of Sharon's jumpsuit yesterday to make it into some sort of über jumpsuit-hareem-pant mostrosity, I thought: "that'll come in handy for when the loo's engaged'. Vile, I know.
This thread is really making me giggle, I'm so glad it's not just me that is horrified at the fashions on offer :mysmilie_8:

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