I see that Kimmy's dizty print culottes have sold out. Hmmmmmmm I know there are some who find these popular, but I'm not one of them. After reading an article in today's D/Mail from one of France's past top models, I'm convinced never to buy them. There is a reason that French ladies are so chic, and clearly its not by wearing leggings and culottes (am guilty of living in leggings), but just a few well cut 'pieces' and a great hair cut ! I tried that years ago and I got fed up wearing the same old things to wear, my hair looked fab in the hairdressers but resembled Einstein when I stepped out into the wind, so clearly I'm not cut out to be 'chic' - AND my body shape is not conducive to the little Chanel suits, silk blouses and tailored trousers- but oh how I wish !!!!