Kelly (keep yer clothes on) Hoppen


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Apr 27, 2009
Anyone else see the divine Ms Hoppen baring all in a bikini (because she's 60) in the Daily Mail ? I wont quote word for word, but she has 3 p/trainers, calorie controlled food delivered daily, and her own 'team' to get her 'ready'.

The double page spread also maintained she has 48 projects on the go worldwide, with teams that she fires of email to. Not one word of QVC, but is this more evidence that QVC is just her 'pin money' to front a range (like all the other slebs) that she has no idea what its all about - I mean, how can she have the time to 'design' for the plebs when she has a vast empire to oversee.
I saw it. God, how can she be bothered to do all that training etc and how does she have time with all the work she has to do. Goes to show how super important image is to some people. Pass me the crisps . . . . .

I don’t like comparisons like this showing us how the rich and famous look as they age, as a matter of fact I loath it to the nth degree.

These people have the money, and yes it is down to money, to live a lifestyle us mortals can only dream off. They look good because they can pay and organise time to have treatments and personal attention.

It is for this reason that I compare this kind of publicity which is sickening, to the furore surrounding young girls who are fat shamed. It is so awful. Ladies let’s be honest I could look like this given that lifestyle as I am sure all of you can.

They have the money to spend on this, that and the next indulgence we don’t. The adoration given to today’s minor celebrities also bothers me when you can become a “celebrity” for doing nothing!

I can’t stand Katy Price and her enter age . What goes on in that head baffles me, why she is followed by very naive people also baffles me.
she looks good because she's naturally teeny tiny. I have a sister like that naturally a size 8 and small framed. law of nature for some but not for me who cares!
Don’t suppose she does the washing up, laundry - especially pegging it out, clean toilets, wash the kitchen floor, even the weekly shop. That’s what takes up a lot of time for us mere mortals who can’t afford “domestic staff”.

I never resent people with money especially if they’ve created their wealth from setting up a business. What I find quite offensive is the “conspicuous consumption” being boasted about in the media, telly etc. Michelle Mone is another one, going on about her diamond jewellery whilst flogging Diamonique.
Don’t suppose she does the washing up, laundry - especially pegging it out, clean toilets, wash the kitchen floor, even the weekly shop. That’s what takes up a lot of time for us mere mortals who can’t afford “domestic staff”.

I never resent people with money especially if they’ve created their wealth from setting up a business. What I find quite offensive is the “conspicuous consumption” being boasted about in the media, telly etc. Michelle Mone is another one, going on about her diamond jewellery whilst flogging Diamonique.
I am not a big fan of KH, but I agree she looks better with her clothes on, imo she looks like a skeleton in her bikini.
Nearly all of them have work done. All of it in various guises.

Sadly, this kind of 'journalism' will only cease when the dim British publics' obsession with it/known personas (I refuse to use the C word) ceases also.

I remember once doing some (*****) group training & we were asked about people we admire the most. I think they probably had to be famous, & someone said Kenny Daglish !!!! I suppose however that her reply isn't too bad compared to what many would say now. Note that in the said incident, I think that the training was aimed at the lcd.

No Offence to KD. He's not a baddun at all, I was just rather surprised by this girls answer. She was quite evangelical about it/him, too. Football!
Her daughter Natasha Corrett runs one of them door to door food delivery services called 'Honestly Healthy'. I wonder if she gets them delivered from her at a discount? Victoria Beckham also uses these meals apparently.
That article doesn’t even say that she herself actually cooks those food box delivery items. The portions must be minuscule if all that only adds up to 1500 cals. (A bacon butty is over 500!!!]

As previously said if we didn’t have to do household chores, had money and the sort of space to dedicate to facilitate a personal trainer then we would have half a chance of looking like that.

9am leaves for studio - assume she gets there about 10am by which time I have nearly 3 hours work under my belt . Not a bit wonder she has time for a work out and a cooked breakfast.
So the reason she's baring all because she's soon to be sixty, I had my nose pierced on my sixtieth birthday & I love it.
You also have to remember as someone said a couple of days ago, how does she find the time for all of this stuff, it’s because she has highly qualified staff who can take over, that’s what having money does, you can take as much time off as you like, and you have freedom to arrange your day!
Twilight - I've often wondered, what happens when you sneeze or have a stinking cold ?

Sneezing isn't a problem & I haven't had a cold yet but imagine that may be a problem. I take off my make up with Pixi cleanser & a double faced cloth called a Cheeky Wipe & sometimes I catch the looped fibres but that's been my only issue. I waited four months before changing my stud & wear either white gold or stainless steel ones that have a corkscrew pin so they're secure. I'm currently wearing a 3mm clear crystal & love it.
Twilight - I've often wondered, what happens when you sneeze or have a stinking cold ?

Having had my nose pierced twice in the past I had honestly say having a coldbwith one is horrendous. You have to take it out to blow your nose and it gets very clogged up so removal of the nose ring is rather painful.
Having had my nose pierced twice in the past I had honestly say having a coldbwith one is horrendous. You have to take it out to blow your nose and it gets very clogged up so removal of the nose ring is rather painful.

OMG! Not for me ladies, too squeamish.


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