Kelly Hoppen in DM and no mention of QVC


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Jun 24, 2008
So there is our Kelly(QVC speak), going on about the celebs she has designed for and her new online company, plus Dragons Den. And not one mention for QVC and customers there.

Oh dear she really does think you do not matter.
I'm honestly not surprised. I actually think KH thinks QVC is for plebs. I got that impression a few months ago as right at the beginning of a TSV show, her mic was live just before the intro ran and you could hear her say something along the lines of "Let's just get out there and sell 28,000 of these." To her it's just a money making machine.
Yes she wont be thinking 'Plebs' when she is adding the cash up in the bank.Isn't she 'In' with the Beckhams? Can just see Victoria going for a TSV.
Anyone else wish (just for a second) that the DM in the title had meant Doc Martins? Though I'm not sure they do them in taupe!
Yes she wont be thinking 'Plebs' when she is adding the cash up in the bank.Isn't she 'In' with the Beckhams? Can just see Victoria going for a TSV.

I read she was the interior designer for their new London home.

She seems to think Q is totally beneath her, IMHO, along with the presenters, especially if it is Dale whom she seems to treat as an idiot in shows I have seen.
Old Squeaky & Sullen Beckham and Kashappy Hoppen are a match made in heaven. Beige from 'taupe' to bottom, with nothing in between. Sounds about right !
Can't stand the woman. She's so boring her shows make me reach for the off button.
The QVC viewer is like the great unwashed to her. There was a newspaper article a few months ago which basically said that she didn't have the right credentials to be a dragon as she's not that wealthy and her business isn't doing so well either.
I reckon she'd no choice but to sell on QVC and had she not would have went bust.

Lulu Guinness admitted that she makes most of her sales from QVC.
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Can't stand the woman. She's so boring her shows make me reach for the off button.
The QVC viewer is like the great unwashed to her. There was a newspaper article a few months ago which basically said that she didn't have the right credentials to be a dragon as she's not that wealthy and her business isn't doing so well either.
I reckon she'd no choice but to sell on QVC and had she not would have went bust.

Lulu Guinness admitted that she makes most of her sales from QVC.

At least Lulu shows (or at the very least pretends) she loves being on QVC... KellyH is just unwatchable, i for one will not purchase from her range, its overpriced and stupid or boring colours... QVC customers have more buying power than most other places, she needs to bare this in mind.
Anyone else wish (just for a second) that the DM in the title had meant Doc Martins? Though I'm not sure they do them in taupe!

I automatically thought Docs and Depeche Mode. Not that I spent my teens dressed head to toe in black or anything...
I get the impression Kelly thinks most places and people are beneath her. Except for maybe high-end places like Harrods or the Beckhams. Which is crazy the Beckhams are hardly dons of great style or taste, quite the opposite in fact imo!

That said why would you expect any business to agree to sell on qvc if it weren't to sell their wares and make money. It's not like you'd do it for the ego-factor of appearing on TV and hanging out with celebrity shopping tv hosts such as Julia Roberts!
She definitely gives the impression that QVC is something she has wiped off the bottom of her shoe. I find her condescending and patronising, she sneers at the presenters and looks down her nose at them. I find her voice boring and monotonous and tend to switch off when she is on. She is as dull as her 'taupe' products, The Beckhams can keep her.
I have liked this look for years (ducks behind sofa) but don't watch any of the Q shows as they are manufactured by Q's tame manufacturers so the quality is not the same as if you were purchasing in one of the stores which stock the range. KH once let the cat out of the bag during a presentation when she said she had not seen the item before and was pleasantly surprised how well it turned out. She is selling the look nothing else, and this can be achieved using other brands even if she was one of the front runners of the style.
The few times I've seen her on QVC she looks bored and irritated as if it is all too chavvy and low rent for her. She's very patronising and her designs are uninspiring, overpriced and lack imagination unless you want your home to look like the inside of a cardboard box; so neutral it's bland.

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