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Suki 1

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Keeley did not look too happy at the end of the Show with Alex for some reason.
Keeley did not look too happy at the end of the Show with Alex for some reason.

I didn’t see it - did you see anything in the show that might have irked her? I suspect it’s just her resting b1tch face. I’m not a fan, I’m afraid.
Keeley did not look too happy at the end of the Show with Alex for some reason.

I saw it too. She suddenly started glaring off camera at someone or something. It was all very odd. I didn’t get the impression that it had anything to do with Alex though. Mmm wonder what happened!
shes been looking like that since the TSV launch she's not a happy bunny....shes been faking it for a while now
Personally, I can't stand her. There's just something quite unpleasant about her IMO.
she seems irritated and impatient but she must be earning a lot more than most people...
I didn’t see it - did you see anything in the show that might have irked her? I suspect it’s just her resting b1tch face. I’m not a fan, I’m afraid.

Only caught the end of the Show but she was glaring!!
If it was the TSV though I wouldn't have thought that would have affected her directly, as it is the company and not her personally. Though I have noticed that in some shows in recent weeks she has not been 'dolled up' in the Elemis garb, now I am not one to go for any beauty treatment anyway, but if the models are getting 'slopped', then surely it is better to be so in someone that at least 'looks the part', than any 'hooray Henrietta!
I am not keen on her at all. Wouldn't trust her with my last mint imperial.
I am not keen on her at all. Wouldn't trust her with my last mint imperial.

As I would not trust my bloody dog with my piece of cheese on toast left on the chair when I went to answer the phone (yes, we are one of those families that still has a phone on the wall in the kitchen!!). :mad2::mad2:

Good point

Most likely. Her reputation as the golden goose that lays the massive TSV sellouts could have gone up in smoke!

I find her presenting style ridiculous. It makes little to no sense, and rattled off at speed. The way she has been witnessed conducting herself on social media and in RL as well as with QVC customers at the defunct beauty bash puts a capper on it for me. I don't like what I see of her attitude; I don't enjoy her presentations; I don't believe her advice; and I don't rate the products she sells.
I turned to recently on products and one of the elemis items was From the start of the programme with Alex is it? I thought Keeley looked like she was about to bite someone's head off before the show started her first response was so snappy and she couldn't get a smile to stick to her face at all... It wasn't until halfway through that snippet that she seemed to "warm up".
Most likely. Her reputation as the golden goose that lays the massive TSV sellouts could have gone up in smoke!

I find her presenting style ridiculous. It makes little to no sense, and rattled off at speed. The way she has been witnessed conducting herself on social media and in RL as well as with QVC customers at the defunct beauty bash puts a capper on it for me. I don't like what I see of her attitude; I don't enjoy her presentations; I don't believe her advice; and I don't rate the products she sells.

But apart from that, you are a massive fan? :RpS_wink:

I can’t stand the way she says padina pavonica. It sounds stupid and she says it as if she has a tissue stuffed in each nostril. I bet she hasn’t got a clue what it is but she thinks it makes her sound like a botanist.
I’ve never been a Keeley fan either, I find her attitude aggressive and every single time I’ve seen her she looks like she can’t be arsed being there so you know what Keeley, don’t. Hand the baton now to someone who really does want to be there for the product, not to get their gob on the telly.
I’ve never been a Keeley fan either, I find her attitude aggressive and every single time I’ve seen her she looks like she can’t be arsed being there so you know what Keeley, don’t. Hand the baton now to someone who really does want to be there for the product, not to get their gob on the telly.

Yes you are right. Many hardworking beauticians would love her job and salary so if she can’t be bothered to be professional then she should resign and let someone else do it. Remember that Michaela (was her name?) from Yankee Candles had a hissy fit on a show with Dale and was never seen on screen again. Rosa is much better anyway as I believe is Grace from Elemis. She is so nice and keen to be clear and helpful to viewers which is what the job is about isn’t it?
Yes you are right. Many hardworking beauticians would love her job and salary so if she can’t be bothered to be professional then she should resign and let someone else do it. Remember that Michaela (was her name?) from Yankee Candles had a hissy fit on a show with Dale and was never seen on screen again. Rosa is much better anyway as I believe is Grace from Elemis. She is so nice and keen to be clear and helpful to viewers which is what the job is about isn’t it?

Why don't presenters understand that it's the same as selling in real life. We'd walk away from a shop assistant giving us attitude. Probably complain to the manager, and if not satisfied never darken the door of that shop again.

Maybe she thinks she can get away with it after witnessing the horrible attitude on air of Andi Peters? QVC should put a stop to his antics as well. He seems to have two modes: sneering and rude... And clearly others are likely to follow suit!
Yes you are right. Many hardworking beauticians would love her job and salary so if she can’t be bothered to be professional then she should resign and let someone else do it. Remember that Michaela (was her name?) from Yankee Candles had a hissy fit on a show with Dale and was never seen on screen again. Rosa is much better anyway as I believe is Grace from Elemis. She is so nice and keen to be clear and helpful to viewers which is what the job is about isn’t it?

I always wondered what happened to Michaela. Any time I saw her, she was smiley and pleasant. I would have loved to have seen said hissy-fit, and Dale's reaction!

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