Kathy Taylor I lOVE You


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:mysmilie_61: I'm a 'real' size 10 too, but must admit it annoys me intensely when you hear on some shows, women who are 14-16 being referred to as the 'outsize' model!!
:mysmilie_61: I'm a 'real' size 10 too, but must admit it annoys me intensely when you hear on some shows, women who are 14-16 being referred to as the 'outsize' model!!

Or even worse, when certain presenters refer to one particular model as "a larger model" !!! :mysmilie_73:

P xx
I think Kathy looks far better than both of of them. She will be 48 this year and that's about the same age as Keenan isn't it(?) but imho Kathy looks at least 10 years younger than her. AK and JF are both too skinny and neither are ageing well in the wrinkle department.

Ali K, Kathy and Ann Dawson will all be 50 this year, Ali K mentioned this in her blog. Think Ali and Kathy both look good for their age, not sure the same can be said for the other one though!!:mysmilie_17:
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I don't mind what size a presenter is but I like them to present the product without muttering, hesitating and going right round the houses before making their point. Unfortunately Kathy seems unable to do this and I find it difficult to watch her. I'm sure she's a lovely person, but most of us wouldn't have a job just because we are nice people if we were carp.
TBH, dress size means nothing to me, as in, I don't care what it says on the ticket as long as I look good in it. When I say I want to drop from the 14-16 I am now and become a 12-14, it's just a way of explaining it in a way that everyone can relate to. "Real" people come in all shapes and sizes. My best friend here is a size 10 but very overweight. However, she is tall and carries the weight evenly distributed all over instead of round the middle like me, hence she can wear much smaller sizes.
TBH, dress size means nothing to me, as in, I don't care what it says on the ticket as long as I look good in it. When I say I want to drop from the 14-16 I am now and become a 12-14, it's just a way of explaining it in a way that everyone can relate to. "Real" people come in all shapes and sizes. My best friend here is a size 10 but very overweight. However, she is tall and carries the weight evenly distributed all over instead of round the middle like me, hence she can wear much smaller sizes.

Exactly my point. Kathy is not the only 'real' person on QVC.
I don't mind what size a presenter is but I like them to present the product without muttering, hesitating and going right round the houses before making their point. Unfortunately Kathy seems unable to do this and I find it difficult to watch her. I'm sure she's a lovely person, but most of us wouldn't have a job just because we are nice people if we were carp.

:mysmilie_82:I agree with you there, Boris Bear. Her bumbling drives me spare - so I turn off, as I do when either the Frank or the Fishwife comes on.

I have no idea if, in 'real life', Kathy is a lovely person or not, but, in my opinion,she can come across as rather smug.
I wish I were slim; never skinny.

Merely a turn of phrase. I know what you mean, I'd hate to be skinny. One of my daughters has legs like two bits of cotton, she'd love to be slim as opposed to skinny but she's just not made that way. Having said that, she's 40 and looks about 17. Thankfully, there's is no danger of me becoming like that as I'm not destined to be really thin, being short with a substantial chest...:mysmilie_61:
Merely a turn of phrase. I know what you mean, I'd hate to be skinny. One of my daughters has legs like two bits of cotton, she'd love to be slim as opposed to skinny but she's just not made that way. Having said that, she's 40 and looks about 17. Thankfully, there's is no danger of me becoming like that as I'm not destined to be really thin, being short with a substantial chest...:mysmilie_61:

Your piccies speak the truth, Artemis. You are just gorgeous; I can't believe you have daughter(s) older than me. :mysmilie_1810:
"Um, ah, well, um, erm, and this is in the small, or rather, large, and would look really oops wonderful on a petite, that is, a tall, person, and I think this colour, blue, or is it red, what? oh, yes, so it is, black, would suit someone with a whoops, oh, the hanger's fallen, and could look really smart with a er um well, belt, or perhaps with a sort of um, oops, oh, is that broken? erm, as you can um ah see, this comes with the cami, oh, doesn't it? erm, ah, and the item number is 236, um, oh no, that was for the reddish skirt, what? oh, was it green? And this orange dress, or rather, vest, would be ideal when whoops worn with the yellow cardigan we saw earlier, now only available in the cerise, um, ahh, yes, it does, doesn't it, whoops, er, erm, and as you said earlier, Michelle, I mean, Lenny, anyone could wear ooops this, particularly someone tallish, well, smallish, well, very petite-ish really, um and now we move onto the skirt, no, dress, no, it's ah, oh, so it is, coat, item number, 146, oops, has it? ah, yes, um, er, whoops..."
I just can't enthuse about Kathy. I'm sure she's nice enough, but I don't think she is a great presenter, or someone I can watch for more then 10 minutes, just as well really!

As for the size issue, I think what peeps mean by "real" is that larger size women make a refreshing change from the constant bombardment on our TVs and magazines of super skinny women. Therefore someone of Kathy's size goes a small way towards creating a balance.

I myself am a size 12, and could do with toning up some of the flab. I have been size 14 and felt O.K, and a size 16 and not felt so great. In my Uni days I was a large boned, too skinny size 10, and did not look good at all. For me, a 12 is just right. It's not too hard to maintain, and I still eat what I like, so am happy.

I know some really glamourous larger women, who have a great personality, wear their clothes really well and look fab - and they exude confidence and happiness. Similarly, I know a couple of women who are super skinny minnies, and look fab. What I hate to see is a woman who is unhappy with herself, and constantly on one awful diet or another. They're called DIE-ts for a reason.
"Um, ah, well, um, erm, and this is in the small, or rather, large, and would look really oops wonderful on a petite, that is, a tall, person, and I think this colour, blue, or is it red, what? oh, yes, so it is, black, would suit someone with a whoops, oh, the hanger's fallen, and could look really smart with a er um well, belt, or perhaps with a sort of um, oops, oh, is that broken? erm, as you can um ah see, this comes with the cami, oh, doesn't it? erm, ah, and the item number is 236, um, oh no, that was for the reddish skirt, what? oh, was it green? And this orange dress, or rather, vest, would be ideal when whoops worn with the yellow cardigan we saw earlier, now only available in the cerise, um, ahh, yes, it does, doesn't it, whoops, er, erm, and as you said earlier, Michelle, I mean, Lenny, anyone could wear ooops this, particularly someone tallish, well, smallish, well, very petite-ish really, um and now we move onto the skirt, no, dress, no, it's ah, oh, so it is, coat, item number, 146, oops, has it? ah, yes, um, er, whoops..."

What???,no Murky Mudflaps option???

Will NEVER recover from that.:mysmilie_61:
I'm right out of the Murky Mudflaps option, but I could do you a little something in Placid Placenta...

No thanks,unfortunately you raised the bar too high,you peaked too soon,no colour can ever supercede Murky Mudflaps,what I'm saying is,there is NO other colour!:mysmilie_701:

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