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APRIL FOOL!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa :clapping::hi:

Tomorrow is 1st April – April Fools day. Whatever its origins, today it’s simply a great excuse to play some pranks on your workmates! Here are some top ideas for some April Fools Day office pranks:

Get to work before your colleagues and turn their desktop display upside down through the display settings
If your colleague likes to store files on their desktop, create a new folder called “Trash” and move all of their desktop icons to it
If your work stations are close together, unplug their mouse and plug your mouse into their computer. When they start up their computer and try to move their mouse cursor, move your mouse around instead. Try to keep a straight face!
Change a colleague’s desktop wallpaper to a random image like this one.
Take a screenshot of your colleague’s computer desktop, set this image as the background and then move all of their desktop icons to a folder elsewhere. The image of those icons will still appear on their screen but they will be unable to click them
If you have a particularly gullible workmate, distribute a memo to all the office staff saying that tomorrow is a fun “dress-up” day where everyone must dress as their favourite cartoon character. Then tell all but one of your workmates to ignore the memo
Take your colleague’s stapler home with you tonight and put it inside a jelly mould. Return to work tomorrow early and carefully place the jelly (with stapler inside) back in their drawer (Credit to “The Office” for this one!)
Big companies like Google also often join in with April Fools day pranks. Check out past Google hoaxes.

Whatever you do this April Fools day, make sure that you un-do it before mid-day otherwise, traditionally, the joke’s on you!

It's called april fools DAY not April fools MORNING

This 12o'clock thing doesn't exist where I come from so the jokes on you!

Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Now now, play nicely
Tomorrow is 1st April – April Fools day. Whatever its origins, today it’s simply a great excuse to play some pranks on your workmates! Here are some top ideas for some April Fools Day office pranks:

Get to work before your colleagues and turn their desktop display upside down through the display settings
If your colleague likes to store files on their desktop, create a new folder called “Trash” and move all of their desktop icons to it
If your work stations are close together, unplug their mouse and plug your mouse into their computer. When they start up their computer and try to move their mouse cursor, move your mouse around instead. Try to keep a straight face!
Change a colleague’s desktop wallpaper to a random image like this one.
Take a screenshot of your colleague’s computer desktop, set this image as the background and then move all of their desktop icons to a folder elsewhere. The image of those icons will still appear on their screen but they will be unable to click them
If you have a particularly gullible workmate, distribute a memo to all the office staff saying that tomorrow is a fun “dress-up” day where everyone must dress as their favourite cartoon character. Then tell all but one of your workmates to ignore the memo
Take your colleague’s stapler home with you tonight and put it inside a jelly mould. Return to work tomorrow early and carefully place the jelly (with stapler inside) back in their drawer (Credit to “The Office” for this one!)
Big companies like Google also often join in with April Fools day pranks. Check out past Google hoaxes.

Whatever you do this April Fools day, make sure that you un-do it before mid-day otherwise, traditionally, the joke’s on you!


One of the best I was party to years ago, was putting cling film across the toilet in the gents - the squeals and blue language eminating from their ablutions was a delight to the ears !!!!

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