Just how good are chiropractors?


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alter ego

Registered Shopper
Jul 6, 2008
I'm seriously considering seeing one but it'll be a big outlay for me that I'd like to be sure of before parting with money I can't really afford.

I'm having problems with back spasms. I've had them since I was 25 (just before I found out I have Transverse Myelitis). The last one started on August 1st this year and lasted three horribly painful weeks. They used to last about a week with diazepam but now GPs won't prescribe them for me.

Now I'm having another. I moved a few centimetres nearly three weeks ago and while the severe pain on any movement has gone, I'm still in a LOT of pain and can't move/get up or down/go to loo/shower without help.

I was seeing a specialist physio through the NHS but she could only suggest exercises which I've found difficult but they seemed to keep them at bay for 18 months until the spasm in the summer. I was so disappointed as I really believed they'd keep me pain free. My physio has now finished and there's been no one to fill her place which leaves me having to go private.

Has anyone had experiences with a chiro? Are they worth the money? I've had three people recommend the same one to me so will try him if I have to.

The other complication I have is I used to see a female osteo (also now retired plus my partner was working then so we could just about afford her). I'm still seeing a NHS counsellor due to stuff that happened to me as a child/teen - important as I don't trust men. How much will I have to get undressed for a mid back problem?


ETA This probably shouldn't have been posted in Angry but I'm really pissed off that I've had another bloody spasm yet can't get medication from my GP!
I'm seriously considering seeing one but it'll be a big outlay for me that I'd like to be sure of before parting with money I can't really afford.

I'm having problems with back spasms. I've had them since I was 25 (just before I found out I have Transverse Myelitis). The last one started on August 1st this year and lasted three horribly painful weeks. They used to last about a week with diazepam but now GPs won't prescribe them for me.

Now I'm having another. I moved a few centimetres nearly three weeks ago and while the severe pain on any movement has gone, I'm still in a LOT of pain and can't move/get up or down/go to loo/shower without help.

I was seeing a specialist physio through the NHS but she could only suggest exercises which I've found difficult but they seemed to keep them at bay for 18 months until the spasm in the summer. I was so disappointed as I really believed they'd keep me pain free. My physio has now finished and there's been no one to fill her place which leaves me having to go private.

Has anyone had experiences with a chiro? Are they worth the money? I've had three people recommend the same one to me so will try him if I have to.

The other complication I have is I used to see a female osteo (also now retired plus my partner was working then so we could just about afford her). I'm still seeing a NHS counsellor due to stuff that happened to me as a child/teen - important as I don't trust men. How much will I have to get undressed for a mid back problem?


ETA This probably shouldn't have been posted in Angry but I'm really pissed off that I've had another bloody spasm yet can't get medication from my GP!

Alter Ego, I see a chiropractor regularly. Treatments, after the initial one, is normally about 10-15 minutes. You will be fully dressed for most treatments. I make sure I'm wearing trousers with some stretch in them and a top that doesn't part company with your trousers....actually a Kim & Co jumpsuit would be ideal clothing! With some types of chiro, you may be asked to change into a surgical gown, so your modesty is preserved.

Some adjustments are done front to front with your chiro, while you are laying down. In different chiropractic disciplines there are different methods of making adjustments. But some, like the one I go to, use their bodies extensively to make the adjustments. You need to find out as much as you can about how the treatment will be carried out by the chiro you will be seeing. A lot depends on where people were trained, and the chiro discipline. I've been treated by people trained in Canada, Spain and UK.

Many clinics will also offer free spinal care classes. Your chiro can also recommend exercises to help.

One exercise which might help with the back spasms would be to get down on all fors, with your legs parallel to each other, your knees under your hips, and your arms straight with your wrists below your shoulders. That should make you quite stable. Lift and straighten each leg alternately, but don't let your foot rise higher than your hips. Repeat up to a maximum of 20 times on each side slowly. Only do as many as your body can tolerate. Only do it 3-4 times a week. If initially you can only do one, that's ok.
The exercise I describe is for your multifidus muscles. The are tiny stabilizer muscles which protect your spine. I learned it from a book written by a physiotherapist.
I'm sorry that you're having such a difficult time with your health alter ego. I've always seen chiropractors as too alternative, only know of one person who consulted one & she wasn't impressed. I've currently got a stiff neck, left side, that limits how far I can turn my head, I also get migraines & neck pain headaches. I'm considering cranial osteopathy because it releases tension throughout the body & treats neck & back pain in adults. Regarding how far you'd have to undress would be something for you to discuss with the practitioner. However, as you'd be undergoing manipulation I'd have thought that could be done over light clothing - camisole, t shirt, leggings, cotton trousers etc. Anyone who wanted fewer items worn would see the back of my coat as I walked out!
I used to see a chiropractor for lumbar disc problems. She would have me undressed down to underwear and wearing a hospital type gown open at the back for every session. There was a lot of firm pressure massage of bare buttocks involved in my case, as that’s where the spasms occurred for me. I would wear my big pants, and she would roll them right down, so humiliating! I found it quite painful and embarrassing. I would say I would NOT have been at all comfortable with a male therapist performing this work on me. I also found it very expensive, about £40 a session and sometimes she wanted to see me weekly if things were bad. I also went to the same therapist for Pilates in a small group. I found that helped me more.
However, my back problems only disappeared when I managed to lose four stones in weight.
I too see a Chiropractor regularly these days, I am seen clothed as already said and agree about wearing stretchy trousers. My clinic has a notice up that you can ask for a Chaperone if you would prefer.
I would say stick with physio for now and if it doesn’t work then tell your GP that you demand something else, and remember you can always request a woman and I don’t blame you. I was lucky I had a woman stenographer when I was having an ultrasound on my shoulder because when she called my name and we were walking to the room I told her I had a baggy t-shirt on so she can roll the sleeve up, she then told me to take my top off and slip my arm through the bra strap (good job I anticipated this and it was a new bra) we were alone in that room. I said to the husband who was waiting outside, just how awkward and embarrassing that would’ve been if it was a fella because you feel like you couldn’t refuse because they’re that busy, but remember you can. Hope you feel better soon, I know how it feels to have one thing wrong with you after another xxx
I would say stick with physio for now and if it doesn’t work then tell your GP that you demand something else, and remember you can always request a woman and I don’t blame you. I was lucky I had a woman stenographer when I was having an ultrasound on my shoulder because when she called my name and we were walking to the room I told her I had a baggy t-shirt on so she can roll the sleeve up, she then told me to take my top off and slip my arm through the bra strap (good job I anticipated this and it was a new bra) we were alone in that room. I said to the husband who was waiting outside, just how awkward and embarrassing that would’ve been if it was a fella because you feel like you couldn’t refuse because they’re that busy, but remember you can. Hope you feel better soon, I know how it feels to have one thing wrong with you after another xxx

Most places now have signs up saying you can have a Chaperone.
Most places now have signs up saying you can have a Chaperone.

Yes I’m aware you can ask for one, but even so if the stenographer was a man and the chaperone was a woman, having two people see you in your bra doesn’t make the embarrassment any easier (my chaperone would always be the husband) I wouldn’t ask for a chaperone if I found out that second that the stenographer was a man, one/ there’d be no time and two/ I wouldn’t want him to feel offended that he couldn’t be trusted, so I’d just get on with it and suffer the embarrassment for a few minutes (that’s all the ultrasound took) I wasn’t asked did I want a chaperone and it wasn’t stated at the appointment, but yes I know you can request one in advance, other women (or men) mightn’t know.
Are you sure the stenographer didn't just want an eyeful, because - - -

A stenographer, or court reporter, works in the courtroom and transcribes spoken words by typing them into a steno machine, a kind of shorthand typewriter. Fast and accurate typing skills are vital for a stenographer job. Stenographers have to be licensed and certified in addition to passing a special exam.

Or else is - - - a person whose job is to transcribe speech in shorthand.
I used to go to McTimoney Chiropractic and British school i love both, but for remobilising I found McTimoney had the edge in the end. It is worth looking to see if you are near one of the training schools as the students are well supervised and will tend to be very motivated to help you. The bonus is it is around half the price!!!

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