Being just a couple of years younger than JR, I would just like to point out that not all women 'of a certain age' are barrel-like from under the bust down, nor do we all have crappy hair!
I still have a waist, being small-busted they are still 'perky' :cheeky: and I have very thick,shiny shoulder length hair in very good condition. (hair-flip!) I lost a fair bit when I had cancer but it seems to have grown back thicker, if anything.
Sometimes, when I read thses threads, I feel as though I have no right to leave my house because of the negative stereotypes people put on here about menopausal women! There is noone more critical of women than women, lol!
*whispers* yes Julia gets on my nerves with her constant talk of wearing a size small, and I agree that the Max Wall look really only suits the very young.