Yes I agree about the state of one's skin as we age. I've never been particularly 'toned', but my skin has always been smooth. Hitting 70 this year, I've noticed in the past 18 months the 'crepiness' that you hear about in, ahem, the more mature of ladies, and I was SHOCKED to the core. There it was, like some creeping lurgy taking over my body.
I first caught sight of it one morning in bed, when I happened to raise my arm up in the air (don't ask why), and small saggy lines in my forearm caught my eye, sadly no amount of furiously rubbed in body cream does any good. A few months later came another revelation. Always the owner of a good and firm bust (result of always sleeping in a bra) I became aware of a 'loose' upper bust - starting to look like a deflated balloon ..... aaaaaaagh! and then a touch of fright night - it hit the décolletage at certain times when I'm all 'bunched' up.
This along with all the skin tags that are like dots I could join up, is a sad indication that youth has gone, and why didn't I ever appreciate my skin when I was 20/30/40 years younger. Ah well, I shall just be content that I am at least still here and breathing !!!