Julia Roberts


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Oh my! JR looks dirty like she's been rolling in the mud… I guess thats why she's plastered so much red blush on her cheeks so as it shows up against the caked on brown muck. Reminds me of an old song - something about someone left the cake out in the rain. Talking of dirty the LG Hawian Glow compact Sarah is using on the poor model looks like it was excavated from the tomb of Tutankhamun it must have been used on many hundreds of faces and the unfortunate model is now getting coated in the sloppy leftovers. I do hope she didn't have another modelling job the next day because I'm sure her face must have been break out city:mysmilie_493:
I just had to add to my post - I just watched the video again, please look out for the moment near the beginning when Sarah first reveals the revolting looking decrepit compact. The model looks down in disgust and shock and the gives Sarah the side eye with a look that says "b*&ch you ain't going to put that on my face!" Its priceless
Oh my! JR looks dirty like she's been rolling in the mud… I guess thats why she's plastered so much red blush on her cheeks so as it shows up against the caked on brown muck. Reminds me of an old song - something about someone left the cake out in the rain. Talking of dirty the LG Hawian Glow compact Sarah is using on the poor model looks like it was excavated from the tomb of Tutankhamun it must have been used on many hundreds of faces and the unfortunate model is now getting coated in the sloppy leftovers. I do hope she didn't have another modelling job the next day because I'm sure her face must have been break out city:mysmilie_493:

It was MacArthur Park, sung (??) by Richard Harris .
I caught a bit of JR doing a body blade demo last night. OMG she was terrible looking. Passing over the bloated ness (up like a balloon) which people will put down to her medication - she was a really dirty brown, was wearing a sarong thingy over skimpy Lycra with her hair in a pony tail (roots and all). She was either heavy handed with the shimmer or she was sweating like a pig.

Apart from the "small" debacle she usually is well turned out but this was easily the worst I have ever seen her.
I caught a bit of JR doing a body blade demo last night. OMG she was terrible looking. Passing over the bloated ness (up like a balloon) which people will put down to her medication - she was a really dirty brown, was wearing a sarong thingy over skimpy Lycra with her hair in a pony tail (roots and all). She was either heavy handed with the shimmer or she was sweating like a pig.

Apart from the "small" debacle she usually is well turned out but this was easily the worst I have ever seen her.

AWW! Poor Julia..........I think it's down to her age rather than her medication. She has over done the tanning though. I think she looks much better with a lighter tan
I've been trying the M&S tan oil. I am totally useless at fake tan but I found this very easy to use. TBH I would be lying if I said it had no smell but it wasn't too bad. It is supposed to last 3 days but I found it lasted most of the week.

There is a facial oil as well and I thought that was pretty good.

However I'm no expert and don't really enjoy the faffing about.
It's been quiet here lately, but Julia hasn't been much on the screen. Her tan looks more natural again, which is good. I can't deny that - every time I see her - I keep thinking that her tummy has become bigger and bigger. I really wonder how much she has put on the last year. Must be quiet a bit or a size at least.
I hope whatever the reason for JR's tummy seeming bigger isn't because of health issues and just unfortunate outfit choices. I imagine that if we met her in the flesh we would be shocked at how dainty she is. Cameras, age and ill health can be very cruel. The perception of JR's size would be massively improved by her wearing outfits together that don't cling faithfully to every lump and bump.

Same is true for all of us. Fitted? By all means. Clingy? Definitely not unless you have a model thin proportion. That said, I have total admiration for the body confidence of people who do their own thing, but that's not JR. She is very self conscious and aware when she looks awful, from my observations.

Julia, you are an attractive lady who has finally succumbed to middle age spread. Congratulations on keeping it at bay as long as you did, but now is the time to forget the dress size in the label and pick the outfit on the basis that it looks and feels just slightly looser. Please.
I think the big boobs add to the fact her stomach looks bigger, I've got no problem with her squashing her ample sized cleavage in to clothes two sizes too small for her, it's her sarcasm and put downs to other guests which is the reason I don't like her, her tongue is that sharp she could cut through Diamonbleek with it.
shopperholic, I agree that her tummy probably looks bigger cause of her boobs. Also her arms, legs are very skinny, which would make the tiniest tummy look even bigger than it is. But I do believe she is bigger now than during her pilates videos. Lovely lady tho! And if we would meet her in the flesh we probably would be shocked of her small size indeed. I wonder what size she is, height and weight actually.
I obviously don't know her personally but I can only comment on what she wants the viewing public to see, well I say viewing, if twenty seconds is classed as viewing. :mysmilie_17:
she's more than likely tiny in real life. i see quite a few models and met some of the presenters at the beauty bash. and they all look far far better in real life. the models that are super thin still look slim but a lot taller. alison keenan is a case in point. very very tiny but she's that thin she does not look that much bigger in real life if at all. alison young is minuscule and i afraid to say this so is debbie flint :mysmilie_11:
I hope whatever the reason for JR's tummy seeming bigger isn't because of health issues and just unfortunate outfit choices. I imagine that if we met her in the flesh we would be shocked at how dainty she is. Cameras, age and ill health can be very cruel. The perception of JR's size would be massively improved by her wearing outfits together that don't cling faithfully to every lump and bump.

Same is true for all of us. Fitted? By all means. Clingy? Definitely not unless you have a model thin proportion. That said, I have total admiration for the body confidence of people who do their own thing, but that's not JR. She is very self conscious and aware when she looks awful, from my observations.

Julia, you are an attractive lady who has finally succumbed to middle age spread. Congratulations on keeping it at bay as long as you did, but now is the time to forget the dress size in the label and pick the outfit on the basis that it looks and feels just slightly looser. Please.

I know, that the presenters 'have to' wear what is currently being 'flogged', but some like CE/JF amongst others never seem to wear 'naturally', it is as if the clothes are wearing them when really it should be the other way round. The only people who seem to be able to carry most off are KT/AD/JH who seem to know their own style and can reflect that in their clothe choices, whether that be from Q (which 'on air' it probably has to be), or not. No, CE in a dress is NOT a good luck, neither is DF come to that!

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