I'm 36 and a large 14.In coats and some shirts I buy a 16.I do identify with JR shape - as I think I'm quite similiar with my tummy being my biggest area and IMO,smaller legs and arms.The difference is I'm 5 7 whilst I'm led to believe she is shorter.
Now this is the bit I don't get.I'm not *ashamed* of my weight.I tell everyone what my size is - despite my SIL getting some enjoyment from it

but I am what I am.Yes there are times and occassions I'd like to be smaller - I used to be - but hey,this is me today.
JR strikes me as a confident self assured woman.But is she? Why is she so insecure about this part of her life? Why is she so worried about "letting on" about her dress size?
I sometimes think if you were once very slim and very attractive,it must be hard to accept this has changed.From pics I've seen of JR and early clips of her on youtube - theres no denying she was very trim and very attractive - and maybe she just can't see/accept that times have changed.
My smallest i've ever been was a 12 - before I had children -and felt really great about my size.These days i'd love to buy a 14 and it fit really well and be slightly too big

but everyone I know and work with are quite honest about their shape and size - and I can't help but feel its because we're confident with who we are.........feel a bit sorry for JR if she can't feel that herself