Julia i love you but....


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Oh Brissles, before you even mentioned the Daily Mail article I knew you read it. How about thinking outside the box and not yearning for some magical past of happy families and legitmate children that never exisited.

Young girls getting pregnant to get council houses. Do you know what a tabloid lie that is? Do you think every marriage is happy and results in happy children? I suggest you get your head out the tabloid press and look around at the real world. I am illegitmate (which I am proud of) and i did things the 'right' way and married and then had children, didn't stop my husband leaving us. Marriage means nothing.
I like the talk of William and Katherine: his parents were the poster children for marriage, weren't they?

His mother had a string of lovers and his father had a mistress that he refused point blank to give up. I'm sure that made for a very loving home to grow up in.

My elder siblings are legitimate. I'm not. However, I'm the only one with a degree and the only one who has gotten somewhere in life on his own merits.

So, does that make my mother a ****, or make me in any way "lesser" than my siblings?

And anyway, if either Charles Darwin or the Bible is correct we're all the products of illegitemate unions: as marriage is a human invention our less-evolved forebears didn't marry to have offspring, and I don't remember reading anywhere in the Bible that Adam and Eve got married. God was MORE than happy for them to frolic naked in the Garden of Eden without having a certificate and ceremony first :nod:
Where's the "off topic" icon when you need it?...'cause I agree....what the hell has Julia's marital status go to do with the way she dresses herself? I'm no big fan, but FFS to suggest that she lacks respect for her (adult) children because she regularly mentions that she's never married (A comment I find far more offensive than her toeposts!)....she's still with her partner, is she not? Which sure is something in this day and age! Good for you Julia - stick yer manky feet up at anyone who disagrees lol!
Gosh, did'nt realise there were so many marriage haters out there. I wonder how many refuse a wedding invitation because they dont agree with it !
Gosh, did'nt realise there were so many marriage haters out there. I wonder how many refuse a wedding invitation because they dont agree with it !

Don't think anyone said they "hated" it. For what ever reason a couple decide upon marriage, or not to marry is their business..not up to me or others to comment. Refusing a wedding invite, no I probably wouldn't, if that person's been kind enough to invite me, they obviously want me there so I'll go......and yes dare I say it enjoy the "pi$$" up too!
Gosh, did'nt realise there were so many marriage haters out there. I wonder how many refuse a wedding invitation because they dont agree with it !

Marriage does nowt for me. Because as a gay man it's only recently that I have been able to legally get married if I wanted to (unless I wanted to marry a woman for some reason! :taphead: ).

But I have attended family and friends' weddings. I was best man at my brother's first wedding. Why? Because it was THEIR day, and regardless of how I feel about it, they felt that getting married was right for them and I was flattered that they wanted me to be part of that.

Just because marriage may not be right for me doesn't mean I don't think those who do want to marry shouldn't have the right to do so.
Well Julia is currrently on air with Smashbox and she looks dreadful and the dress she is wearing does nothing for her, well apart from making her stomach look massive. I do wish she would put her arms away!!!
Gosh, did'nt realise there were so many marriage haters out there. I wonder how many refuse a wedding invitation because they dont agree with it !

Why does supporting someone's right to make their own choices make anyone a marriage hater? I have been married for 32 years and my 3 children were all born after I was married but I don't feel that I have any superior moral high ground, or that the children of parents who are married are somehow of more value because they are 'legitimate'. The law did away with the idea of illegitimacy, in terms of legal rights of a child, a long time ago to give all children of the same parent equal rights, so it actually means nothing. What matters to me is the love and commitment from parents to each other and their children, and we all know that marriage is no guarantee of that. Julia and her partner have been together for over 30 years and have raised their children together so have every reason to be proud of themselves and their relationship.
I don't care for Julia personally, but if I were her son or daughter, I'd be thrilled that my parents cared enough to stay with each other all those years, married or not. A close and loving family is what a child needs.
People who say that marriage is unimportant to them are certainly not being hypocritical when they attend the weddings of others.If it is important to the friends or family that they marry, then their guests would respect that, it's a bit dramatic to say that not choosing to marry, makes one a marriage hater.
There are many,many children born within wedlock who are passed off as the husband's child too so the argument that they might fall in love with a blood relation without realising it, hardly holds water.
I didn't want to marry Mr. Artemis as I had been married before and the blessed sanctity of the marriage vows hadn't stopped my husband running off with someone else. He persuaded me, as it was important to him, and I am pleased that he did but we havn't stayed together for 25 years because we have a marriage certificate.
As someone else pointed out, marriage is a fairly modern institution and is all bound up with property and inheritance when the legitimacy of heirs was important. These days, it hardly matters.
Oh Brissles, before you even mentioned the Daily Mail article I knew you read it. How about thinking outside the box and not yearning for some magical past of happy families and legitmate children that never exisited.

Young girls getting pregnant to get council houses. Do you know what a tabloid lie that is? Do you think every marriage is happy and results in happy children? I suggest you get your head out the tabloid press and look around at the real world. I am illegitmate (which I am proud of) and i did things the 'right' way and married and then had children, didn't stop my husband leaving us. Marriage means nothing.

It means the absolute world to a lot of people!
I thinks its great that JR has been with the same man for all these years married or not. I personally would not like to be unmarried, certainly for all that amount of years but each to their own. My marriage is very important to me & I have been very lucky as coming up to 36 years this year & they have been happy.

I agree that as long as children are in a stable loving enviroment thats all that matters. However I don't think my kids would be very happy if at my age I was dressed like JR is this morning.

There is a saying & it starts with mutton. But at least the toeposts are missing:mysmilie_378:
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I can understand and respect peoples reluctance to get married. However, some people don't realise until it's too late, that "common law" marriage isn't recognised by law in this country. So when the inevitable happens to one partner, there are circumstances where homes can be lost due to Inheritance Tax laws. This is what has always surprised me about someone like JR who obviously has quite substantial property and assets in common with her partner.
Gosh, did'nt realise there were so many marriage haters out there. I wonder how many refuse a wedding invitation because they dont agree with it !

Well, one could say, why bother with marriage at all ? lets do away with it, as obviously it serves no useful purpose whatsover ! Attitudes have changed radically over the past few decades, so it makes one wonder why William and Katherine bothered with all that fuss when they could have bred offspring without the formalities. The idea in the first place was to create new life and have "family units" within that relationship. Now its a free for all society, ingrained too far and too deep now to change. Single girls having children in order to gain housing accommodation - that always promotes an outcry.

And a lesser known fact of this free for all, is where a young couple meet at a disco, fall in lust/love, then discover they are related by having the same father ! Incredible - no TRUE, my job in social welfare before I retired, uncovered literally dozens of these relationships which gave untold heartbreak for all concerned. Agreed marriage has little to do with this state of affairs, but is an indication of how far this country has slipped in moral fortitude.

moral fortitude means the exact opposite of what you are trying to say, I think you are meant to say moral turpitude.

Also can not be bothered to argue with the rhetoric from the Daily Mail, others have done that.

As far as marriage haters: usual narrow argument meant to shut people up. I am very happily married, thank you, and think its an enviable state: if you are happy, but not a reason to stay together if you are not.
However, I would not expect anyone to do what I do unless they wish to, and also agree with all the people who argue that a certificate is not a guarantee for a happy marriage.
Wow if I had a pound for every time the toe posts, zip up leggings, stomach, scrappy hair, never a size small, look at me stuff is mentioned it would have been me picking up the equiv of the euro millions.

Love JR or hate her, this forum would be very quiet if she ever left.
Its very apparent she gives little clout to what people think, or she would have married the father of her kids and made them legitimate loooooooooong before now ! Would I like to see my mother on the box proclaiming she had NEVER been married, er NO I wouldn't, so, scant regard for her children's feelings either ! Call me old fashioned, well, yeah I am actually.................. I even like people to say please and thank you too !

My impression is that it is not her that doesn't want to get married. When she mentions it she alway sounds regretful/wistful to me and she wears what look very like a wedding and engagement ring, which both make me think she would actually like to be married and that it is her partner who doesn't. I actually feel a bit sorry for her if that is the case.
Further to the discussion about whether it's important as to whether it's important to be married if you're going to have children, I may be very wrong but I'm sure I've seen statistics that say that married relationships are more secure than "partnerships", if I can use that phrase.

If that's the case, then the chances of the kids ending up with their parents breaking up are lower in a marriage than if they are unmarried.

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