Julia I’m Just Not Interested!!!


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I feel for Julia and any other women of her age with medical problems, more than those with no medical problems that they have yet to know about. I'm really talking about women over 60. I'll be honest when I was 60 no-one ever took me for my true age, not because of my body, more because of my hair and skin. I don't have a nice body and I never did, but I do have good legs. I was always told my hair was my crowning glory because it was so thick and beautiful.

Well, I turned 70 in December and I am diabetic, I've had a return of Psoriasis that suddenly went away when I was 25 from about the age of 10. I get breakouts on my scalp and face for possibly a week at a time, then it clears and life goes back to normal till I'm hit with it perhaps 3 or 4 weeks later.

Julia dear, enjoy your skin and hair now because my 'crowning glory' is no more. My hair sheds like I've never known before. I'm told it's because this happens as women get older, and also because my immune system is down. I laugh when I listen to the lovely stuff coming from these presenters and quietly think to myself, 'your not going to be saying that one day'.

I hate my hair now, I had it cut, but my natural is for it to be long so I'm growing it again. And I also don't believe the look of the older presenters, they have to have their colour done just like me - so Julia does too.
I feel for Julia and any other women of her age with medical problems, more than those with no medical problems that they have yet to know about. I'm really talking about women over 60. I'll be honest when I was 60 no-one ever took me for my true age, not because of my body, more because of my hair and skin. I don't have a nice body and I never did, but I do have good legs. I was always told my hair was my crowning glory because it was so thick and beautiful.

Well, I turned 70 in December and I am diabetic, I've had a return of Psoriasis that suddenly went away when I was 25 from about the age of 10. I get breakouts on my scalp and face for possibly a week at a time, then it clears and life goes back to normal till I'm hit with it perhaps 3 or 4 weeks later.

Julia dear, enjoy your skin and hair now because my 'crowning glory' is no more. My hair sheds like I've never known before. I'm told it's because this happens as women get older, and also because my immune system is down. I laugh when I listen to the lovely stuff coming from these presenters and quietly think to myself, 'your not going to be saying that one day'.

I hate my hair now, I had it cut, but my natural is for it to be long so I'm growing it again. And I also don't believe the look of the older presenters, they have to have their colour done just like me - so Julia does too.

I'm sorry for what you're going through and hope you feel better soon. I'm 53 and could write a list of my ailments from A-Z, but we're commenting more on Julia Roberts bragging, and the fact she feels the need to be far superior to everyone else, for some reason she seems to want her life to be envied and that we all mustn't have a good one, which of course isn't true, her vanity is not an attractive look.
Since I started watching Q she must have moved house a trillion times many of which seemed to be rented.

Remember the house abroad (Spain was it?) does it still exist. God we were sickened with the MB in every room.

The house is Spain was sold a few years back. We had the ongoing story, I was waiting for it to turn up as a Sunday night drama. Nevermind Bodyguard, Julia selling her house in Spain.
I'm sorry for what you're going through and hope you feel better soon. I'm 53 and could write a list of my ailments from A-Z, but we're commenting more on Julia Roberts bragging, and the fact she feels the need to be far superior to everyone else, for some reason she seems to want her life to be envied and that we all mustn't have a good one, which of course isn't true, her vanity is not an attractive look.

I agree with shops, but I do hope you feel better soon. I know how hard it is when conditions mess with our looks, & rob us of confidence & self esteem. Yours (skin etc) will clear, just as it has before, & you are so much more than the sum of your looks I'm sure. Unfortunately, it seems that Julia the braggart is not.
My take on JR. She’s been with him indoors for 40 years had two kids. She’s been with Q from the start and has seen the explosion of technology. The way she’s bragging makes me wonder if she’s hankering after validation. She’s seen hundreds of nubile females, the presenters she’s worked with and guests/ambassadors, getting engaged then married then kids in that order. Does she feel she’s missed out on the oooohs and ahhhhhhs so much so that she’s thrusting her engagement ring forefront for attention when she should be showing off a beauty cream. Is Pinterest for wedding ideas the same in your 60’s as 20/30’s? Facebook uploads bombard with wedding pics and chat. Wonder if she’ll demand a colour code for guests. Saw an RSVP on Facebook the other day, if you don’t respond, bring a chair and a sandwich!
If someone gets engaged during a relatively new relationship I can understand the excitement in showing off rings no matter what your age. But after 40 plus years and several ring sets worn as wedding rings all this is daft IMO.

Obviously it’s just to enable them to have legal rights as a married couple
I agree with you. I believe that one of the new presenters, Kathryn Goldsmith, recently got engaged. I don’t recall her going on about it or showing off about her ring. QVC needs to take a long, hard look at some of their presenters since some of them are not good ambassadors for the company. Self promotion has taken over in some cases and it will cost them viewers because some are unwatchable bores.
Anyone else putting money on JR, Thursday, going to bragg up about her holidays while showing her tan and her holiday tummy? :mysmilie_11:
Just seen Alison K & she is on and off reading comments from her iPad is this instead of having a guest with them to talk to?Just wish she would ditch the thing.
Same person different subject, has she had fillers or something in her cheeks? Her eyes look deeper set & smaller as though they are overwhelmed by her cheeks.
Alison "rapid fire" Keenan thinks she's the only one who ever had an engagement ring bought for her, poor love. I only turned on QVC for two seconds and she managed to squeeze in that her "lovely husband" bought her a "lovely ring" but she has no problem wearing Diamonbleek.......phew! that's good to know AK, we can all breath a sigh of relief now knowing that you'd wear cut glass and silver.
Alison "rapid fire" Keenan thinks she's the only one who ever had an engagement ring bought for her, poor love. I only turned on QVC for two seconds and she managed to squeeze in that her "lovely husband" bought her a "lovely ring" but she has no problem wearing Diamonbleek.......phew! that's good to know AK, we can all breath a sigh of relief now knowing that you'd wear cut glass and silver.

Makes a change from her banging on bout her grand-daughter!
AK (AkA squirrel Nutkin) is no stranger to fillers.

The Squirrel Nutkin comment made me laugh! She's clearly had some work done to her visage, which would account for the Tova / Madonna cushion face setting in. Maybe she would benefit from some of those eyelid sellotape things to help make her eyes more prominent. Whatever she's had done she's still one of the best presenters by a mile.

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