JR & The Tweet That Went Horribly WRONG!!


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Oh really?? :wonder: I didn't hear that bit, how long after the original tweet did that one appear?? Sounds like a bit of damage limitation going on to me. :wink: How-ever I didn't watch the whole show because I already knew how to open and close a bag....and even put things in it!! :dull:

It was a second or two after. I think it was before Julia said "thanks for that" but it was definitely there. And it was towards the end of the hour if anyone is looking for the clip. I can't remember which bag it was though.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people take pleasure out of putting someone else down. Why would anyone take precious time out of their lives to write such a spiteful thing to someone who presumably hasn't ever harmed them!?
I guess The person who tweeted it must be one gorgeous babe ........................... or just plain jealous!
Anyone else remember the Luna comment? There didn't seem to me much concern over hurting anyone's feelings then.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people take pleasure out of putting someone else down. Why would anyone take precious time out of their lives to write such a spiteful thing to someone who presumably hasn't ever harmed them!?....


It seems to me that about half of the comments on this forum are derogatory remarks about the appearance of the presenters.

Eg "Wiggy Lee", "Ms Roberts, those leggings are....",
"JR - put weight on???", "Julia's Hair", "Does this picture inspire you to buy?" (about the model's appearance), "Looks like he needs a good wash", etc etc etc. All of these posts are very recent.
It was a second or two after. I think it was before Julia said "thanks for that" but it was definitely there. And it was towards the end of the hour if anyone is looking for the clip. I can't remember which bag it was though.
Well I must have gone temporarily deaf because I didn't hear it. It happened at approx 1.40 if anybody can find the vid online or can replay the show.

It seems to me that about half of the comments on this forum are derogatory remarks about the appearance of the presenters.

Eg "Wiggy Lee", "Ms Roberts, those leggings are....",
"JR - put weight on???", "Julia's Hair", "Does this picture inspire you to buy?" (about the model's appearance), "Looks like he needs a good wash", etc etc etc. All of these posts are very recent.

I agree, a lot of people on this forum get pleasure out of criticising the presenters and models' appearances. I recall asking the people in question on one thread to post a photo of themselves so we could all comment but so far no takers!
I agree, a lot of people on this forum get pleasure out of criticising the presenters and models' appearances. I recall asking the people in question on one thread to post a photo of themselves so we could all comment but so far no takers!

I can now add - - -

"I try so hard not to sound vindictive but really...... Carmel"
Saw this on the repeat this morning and felt very sorry for Julia. She took it very well and carried on regardless which I would never been able to do after such a horrid personal comment.
Maybe it will stop them using Twitter on air, it's such an instant thing and if a presenter is just reading them out without them being vetted it is surely asking for more of his sort in the future.

It seems to me that about half of the comments on this forum are derogatory remarks about the appearance of the presenters.

Eg "Wiggy Lee", "Ms Roberts, those leggings are....",
"JR - put weight on???", "Julia's Hair", "Does this picture inspire you to buy?" (about the model's appearance), "Looks like he needs a good wash", etc etc etc. All of these posts are very recent.

As I said ~ it never ceases to amaze me! Some comments are amusing and in some cases regarding mannerisms, annoyance factor, clothing etc quite apt, but some are just downright cruel and imo mentioning something so personal that can't be helped, falls way below the belt.
Referring to the post about Alison Young; now that would be appropriate. Being overbearing and rude is a character fault, and it can, like dressing badly, be changed. If Julia had surgery to remove what is a natural sign of ageing on some people, then this the forum would be on fire. You can remove a pair of leggings and throw them in the bin, unfortunately that can't be done with eye bags.
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I guess this person was out to hit as they sent the message twice - at 00.48 and again at 01.13.
I disagree Almerinda. If I was Miss Piggy and had the money to have the eye bags removed I'd go for it, and I would say the same for Gobby who has the same problem but not quite so pronounced. I'm sure they can both afford it. It's when people lie about not having procedures done the riot starts.
Poor Julia she can't do right for doing wrong it seems. She loses weight...it's too much. She has her hair cut...it's not enough. As for her favourite attire...beyond the pale. And now this very unpleasant tweet about her eye bags. Give the poor woman a break for goodness sake.
I caught the first few minutes of the launch and I thought JR's enthusiasm was almost childlike in a good way about twitter/tweeting, (I'm a bit like that when I get the hang of something new so I would think that) so for me the comment was even more cruel to Mimi. I admit to having almost no holds barred with insults when provoked but this was a pointless piece of nastiness. However if I get face to face with her I will burn her damn ears off for her repeated demands for Christian names. :headbang:

She did and usually does do the best job she can with products that are far from exciting, something it would do certain other presenters good to try.

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