John Barrowman's accent!


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Apr 19, 2012
I love John B..He's wasted being gay.
He does what I do with his accent!

I have almost no accent normally. My mum calls it my "solicitor voice". no idea what she means. However when she talks to me I become an instant northerner. I can't help it. It shocks people around me if I answer my mobile and its my mum.

John B just did exactly the same when on air with Anne Dawson. Love him even more.
He is originally from Scotland though isn't he, people who lose their accent when they move do seem to get it back when they return, so I suppose it's the same sort of effect. I know JB isn't popular with everyone here but I think he's great.
Yes I knew that- I am just glad I'm not the only one it happens to. And I am so used to him speaking with a Canadian accent.
Yes I knew that- I am just glad I'm not the only one it happens to. And I am so used to him speaking with a Canadian accent.
Some people pick up the accent of the person they are talking to even though it's not their own original accent, I wasn't sure whether that was what you meant :grin:
Well I was 14 when I was dragged down south from Bolton against my will. A horrible age to be uprooted from your home and your friends but I turned out ok in the end even though school was hard.

But Northern I am. I have never picked up random accents, though I know some people do.
My family moved to Scotland way back in 1964 - it wasn't long before my sister and I picked up the accent - but only at school/work - as soon as we entered our own front door in the evening we became Nottingham again.
I'm sorry to break the fan club up, I think he does that for attention! Lol there's not a bad difference between the accents is there?
Sorry cant stand him. i no a lot of people like him but as soon as i seem him i switch over :angry:
I like him, there seemed to be a lot of forced jolity on the anything goes shows, but he came on and brightened up the whole show without coming across as fake.

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