I've found the video now.
I strongly doubt their claim that it will heat up the large room they mentioned to 32 deg with a 500W heater.
And what is the use of setting the temperature on the dial when it is NOT thermostatically controlled?
Even Dale queried this a few times, it was obvious he didn't understand it, and the woman didn't even know what he was talking about. Ridiculous presentation.
I hope it works for you Jules, the reviews mention that the unit presses on the switch of the plug socket, turning it off when pushed home. If you have a socket or extension without a switch it shouldn't be a problem. I wonder whether American switches are like their light switches - "on" being the opposite direction to ours in the UK? Otherwise it's a silly design fault.
I agree about infomercials - I first got hooked watching a looping infomercial for a fruit de-hydrator in the early 90s...BUT WAIT! Love them!
I've got, at last count, 6 additional heaters and 4 other heated products!
Do they include a Dyson purple hairdryer?
What a cute little item! I have never seen anything like it. No cable! I was tempted except I have a number of heaters for if and when the heating isn't on or working! So I cannot justify this but it seems like a useful back up or supplement on the spring or autumn nights before you want to use the central heating but when it can just get a bit too chilly for comfort.
If it doesn't sit comfortably in the plug, presumably it would be OK on an adaptor.
If it's a lemon send it back, but there are a few satisfied customers so in some circumstances it works.