Jill is winding me up now.......😡😡


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Feb 4, 2015
Just watching Jill on the Nails Inc hour. Can’t believe how up her own arse she is Painting her nails with her favourite’Porchester Square’ she then went up to regale us with stories of how she rang her husband up at the supermarket and got him to read out the ingredients on the nail varnish remover before indignantly telling him that there was no way she was putting that on her nails- who that actual f**k di s she think she is ??
Hate her with a passion !!
Just watching Jill on the Nails Inc hour. Can’t believe how up her own arse she is Painting her nails with her favourite’Porchester Square’ she then went up to regale us with stories of how she rang her husband up at the supermarket and got him to read out the ingredients on the nail varnish remover before indignantly telling him that there was no way she was putting that on her nails- who that actual f**k di s she think she is ??
Hate her with a passion !!
Your not the only one only have to hear her voice and I switch off.
She’s one of the reasons, and there’s many, that I don’t even channel hop a fraction as much I used to. Her delusions of grandeur are off the scale, and yes she’s so far up her own arse she can check if there’s something stuck in her teeth from the back. She has this opinion of herself being a Californian Miss World, even someone you’d see off those American high school films aimed at teenagers, her attitude is really quite bemusing.
She needed to be married to my late husband for a fortnight - he'd soon tell her what to do with her nail varnish ! Telling isn't it, that she rings HIM up at the supermarket ! so that's something else she doesn't do then, lower herself to be seen amongst the baked beans and cereals. Well, thinking about it I suppose if he does all the cooking, cleaning and gardening, there's no reason for her to step inside one.

Her lifestyle is all very well now, but I've seen so many ladies who don't 'do', that when bereaved or left alone, they haven't the bloody foggiest how to operate, because the old man has done literally everything for them. Find out how to load the washer Jill and how to make a bit of toast, you might need both functions in years to come.
Just watching Jill on the Nails Inc hour. Can’t believe how up her own arse she is Painting her nails with her favourite’Porchester Square’ she then went up to regale us with stories of how she rang her husband up at the supermarket and got him to read out the ingredients on the nail varnish remover before indignantly telling him that there was no way she was putting that on her nails- who that actual f**k di s she think she is ??
Hate her with a passion !!

She was truly awful during that show. Despite being a huge Nails Inc fan and living in Porchester Square she didn't know to take the lid off the top, guest made a point of saying it pulls off easily!!!
I remember on a show (not a nail show as I don’t watch beauty) where she said she had a different nail colour on and after a very short time HAD to have it removed as she was having palpitations.

Removed from her arse more like. As Judge Judy (my hero) says, beauty fades, dumb lasts forever. surely to god the unicorn girly affectation has worn off for Larry by now, she is a grown woman in her 50’s for gods sake.
She needed to be married to my late husband for a fortnight - he'd soon tell her what to do with her nail varnish ! Telling isn't it, that she rings HIM up at the supermarket ! so that's something else she doesn't do then, lower herself to be seen amongst the baked beans and cereals. Well, thinking about it I suppose if he does all the cooking, cleaning and gardening, there's no reason for her to step inside one.

Her lifestyle is all very well now, but I've seen so many ladies who don't 'do', that when bereaved or left alone, they haven't the bloody foggiest how to operate, because the old man has done literally everything for them. Find out how to load the washer Jill and how to make a bit of toast, you might need both functions in years to come.
So true, I've seen this in my line of work too. This type of woman is lost once they're on their own. They are rudderless. All because of their ego. Best try to grips with as much as you can while you have the physical energy and the mental capacity. Once either weakens, life gets much harder.
I just turned over because there were a few SBC items airing - sadly, Adele was calling in from home and it was just JF in the studio with her Pyrex bowl of murky water. Oh my goodness! I thought I’d developed annoying presenter antibodies the last few months as I am generally a lot more tolerant of them (more to do with hardly watching). That 10 minutes of JF proved I certainly have not. Me, me, me, me, me. I can’t be without this, I just love this, this is my favourite thing... SHUT UP!

To top it all, the last item was a set of 4 arnica items but they had the wrong item details up, saying it was an Invigorating Handwash Trio. You know, as in three products to wash the hands with. The dozy mare carried on demonstrating the four item body set (a gel, muscle soak, thermal rub and shower gel) by using the shower gel as a handwash, ignoring the fact that you couldn’t wash your hands with any of the other things in this apparent four-piece “handwash trio”. I don’t know why Adele didn’t say anything, come to think of it, but she had probably lost the will to live by this point.

PS Crying with laughter at this....
She’s one of the reasons, and there’s many, that I don’t even channel hop a fraction as much I used to. Her delusions of grandeur are off the scale, and yes she’s so far up her own arse she can check if there’s something stuck in her teeth from the back. She has this opinion of herself being a Californian Miss World, even someone you’d see off those American high school films aimed at teenagers, her attitude is really quite bemusing.

:love: 😂 😂
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To be honest we all know JF lies as easy as she breaths and he probably wasn’t even within a mile of a supermarket, that’s if she rang him at all, but it gave JF the chance to lie again (ding!) They’re more likely to get a Marks and Sparks or Waitrose home delivery than venture out amongst the great unwashed. Another reason we know she was lying is A....in all her time on this planet there’s a likelihood that she’d have known the ingredients of a shop bought nail varnish remover having seen them before and B....her lips move.
To be honest we all know JF lies as easy as she breaths and he probably wasn’t even within a mile of a supermarket, that’s if she rang him at all, but it gave JF the chance to lie again (ding!) They’re more likely to get a Marks and Sparks or Waitrose home delivery than venture out amongst the great unwashed. Another reason we know she was lying is A....in all her time on this planet there’s a likelihood that she’d have known the ingredients of a shop bought nail varnish remover having seen them before and B....her lips move.
I was gonna say the same thing...and fgs the supermarket would be the last place these presenters would purchase their beauty products surely - Or then would it? They tell so many porkies they probably forget what's true and what isn't! I could imagine the reaction I'd get if I called oh in the supermarket to say can you pick me up a nail varnish remover and can you read the ingredients out to me...It would either be....no, you'll be better off getting it yourself...or two words - second one being "Off". Plus the fact all the supermarket websites list the ingredients for their products - so totally no need to hassle him! Thing is she thinks she's probably doing all us "princesses" a favour by telling us that if we order from Q we can be sure that our nails will be nourished by the unicorn serum and fairy dust that we're accustomed to....No need to hassle the old man in the bog roll aisle!
Just watching Jill on the Nails Inc hour. Can’t believe how up her own arse she is Painting her nails with her favourite’Porchester Square’ she then went up to regale us with stories of how she rang her husband up at the supermarket and got him to read out the ingredients on the nail varnish remover before indignantly telling him that there was no way she was putting that on her nails- who that actual f**k di s she think she is ??
Hate her with a passion !!
I imagine that tale was a load of BS....don't take it too seriously - your stress levels will thank you:)
Why did she need him to buy anything surely both their bathrooms and Q dressing rooms are coming down with the stuff given to her for free. She must have a full room of PS as she has worn this for near 20 years (seems like it anyway) and I assume she re does it every few days.

ive never understood how someone could lift dog poo during walks yet cant even walk into a kitchen or be near anything green - the 2 things just don’t gel so my bet is that Larry does that part or she doesn’t walk the dog at all.
If you click on this, you'll see Jill's address then you can get the street view. Quite a cute cottage ! with a big black range rover outside. In some shots there is a chap walking what looks like a bull dog further up the road

I think attempting to put Jill's private address on a public forum is a pretty mean thing to do !

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