Jill Franks


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..with a bespoke bulldog clip, the QVC stylist tries to convince Jill her bare shoulders won't feel cold if she covers them up!

I honestly don't think the female presenters see themselves as we do, particularly in the hair department !

Kathy - looks like most of us do when we get up in the morning
Julia - still fooling herself she's a size 10 - 12 despite the jelly belly
Jackie - clearly thinks her weird hair is trendy
Chuntley - are there any hairstyles left that she hasn't tried ?
Flinty something of the chucky doll about her - scary
JF its exhausting watching her hanging onto her youth
Chloe hair like cardboard, leggings worn over her shoes ? or its bad camera angles = no style whatsover
Clare hair and face age starting to drift apart
Ann compared to the flat style a few years ago, she's nailed her look.
Pippa hair drags her face down
Jilly H mumsy in her own way, but hair needs a more bouncy cut.

Charrrrrliiieeeee - thinks he's endearing as a grown man who's always, always hungry (he can think again)
Katy Pullover. - thinks her twee persona is adorable (she can think again too)
Dale Franklin. - so plastic with all that laughing as he talks thing, gives me the creeps for some reason.
Diddy Me Hall. - wow how cocky has he got over the years? mixed with the ever present "see what I did there?"

Annnnnnnnnnd Simon "Dairylee" Biagi, has a little section all on his own, the mans got more cheese than Krafts, with his "QVC have loads in store" (queue cheesey grin) "there's lots in store here at QVC" (queue cheesey grin) and the all time classic "so stay tuned! there's always lots in store here at QVC" (yes you guessed it, queue cheesey grin). :mysmilie_17:
Don't know what happened when I posted before. My comment suddenly appeared in the middle of another post. I was saying that the older Julia gets, the more twee and little girl like her voice has become - and she now seems to attempt to pout an awful lot. She tops my list of annoying presenters.
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going!

I think we've overlooked the possibility that JF is actually an Iggy Pop fan: imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, after all.

It's hardly flattering for a woman born in 1965 to be compared to a man born in 1949! I think there is something in common between them, and that is the devotion to maintaining a lean and toned body... it is conspicuously true that Iggy Pop has a very lean physique - he must have a very low bodyfat percentage for someone who is not an elite athlete. What he demonstrates, though, in many recent topless pictures, is that however lean and toned you are, the sheer age of your skin means it will sag.

Ignoring whether or not there is a likeness to IP, how his body looks now should serve as a warning against going so far down the road of the lean and toned physique route... eventually age catches up regardless. Toned is good at any age, and is very beneficial to you as you get older (I am not practising what I'm preaching yet by the way... though I do aspire to be more toned), but the leanness needs to be moderated - body fat is there for very good reasons and too little is bad for you, just as too much is.
I just looked at the time-stamp on that Iggy photo I reposted yesterday; I first posted it in 2013 when these comparisons between IP and JF first surfaced. I'm not a fan of her presenting style but I won't post it again, as jokes go I'm not sure it's worthy of a 3+ year run.

I met Jill IRL about 18 months ago and she looked better than on the camera, but then she wasn't pulling that crooked over-earnest face when she spoke and her hair was still a warm dark bronde colour. If she stopped frowning like a news reader reporting on a disaster she'd look better.

In the same way that Alison Young has created an exaggerated caricature on-screen persona, Jill has got into a cul-de-sac of bad habits, giving the impression that she's insincere and disingenuous. Franks should learn some frankness.
I'm afraid I missed the earlier Iggy Pop threads; but if it's something that's still commented upon, from-time-to-time, I suppose the likeness is still the same.

I have seen pictures of JF with her hair in a shorter style, with a warmer colour, and she looked so much better. I think she'd make a great contestent, on, 'How Do I Look?'.
Quite frankly, I would put her age at 60 or just over rather than 51, based on how she looks at present. There's no doubt if she's not eating properly and overdoing the exercise it will catch up with her very soon - her complexion doesn't look healthy at present, in spite of all the 'miracle' products, but then all the miracle products in the world won't work if you aren't giving the body proper nutrition.

It's hardly flattering for a woman born in 1965 to be compared to a man born in 1949! I think there is something in common between them, and that is the devotion to maintaining a lean and toned body... it is conspicuously true that Iggy Pop has a very lean physique - he must have a very low bodyfat percentage for someone who is not an elite athlete. What he demonstrates, though, in many recent topless pictures, is that however lean and toned you are, the sheer age of your skin means it will sag.

Ignoring whether or not there is a likeness to IP, how his body looks now should serve as a warning against going so far down the road of the lean and toned physique route... eventually age catches up regardless. Toned is good at any age, and is very beneficial to you as you get older (I am not practising what I'm preaching yet by the way... though I do aspire to be more toned), but the leanness needs to be moderated - body fat is there for very good reasons and too little is bad for you, just as too much is.

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