Jill Franks telling fibs!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I have tested for Beauty Bible and, like others, can assure you it's fully branded goods that are sent out. You even have to comment on the packaging in the questionnaire (can you read the ingredients list etc). It's Kathy Taylor who says to Jo F and Sarah Stacey that they blind test (in that Bedtime Beauty slot that keeps getting repeated on the Beauty Channel every time to flick to it). Neither of then correct her.

Can't JF absolutely not live without HER the John Barrowman range? That's what her blog said anyway.

So many of the presenters tell absolute porkies and are going against what QVC set as the standards for their cosmetic claims anyway. when it comes down to it, they're sales people and their job is to shift products, any way they can it seems.
Thanks TrixieWoo, you're right it was Kathy and while she may have genuinely believed that the test products are anonymous, Jo Fairley should have put her right. Looping repeats of the clip on the Q Beauty Channel just compounds their wrong-doing imo!
The thing that annoys me the most with JF is the constant looking at herself on the monitor and the hand flicking of her her hair over her shoulder which isn`t long or heavy enough to stay there!!
The thing that annoys me the most with JF is the constant looking at herself on the monitor and the hand flicking of her her hair over her shoulder which isn`t long or heavy enough to stay there!!

Our nickname for her is Flicky because she does that with her hair but I'm afraid to say that Chuntley leaves her at the starting post when it comes to preening in the monitor.
Jill Franks plans to release her autobiography next year. I wonder what she will call it? "Me, me it's all about ME?!" or "I really NEED you to buy this!" or "Sweet Little Lies?"
Here is a sneak preview of the opening passages:

It was on a cold autumn day in 1964 when I first came into the world. They were not sure I'd make it as I was born six weeks prematurely, but I guess I always did have the power to linger around, like the garlicky aftertaste in your mouth after a night on the wine and pesto. We often enjoyed wine and pesto in my house when I was a little girl! Being born premature all so risky back then. We lived in a two room flat above a tripe shop in Fulham. Because we had nothing I always had to use my imagination. After all, it's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody. Well that's how I see it anyway. If I wasn't playing in a cardboard box in the back yard of the tripe shop, near the outside toilet (the water in the toilet used to freeze over in winter) I would be scouring the rubbish tip near the orphanage to find a broken doll to "make better." One year my mummy took away my cardboard box to use as kindling. I was devastated, as that cardboard box was my "palace." It's hard to believe but we didn't have playstations back then. Just our minds. I remember running down the Kings Road, which was the centre of the world back then, and looking in all the shop windows, fantasizing about being a Biba fashion model, holding back the tears that my "palace" had been destroyed. I hated mummy! Fantasy has always been a big part of my life, to such an extent that I sometimes blur the lines between fantasy and reality. We were not rich in the material sense. Often the only good meal I would get would be a dish of offcuts from the tripe shop, with a grinding of black pepper and a sprinkling of powdered milk. Sometimes mummy would make chicken wings in a tuna fish sauce. Chocolates were something of a luxury. As a special treat we might get a box of Dairy Box, or Terry's All Gold, Black Magic, or Milk Tray. But it was Thorntons I would always crave. From the moment I slipped one into my mouth it was love at first taste. That has continued through to my time at QVC where was recently caught on camera putting a chocolate in my mouth. So indulgent I know!
Ah the memories...I actually DID live above a tripe shop when I was a child..two in fact, my mum started out managing one and did well so got promoted to manage a newly-opened one ... we never ate the stuff tho! The Tom Sanderson tripe shop chain was a big name in Notts in the 50s!

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