jill franks pronunciation


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Jul 7, 2008
why does jill franks keep pronouncing Caribbean as keribian? I thought that was how americans pronounce the word. I will be glad once the larimar hour is over.
Charlie said pass-tell yesterday like JR does!

What really annoys me though is proNOUNciation!
Charlie said pass-tell yesterday like JR does!

What really annoys me though is proNOUNciation!

That one really infuriates me too...........you often hear people using "proNOUNciation" when they are criticising someone whose pronunciation is incorrect.
In her defence, Jill does spend a lot of her holiday time in Florida - where they undoubtedly pronounce it that way all the time.
In her defence, Jill does spend a lot of her holiday time in Florida - where they undoubtedly pronounce it that way all the time.

No excuse! I spend a lot of time on the internet but I don't drop the occasional LOL into a conversation :D I wonder where she goes to pick up "nuffink" and "bran noo" :D
Then there's Julia Roberts who keeps talking about 'blouson' as 'blouse on'. Why on earth can't they do their homework and find out how to say the words. And I can't believe there's no-one in QVC knows how to pronounce words like that - are they just frightened to tell the Diva?
No excuse! I spend a lot of time on the internet but I don't drop the occasional LOL into a conversation :D I wonder where she goes to pick up "nuffink" and "bran noo" :D
Anyone notice how JF says small, and AY can't pronounce mauve, but she knows that she is saying it wrong. JF's small makes me cringe.
I caught her briefly the other day and noticed that she is still describing products as "Infamous". :smirk:
Rule no. 1: Please tell us about the product

Rule no. 2: Let your guest speak, uninterrupted

Rule no. 3: If you continually insist on having private conversations with your producer, via your earpiece, it's not only very boring for the viewer, but very annoying too, especially if you start laughing and don't explain why. Have a coffee with them afterwards if there's stuff you need to catch up on.

Rule no.4: I'm delighted for you that you have lovely holidays, but it could be considered tactless to keep going on about them. Stick to the products!!!

I have to add that I felt really sorry for the Birkenstock lady at the weekend. She was trying to talk about the shoes and was fighting to be heard above some story about your hubby. Cringe tv.
Then there's Julia Roberts who keeps talking about 'blouson' as 'blouse on'. Why on earth can't they do their homework and find out how to say the words. And I can't believe there's no-one in QVC knows how to pronounce words like that - are they just frightened to tell the Diva?

I remember a T caller calling in to correct Charlie's pronunciation of the word briolette which he used always say as briolay. She said pleasantly that it's briolette just like cigarette. Was he ever on his high horse, he snapped at her that he would have to check with proper authorities (what authorities? it's qvc not Stalinist Russia.) that he could hardly take her word for it. Nice boy:ninja:
I agree with all of the above. What about the irritating singsong 'lovely to SEE YEW' she greets the guests with.
I nearly 'jumped to the phone' to call the studio hotline the other night, because it was a 'Brannew' range, and every item was brannew.... Perhaps she will read this instead:

Dear Jill - please note:

brand-new (adj) - absolutely new [from brand (n) and new, likened to newly forged iron]

brannew - keep saying it and the ultrasonic vibrations will clear your sinuses
Charlie also persistently mispronounces 'marquise' (as in marquise-cut) as 'markee' instead of 'markees'. It was named for the Marquise de Pompadour who was a woman and not a large tent!
I wanted to call the studio tonight to speak with Suzi B at 8pm - but guess who is hosting the show? I don't know if I've got the strength!
Judging by these posts, JR and Charlie clearly don't know basic French!

The problem with Caribbean, is I don't think we pronounce it properly so that's why "keribbean" sounds weird. Listen to how it's pronounced by a local...
Not only was JF in the Ca-RIB-ean ysterday, she was also in a place called the Dominion Republic for much of the Larimar show.

But it wasn't a good day for pronunciation. Claire bravely referred to 'Ruby zoyste' all morning, instead of zo-is-ite. Bless.

But then, half the voiceovers for the adverts mispronounce the name of the brand, eg Veroneasy instead of Veronaisy

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