Jill Franks has a Halo!


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Jun 18, 2012
Just tuned in to see that scrawnbag touting a ridiculous thing that is supposed to be an alternative to reading glasses. It has a frame, as do glasses, except this has one hinged rectangular lens that sits over neither eye, and looks, frankly, bloody ridiculous. Imagine having a scaffolding attached to your face. Imagine putting that on in a restaurant! Who in their right MIND would wear anything so hideous as that? It looks like the kind of thing a gynaecologist might wear for peering up someone's nether regions! All it served to do was magnify the "number 11" lines in Franks's forehead. Of course, Skeletor's sister simply can't live without this. Look it up: 506 934.
Apart from the fact JF didn't shut up during this presentation and guest carried on anyway, good on her, these are handy for sewers intricate work Julius, putting those minute screws back in glasses and reading the ever decreasing print size on food labels that I can't read with my glasses on.
Apart from the fact JF didn't shut up during this presentation and guest carried on anyway, good on her, these are handy for sewers intricate work Julius, putting those minute screws back in glasses and reading the ever decreasing print size on food labels that I can't read with my glasses on.

Hmm, I suppose they do serve some purpose. You could read a book in bed with the lights off, or if you're travelling on a coach or something. Fortunately I don't have any issues with my close-up eyesight. I have the opposite problem as I'm short-sighted so I wear glasses for driving and flying. :(
I have to use one of those round the neck magnifiers when sewing so can see the benefit of this type of item, but goodness it is ugly! JF looked ready to do some welding, LOL.
Getting ready to go on holiday I was reading a map trying to locate some places I wanted to visit but the print was very small so had to use a desk magnifying glass to see. Realising this was going to be impractical on holiday I purchased a lighted folding magnifying glass on a key ring for £3.50 from eBay but saw them on Amazon. It was terrific and very easy to handle as I clipped it on my bag. Good job because we had downloaded maps we couldn't get a signal the entire holiday so had to revert to good old paper maps

I intend to use it when shopping for reading labels as they are now so small i cannt read them even with glasses .
I bought a set of these for my dad and he loves them - they're good when he does electrical work on small components or technical drawings.

As for JF, well, could fill a few screens on her. Suffice to say she looked like she was ready for a night on the tiles yesterday, with those 50" heels and slinky top. Don't forget the blonde wig. Just what you want for shopping telly presentations. If QVC expect us to spend our hard earned on their so-called fashion, they should make the presenters wear it when they're on air. Her biggest porkie was when she stated she was 52! Wasn't she 54 last year? Or is that her PR age?
I bought a set of these for my dad and he loves them - they're good when he does electrical work on small components or technical drawings.

As for JF, well, could fill a few screens on her. Suffice to say she looked like she was ready for a night on the tiles yesterday, with those 50" heels and slinky top. Don't forget the blonde wig. Just what you want for shopping telly presentations. If QVC expect us to spend our hard earned on their so-called fashion, they should make the presenters wear it when they're on air. Her biggest porkie was when she stated she was 52! Wasn't she 54 last year? Or is that her PR age?

Not a lie or at least a consistent one. She and Ali Young are both 52, my age. She has mentioned her age particularly since turning 50. I always notice when people state they are the same age as me, as I feel a direct basis for comparison.
I have to use one of those round the neck magnifiers when sewing so can see the benefit of this type of item, but goodness it is ugly! JF looked ready to do some welding, LOL.

With her off-the-shoulder top she reminded me of Jennifer Beales's character in the film "Flashdance."
JF mentioning her age so often, and dressing the way she does--attention seeking--is so everyone will gasp in amazement. "Oh Jill! you don't look 52" gasp gasp.

Delusional :giggle:

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