Jackie Kabler


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I have had M+S ready mashed potato and it is actually quite nice. If you are in on your own + can't be bothered peeling, chopping,boiling + mashing it does the job. Also my husband hates mashed potato so if I do have it, and it is rarely, I do buy the ready made.

Funnily enough I have just discovered the joy that is ready made mash. I just add a knob of butter and it's perfect.
I know what you mean! Some days I finish work at 7pm + don't get home till after 8 + the last thing I feel like doing us start cooking from scratch. It is then when I either reheat a jacket potato or have an M+S ready meal. Some of their count on us meals are quite nice and as you say are good for calorie counting + portion control. I much prefer cooking my own meals however and try to do so as often as I can.

I work 11 hours a day but am fortunate to have a staff restaurant at work which is really amazing. Without it I think i'd be less likely to eat well.
The last McDonalds I had - 20 odd years ago, sat so 'heavy' on my chest I swore it would be the last - it took hours to digest.
Kentucky FC tastes nothing like it did when it first arrived on these shores back in the 70's -
Cannot see the pleasure in a pizza - just cheese with re-formed toppings.

I know I'm not the norm and that most have the above regularly, but I do like a good Chinese in a 'proper' C/restaurant - not the takeaway stuff which has more of a gloopy taste. We're all different, but I do draw the line at ready made mash that looks like wallpaper paste.
I was in M&S with my sister yesterday and she remarked to me that it seems a lot of people are living on ready meals as we saw shopping trolleys piled high with them. Although we do like the occasional 'take away' and we love to eat out when we can we still cook our meals at home and today it was chicken curry made by my husband yum yum.

I admit to my fair share of ready meals, but in my defence always from M&S, never any other brand. I live on my own and find them the best way to have a good variety of meals without having to freeze leftovers etc. Further, I always add fresh veg or salad even if the dish contains veg. They are calorie-controlled which has helped me lose 4 stones in the past 2 years. They give the amount of fat and sugars which is helpful as I'm type 2 diabetic. My blood sugars and cholesterol are very well controlled.

BUT I can cook, Mum and Granny both enjoyed cooking and I've inherited Mum's recipes which she wrote down in an exercise book. It's rather worse for wear now, I must get it scanned so I can preserve the original.

Sorry, off-topic really !!
I like Jackie on the whole. I suspect the rather manic OTT approach that most of the presenters exhibit nowadays is a directorial command. In my opinion it's the completely wrong approach. Blimey if the shop assistant in M&S, Debenhams etc tried to sell me something in that manner, she'd be marched off the shop floor by management.
If the husband doesn't hear "ping!" then he doesn't eat...........only joking! When we've had a busy day we'll order take-out or do a Marks and Sparks ready meal, but other times I do like to experiment with food and cook healthy meals, I suppose it depends how motivated or how tired you are, also dexterity and financial problems can influence how you eat, although I suspect Princess Jackie and Jill "I literally can not live without it" Franks don't have either of those problems so there's really no excuse for them.
When I was working I did eat my fair share of ready meals but now can't abide them.I cook fresh from scratch ( nothing exotic!) but fresh ingredients (Aldi or Lidl)I always found some of the Ready Meals from M&S to have about 6 ingredients too many.I forgot I did buy a meat pie to put in the freezer at Christmas from a 'higher end supermarket' & thought it would be a treat so paid well over the odds.Very disappointing won't be doing that again! My favourite @ the moment is the slow cooker.bag of chopped veg. diced beef or chicken & a sauce, with left over for freezing.
The last McDonalds I had - 20 odd years ago, sat so 'heavy' on my chest I swore it would be the last - it took hours to digest.
Kentucky FC tastes nothing like it did when it first arrived on these shores back in the 70's -
Cannot see the pleasure in a pizza - just cheese with re-formed toppings.

I know I'm not the norm and that most have the above regularly, but I do like a good Chinese in a 'proper' C/restaurant - not the takeaway stuff which has more of a gloopy taste. We're all different, but I do draw the line at ready made mash that looks like wallpaper paste.
I can't eat the bun part of the burger ...but other than that I love it but once a week is enough unless we treat ourselves to a harvester or such like ....I always ask for salad too with the McDonald's....quarter pounder meal and a tea ..I'm a cheap date hubby always jokes bless him lol :mysmilie_17:
The only time I've ever ate takeaways is when we were doing big DIY jobs and it was easy to get without having to get too cleaned up but nothing in the past 20 years.

Occasionally I will have a bag of chips at lunchtime (about 3 times a year) and whilst they are lovely when eating them very soon afterwards the lard has become indigestible causing me to reach for the Andrews.

Perhaps it's because we don't have any decent takeaways and I hate cool food so it would never please me anyway.

Partial to a burger but home made.
Sadly it`s a sign of the times. My husband`s daughter separated from her husband last year because she`s having a fling with her boss and it was her husband who did all the cooking, washing, ironing and food shopping. Since he left she`s piled on weight and not just a few pounds either because she doesn`t cook. When she called here with her new fella last week it was after 8pm and he`d been at her house all day and she hadn`t offered him anything to eat and when he mentioned he was hungry she told him to order a takeaway because all she had in the house was a tin of spaghetti.
My husband was horrified because she has 2 teenage daughters 14 and 17 and they too have piled on the pounds because all they eat is fast food and crap. The oldest girl has had jibes aimed at her on facebook and at college because she`s now a size 18 and only just over 5ft tall and diabetes and heart disease run in the family. Her excuse for not making meals for her family is that she`s working ( part time I hasten to add ) but her Dad quite bluntly says it`s because she`s just a lazy b*tch who had a hubby who for 20 years carried her around hand, foot and finger.
To add insult to injury she regularly moans to her Dad how skint she is but she wouldn`t be skint if she stopped ordering pizzas, burgers, Chinese takeaways etc and shaped herself in the kitchen.
A sign of the times I have to agree 💯%!
The difference between a homemade Shepherd's pie and a ready meal one is unquestionable. I make my own stews,chicken dishes & mashed potato when I can as I work shifts. I do buy ready meals for convenience but to rely solely on takeaways etc is frightening. People just don't want to use a potato peeler and pan & cook the meat from scratch...as instilled in me. Recently I had the horrendous novo virus, first thing I ate after 3 days was a piece of toast & I couldn't believe the salt in it was overwhelming. Salt & sugar will be the next war to fight against!
Just as an aside, reading all the comments it shows how the American influence is creeping into our language. Since their first inception in this country, its always been 'takeaways', but many now use the term 'takeout' - nothing wrong in that, just an observation of how our language is changing.
Just as an aside, reading all the comments it shows how the American influence is creeping into our language. Since their first inception in this country, its always been 'takeaways', but many now use the term 'takeout' - nothing wrong in that, just an observation of how our language is changing.

I wasn't aware "take-out" was American, and believe it or not that's the first ever time I've used the term, I normally say, get a Chinese/pizza/Mackys/KFC or a chippy so noooooooooo!! damn you QVC!!. :mysmilie_10: :mysmilie_17:
I hope Jill's other half can cook - apart from getting a takeaway or eating out, his only chance of getting a meal would be to do it himself, I'd think. I find I enjoy cooking much more when it's winter and am more inclined to try out different recipes (although I confess that most of the time I stick to the old favourites). And definitely the occasional takeaway or meal out, winter and summer!

If the husband doesn't hear "ping!" then he doesn't eat...........only joking! When we've had a busy day we'll order take-out or do a Marks and Sparks ready meal, but other times I do like to experiment with food and cook healthy meals, I suppose it depends how motivated or how tired you are, also dexterity and financial problems can influence how you eat, although I suspect Princess Jackie and Jill "I literally can not live without it" Franks don't have either of those problems so there's really no excuse for them.
I hope Jill's other half can cook - apart from getting a takeaway or eating out, his only chance of getting a meal would be to do it himself, I'd think. I find I enjoy cooking much more when it's winter and am more inclined to try out different recipes (although I confess that most of the time I stick to the old favourites). And definitely the occasional takeaway or meal out, winter and summer!

I imagine being from a PR agency background Larry is usd to eating out an awful lot which usually means they yearn for home cooked or never eat at home. I imagine Jill would be the type who would go to very expensive restaurants and have a lettuce leaf and water which will show on the bill at a 100 squid a portion.
A few years ago, we had neighbours a few doors away, who told us they'd made it clear when they got married that they didn't want anyone to buy them cooking equipment, because they would not be doing any cooking at home. I was shocked, but thought "different generation, different ideas". Sadly, about 18 months later, they split up over finances and moved away. But I can't help wondering just how much money it cost them in takeaways and eating out if they stuck to their plan. And hardly a healthy to diet to have, but that aspect didn't seem to bother them at all.

A sign of the times I have to agree ��%!
The difference between a homemade Shepherd's pie and a ready meal one is unquestionable. I make my own stews,chicken dishes & mashed potato when I can as I work shifts. I do buy ready meals for convenience but to rely solely on takeaways etc is frightening. People just don't want to use a potato peeler and pan & cook the meat from scratch...as instilled in me. Recently I had the horrendous novo virus, first thing I ate after 3 days was a piece of toast & I couldn't believe the salt in it was overwhelming. Salt & sugar will be the next war to fight against!

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