I've reached my threshold


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I can only agree with many of the posts here. What really widdles me off now is their stock handling. Once upon a time, they would get in a variety of stock ready for a particular show, or set of shows. When the stock was sold, that was it. I didn't watch the Yankee shows over the weekend, but gather that the same old items were shown all day, when there were 5 pages of stuff on the website. I had a look at these and was tempted, but many of them were on waitlist. This is not acceptable for a set of shows with a TSV - I don't want to go on a waitlist, I want it now :angry: We get the same old companies doing TSVs and little thought seems to be put into the other items in the show - just flog the TSV to death and anything else can be ordered on waitlist.

It seems that QVC are using Easy Pay to try to cover up ever increasing prices. Soon this will be their only advantage. More competition and tighter budgets will see to that.

I agree about never new stock.I've not actually watched any birkenstocks show today as when I had a whizz on T'Internet,it was the same old same old.Very few "new" pairs considering its wall to wall shows today!
so "stroking" tiggers a "spike" ooer missus!!!!

Lordy they make a mint don't they? and as for voice tonality, where does A Y fit in? she sounds like she is baying at the moon sometimes and as for Debbie Flint when she is full fair ground barker mode...........
so "stroking" tiggers a "spike" ooer missus!!!!

Lordy they make a mint don't they? and as for voice tonality, where does A Y fit in? she sounds like she is baying at the moon sometimes and as for Debbie Flint when she is full fair ground barker mode...........

OMG AY, baying at the moon! - brilliant. I have had a poxy birthday, but that had me rolling around. OH keeps looking over!

voice tonality aside, Debbie Flint on Birkenstocks today, said "imagine if someone you know, missed out on these at this price" and more or less told us to get them for them to introduce them to the range! She is something else, I bet her friends love her generousity
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I haven't watched any QVC for yonks. I just check the website for the TSV and the reviews on here. I don't buy much these days because of the high P&P and slow service.
I think she'll also be frothing at the mouth. Hilarious vision baying at the moon SS, genius. And we all know her own mother can't abide her voice, so there's another lost customer. So much for the support of fam and friends.
Happy Birthday Itchy.
Bet if Debbie had known she'd have ordered a pair of Birkies for you.... :wink:
Happy Birthday Itchy.
Bet if Debbie had known she'd have ordered a pair of Birkies for you.... :wink:

Thank you.

Yes, i should have phoned in he he. No wait, they will never put me through to a show after my snotty email recently. Shucks.
Happy birthday! I'm sure you could think of a million other things to do on your birthday than ring Debbie Flint for a gab on air :happy:
Happy birthday!

It does make you wonder how long they can keep it up in the face of so much competition. Whenever I see something I'm interested in, Gatineau for example, I always look at my trusted ebay sellers and buy for half the price, free or low P&P and fast service. I found Age Benefit for just over half the QVC price. Last night, I was looking for a litre size of SBC's collagen gel, which I love. QVC still don't have it in stock and haven't had it for ages. They kept bleating on about how you can't buy the litre sizes outside of salons. Oh really? Where did all those ebay listings come from then? There are loads on there, most of them at around the same price QVC are selling 500ml for. I bought a litre for £26 including P&P against QVC's 500ml at £19.50 plus £3 odd P&P. The seller had loads in stock and had sold loads. Too much stuff on waitlist for too high a price. As many of said, what happened to all this buying power? Another one is Bobby Brown. It might be nice but how on Earth do they justify such high prices for their products? I like my makeup but I find that Asda's own three for a fiver eyeshadows are just as good!

Still, I have to thank QVC for saving me a load of cash! I can't spent if you've not go it in stock, not that I would anyway at your prices.
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happy belated birfday itchy :)

i've noticed a lot of ebay comments and for me that is certainly a factor in why i'm more critical of qvc these days. i did most of my buying 10-15 years ago which was pre-internet (for me) and some of the stuff i bought was only available on qvc. that's why i'm amazed they still make big profits - i would have thought the competition would have seen them off.

having said that, the ranges have got so much worse (for me) which is really odd when things generally improve. i like clothes, jewellery and toiletries/cosmetics. the latter still has good ranges but the clothing!! i agree with the dress fetish comment - and why is everything polyester? years ago, they had some really good fashion - yes really! i'm not hallucinating. there also used to be loads of different ranges of fashion/costume jewellery which seems to have been fropped now in favour of more upmarket, more expensive 'real' stuff.

another thing i wonder about is the constant reference to numbers - years ago, number in stock/sold/left was never ever mentioned - i can even remember one american fashion jewellery lady (no longer on, forgotten the name of the range) asking "how many are left" and the presenter - that plump dark haired rob somebody? getting all embarrassed and saying "oh we're not allowed to know things like that" while she looked at him like he was nuts. then all of a sudden we were having "10,000 sold" "hurry up only 15 remaining" constantly. often wondered about that.
belated greetings Itchy and a pair of virtual Birkenstocks for you!! Seriously tho I hope you had a happy day and got some nice pressies.
I am totally bored with QVC. I don't know if it's 'cos Dawnie has scarpered but the channel just appears to be coasting. "New" items and guests in the pipeline smack of desperation. Same old same old, even Mally's shock horror bloopers were tedious, RJ enough said, JR can't suffer more than 10 sec now she is a caricature of herself, Pipa like Jilly autopilot but more animated. I could go on but I don't want to bore you lot. Is it me, is it them, has the supposed professional gloss tarnished? I just know I watch seconds and switch off more than I sit and suffer.

I think I reached my threshold about the same time. (But definitely nowt to do with Dawnie............as I never watch craft or gardening, even as background)
Like a lot of other foumites, I tend to have QVC murmuring away as background noise most of the time. My OH and I both work shifts and are rarely in at the same time, so it keeps me company (Yes, I know that sounds a bit sad....:blush:)
But, even as background, there is a limit to how many times you can put up with the same products again and again on a constant loop.
I have, like others, some presenters who I just cannot bear to watch, in my case CB and CS.
There are others that exasperate me beyond belief with their sheer idiocy, JF being one, who asks questions of product guests, but rarely listens to the answer, and then goes waffling of on a "me, me, me" tangent and then asks the same question again. And don't get me started on the twitching and fibbing.
But, think what "put the tin lid" on it for me was Tressy - sorry, I mean CH this weekend. Sitting there with her pretend hair, softly, sweetly and simperingly imploring us to buy it now, because after all "it may never be on 3 easy pay again", we don't know when we'll get it back in stock again, if it sells out today", "it may be the last time on introductory price" and "don't forget you have the 30 day MBG, so get it and try it, you've nothing to lose" - (nothing to lose, that is, except for your QVC account of course). She made me want to throw something at the telly.

I realise of course. that the channel is there to part us from our hard earned dosh. But quit the hard sell. We are not stupid, we know what we want and if you offer it to us at a good price with fair P&P and the chances are we'll buy it. We do not need to be talked into it. Give us the details, including all relevant measurements where necessary and trust us to make up our own minds.
I did actually purchase something for the first time in ages this weekend. And nobody sold it to me. I happened to be watching one of the Ronni Nicole hours when she showed a pair of trousers with the "oh so slim" lining, reasonable price (£23) I need a pair of trousers and so I ordered them.

We are also willing , on occasion, to accept paying over the odds if it's something we're not sure about and want to try it out under the MBG or on easy pay ( a while ago I bought a Fuji camera). Again, as others have said these are really the only tools in their armoury. But, please, QVC, don't try kidding us that you're doing us a favour, you know full well that you're relying on people who can't be arsed to return stuff to boost your profits.

QVC boring

Reluctantly I have to agree.I used to buy lots of products from qvc ,especially Elemis and craft products.I have to say I have spent a fortune lately on Create and Craft as their products are very varied and postage is much cheaper,I know that delivery is slow but I can live with that.Craft seems to have become very boring with demonstrations rarely completed whereas on C & C they do them from start to finish.
Has anyone else noticed that a lot of the TSV'S are on advanced orders by middle of the morning?
I will continue to keep an eye on Elemis and Laura Geller when they have a TSV,but thats about all.
QVC started as a shopping channel for all NOW IT'S PRODUCTS CATERS FOR WOMAN IT'S SEXIST CHANNEL
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happy belated birfday itchy :)

another thing i wonder about is the constant reference to numbers - years ago, number in stock/sold/left was never ever mentioned - i can even remember one american fashion jewellery lady (no longer on, forgotten the name of the range) asking "how many are left" and the presenter - that plump dark haired rob somebody? getting all embarrassed and saying "oh we're not allowed to know things like that" while she looked at him like he was nuts. then all of a sudden we were having "10,000 sold" "hurry up only 15 remaining" constantly. often wondered about that.

Rosalind Qwan was a hard nosed business woman as well.
Agree with everything on here, all absolutely spot on.

You would think the suits would have the brains to realise we do not need to be spoken to like kids in a kindergarten encouraged to eat up our greens or we will not look as lovely as all the gorgeous (and not so gourgeous) models. DF is unwatchable, she is an insult to the viewing audience as are so many of the others talking down all the time and repeating the same mantra ad nauseum, giving no product information whatsoever.

As for Brooks doing make up and clothes, this is just stupid, the man is wooden and pretends to understand, but I think Paul of Bobbi Brown found it very difficult to be on with him, the show came alive later in the evening with Alison, it was really good, they got on so well and Paul was actually allowed to speak occasionally, but annoying that the colours were never shown properly.

Sack the lot I say and bring in robots on autocue!

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