Rant follows.
This country needs to get back to basics and stop worshipping these "celebrities" - I would have said talentless but they do have one very outstanding talent - self-promotion, and can all talk the talk which is what they do day in, day out. Same at work - everyone is so good at promoting what they do rather than actually doing it. My neighbour is retiring soon because of that - she can't stand being the only one around doing an honest day's work. Stop dishing out university degrees. They are often so meaningless and don't train anyone to actually do anything or even to think. Teach them to speak and write their own language properly. Train people with more skills - ie on the job, not tickie-box things. Do nurses have to leave the wards for a good part of 3 years to learn different things at university? No. They need training in different areas from what they did thirty years ago, admittedly, but 3 years away from patients when the main skills they need are how to observe, diagnose, communicate with and listen to Joe Public?? Train up our plumbers, electricians, builders, chefs, teachers, carers etc etc in the right skill bases and give them the respect they deserve. Restore the work ethic. We're now an independent country and we need to be competitive. When will that penny actually drop?
Thinking about it, I could write a Master's or even a Doctoral thesis on this. Just because it's the thing to do, to sell myself with. Not for the knowledge base, but to promote my own image. Dr Crystal - now I like the sound of that.
End of online rant.