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Debbie looks a bit vampish :5:

Moira just declared hereself a cat walk queen...bless her, she really does make me smile.
It's not only a trouser, it's a skirt as well as a dress

I saw She with it on as a skirt with a scarflace round her neck, plus the circle of life (or whatever it's called) clip......all over a swimsuit

If it's not Christmas they bang on about for months, it's holidays :confused:
Some people might find difficulty in making it into a trouser if they can't bend over and under that far :20:

In that case, make sure you're around people that can help out :22:
Over the years I have seen many strange things on the shopping channels, but I have seen nothing as strange as Moira C's trousers.I can't wait to see them in my high street.Wink
Some how I don't think 'itsawrap' will take off in any way other than with a great gust of wind.:18:
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They make everyone who wears them look fat! They're truly awful and should be avoided by anyone over a size zero unless they want to look like a sofa.
I don't know what's with Moira's obssesion with multi functional clothes is anyway, anything that has to be tied by hand into weird and wonderful shapes is going to run the risk of coming undone and leaving the wearer look even more daft than they did when the thing was done up properly! Ok, perhaps it'll take up less room in your suitcase, but you've worn them as trousers, spilt something down the front of them, what you gonna do now, bung 'em in the washbag....No, you're going to wear it as a dress the next day with the stain cunningly hidden within the knot around around your neck....Nice!!!! Then she suggests that you buy more than one and wear it as trousers and a top which is great if you want to look as though you've raided the bed linen cupboard!!!!
As for the "jumpsuit" idea consisting of the trousers and a just looked totally wrong, you had to wear a swimsuit underneath incase it came undone, so at the back it just looked daft (though it didn't look an awful lot better from the front imo!)
The scarflaces aren't a bad idea though, but not as "functional" as Moira would have us believe....and her bags are pretty good too. I just wish she concentrate more on sourcing fabric with pretty and wearable prints..instead of trying to come up with as many whacky ways in which you can wear yards of garish and frumpy material round your bod! I'm surprised she hasn't picked up on the fact you can wear a scarflace as a sling if you've broken your arm!
I don't know what's with Moira's obssesion with multi functional clothes is anyway, anything that has to be tied by hand into weird and wonderful shapes is going to run the risk of coming undone and leaving the wearer look even more daft than they did when the thing was done up properly! Ok, perhaps it'll take up less room in your suitcase, but you've worn them as trousers, spilt something down the front of them, what you gonna do now, bung 'em in the washbag....No, you're going to wear it as a dress the next day with the stain cunningly hidden within the knot around around your neck....Nice!!!! Then she suggests that you buy more than one and wear it as trousers and a top which is great if you want to look as though you've raided the bed linen cupboard!!!!
As for the "jumpsuit" idea consisting of the trousers and a just looked totally wrong, you had to wear a swimsuit underneath incase it came undone, so at the back it just looked daft (though it didn't look an awful lot better from the front imo!)
The scarflaces aren't a bad idea though, but not as "functional" as Moira would have us believe....and her bags are pretty good too. I just wish she concentrate more on sourcing fabric with pretty and wearable prints..instead of trying to come up with as many whacky ways in which you can wear yards of garish and frumpy material round your bod! I'm surprised she hasn't picked up on the fact you can wear a scarflace as a sling if you've broken your arm!

Which you might well do if you hit a wall trying to retrieve the front bit for your itsarap

Where's Health & Safety when you need em :e016:
I don't know what's with Moira's obssesion with multi functional clothes is anyway, anything that has to be tied by hand into weird and wonderful shapes is going to run the risk of coming undone and leaving the wearer look even more daft than they did when the thing was done up properly! Ok, perhaps it'll take up less room in your suitcase, but you've worn them as trousers, spilt something down the front of them, what you gonna do now, bung 'em in the washbag....No, you're going to wear it as a dress the next day with the stain cunningly hidden within the knot around around your neck....Nice!!!! Then she suggests that you buy more than one and wear it as trousers and a top which is great if you want to look as though you've raided the bed linen cupboard!!!!
As for the "jumpsuit" idea consisting of the trousers and a just looked totally wrong, you had to wear a swimsuit underneath incase it came undone, so at the back it just looked daft (though it didn't look an awful lot better from the front imo!)
The scarflaces aren't a bad idea though, but not as "functional" as Moira would have us believe....and her bags are pretty good too. I just wish she concentrate more on sourcing fabric with pretty and wearable prints..instead of trying to come up with as many whacky ways in which you can wear yards of garish and frumpy material round your bod! I'm surprised she hasn't picked up on the fact you can wear a scarflace as a sling if you've broken your arm!

'Ere I'll 'ave you know I can stop traffic when me trousers fly off in the street. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a
When I first saw these the other day, it took me back about twenty years to "An Audience With Billy Connolly".
One of his sketches concerned a bloke who saw an advert in the paper for incontinence pants. He bought them, put them on, tied them up round the waist - and ankles!! - and sauntered off to the local disco.
After a few - what shall we call them? - spillages, the trousers had filled up and his attempts to disco dance were severely hampered by the extra weight he was carrying round his legs!
And, I'm sorry but that's exactly what they reminded me of but I do apologise to anyone finding this post at all tasteless - which I can't deny it probably is!

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