it was a matter of time: "designer" water on QVC


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Jun 24, 2008
it had to happen i suppose. start selling designer water and wheel in some fitness guru to give it credence.

so green goddess diana moran was just on with pippa expounding the virtues of "beauty from within", a bottled water with "healthy additives". priced at over 40 quid for 12 litres including the backbreaking £6.95 p&p i wonder how much of this flew off the shelves?

the whole show was about health supplements so we had majorine burgerbar flogging her powdered tomato drink which i have on good authority is a filthy concoction (you never see marjorine demo-drink it from a clear glass, but always an opaque mug.. noticed?), the bjork lookie-likie woman was selling spirulina which i have yet to understand in terms of benefits, and we had a couple of blokes selling milkshakes.

pipa had to cover her back so many times "we dont actually recommend that you DO skip meals" "this is a supplement to a healthy diet, not a replacement" that she was almost on her knees with the weight of responsibility by the end of the hour.

but it was the water that did it for me, it was the last item too - like some fabulous curtain-call. it was almost as if they were sayingf "lets see exactly how far we can go with this sh*t"

diana moran seems a nice woman. she should know better.
It's a matter of time...canned air?

QVC must take pride in the fact they can sell almost anything to us poor saps, after all somebody out there likes Thomas Kinkade, Quacker Factory, pink garden flamingos, Indigo Moon, Michelle Hope et al. Where do they go from selling bottled water, Burly Bear? Maybe canned air.... , it wouldn't surprise me. ;) Maybe the P&P will be a bit less than the bottled water, but then again...
Just ridiculous, who would buy it

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Del Boy and Peckham's finest spring water come to mind. Wonder who is fillin' em up at QVC Towers!
QVC must take pride in the fact they can sell almost anything to us poor saps, after all somebody out there likes Thomas Kinkade, Quacker Factory, pink garden flamingos, Indigo Moon, Michelle Hope et al. Where do they go from selling bottled water, Burly Bear? Maybe canned air.... , it wouldn't surprise me. ;) Maybe the P&P will be a bit less than the bottled water, but then again...

there was me thinking that the reason I am sometimes short of breath is my asthma, no: it is "not enough oxygen to support my active lifestyle due to the destruction of the rainforest" !!!
I will have tyo remember that!!!!
Who on earth comes up with that c***?
I think they're running out of ideas and it must be difficult for those presenters who want to want to be seen as having some credibility. They had better be careful they don't start coming over as completely desperate for business. Not a pretty sight.
I have bought that water from Netto at less than £1 a bottle.
I think they're running out of ideas and it must be difficult for those presenters who want to want to be seen as having some credibility. They had better be careful they don't start coming over as completely desperate for business. Not a pretty sight.
Yes not a good look.:1: The more shall we say, self-conscious QVC presenters, would be better of leaving their credibility at the door, and picking it back up on their way out. As it is virtually impossible to remain credible, whilst selling tat!:10:
Does anyone remember Debbie Flint got caught up in selling some fancy dancy water a few years back?
I've ordered some but on auto-delivery, it's ONLY £480.00 a year.

All bottled water is a waste if money, nothing wrong with tapwater

For sure depends where you live. Some places I have merrily downed tapwater but others it really isn't so nice.

The house I currently live in tastes horrid and I will only use it to top up juice or something so I can't actually taste it. Yet previously I have lived in three other places in the same town and they were fine. Plus the water at my gym is fine!

Assume originates from the same source so must be down to the pipes it travels to reach me locally?
We had very hard water where we lived in London & tbh, it did taste pretty foul! :(
I do begrudge spending money on bottled water though, I have to say!

Tried a BRITA? theyre a bit of a faff to remember to fill up, and take space in the fridge but they do a good job of neutralising nasty tap water.
Tried a BRITA? theyre a bit of a faff to remember to fill up, and take space in the fridge but they do a good job of neutralising nasty tap water.

*blinks stupidly & says in a small feeble voice....* Err, no.....?!? :6:
(I always thought they'd be poo but having fitted an expensive filter system on a kitchen sink at least twice now & then moved & left it behind, I suppose it is the logical thing to try as I refuse to fork out for any more sinks/taps & the fridges with them in are a right pain! lol
They do actually work then?)
*blinks stupidly & says in a small feeble voice....* Err, no.....?!? :6:
(I always thought they'd be poo but having fitted an expensive filter system on a kitchen sink at least twice now & then moved & left it behind, I suppose it is the logical thing to try as I refuse to fork out for any more sinks/taps & the fridges with them in are a right pain! lol
They do actually work then?)

oh yeah, they totally work and even though the filters are expensive when you buy them, it does work out loads cheaper than bottles (and lighter to carry home from the sooper!). they dont put minerals in, but they do take nasties out and neutralise the taste completely in my experience.

just remember, chuck any leftover water out after a day or so, remember to change the filter when recommended (monthly) and wash the jug in hot soapy regularly for hygiene reasons (unlike me! :23: )

you can pick up supermarket home brand filters which fit BRITA jugs aswell - to make it even more cost effective.

worth a try!

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