It makes my blood boil! Rant alert


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JR's Ego

Registered Shopper
May 19, 2011
Yesterday I watched the TSV Ab-rocker, which made me quite irate, as soon as I saw ex-spice girl endorse the product thinking what an absolute CON as its well documented Mel B has had abdominal sculpting -
(A cosmetic procedure similar to Liposuction, when the surgeon extracts the visceral layer of abdominal fat to reveal the carved out abdominal muscle - without the need to go very low Body Fat, which a 6 pack look demands)

So once I got over that CON along comes another a day later. LULU. That woman is an absolute con-artist. She has had virtually EVERY facial cosmetic procedure , then says her range is her skin saver/anti-ageing solution??! She cant even pronounce half the ingredients "hyaluronic Acid" she had a problem with

Regardless of JR commending her as a 'British institution' -- AKA your as old as the hills Lulu :grin:

I spotted a full size Lulu wrinkle killer in TKmax for just a fiver. I bought it (RRP was £23.99) Did it work? did it hell!

How about some truth in a sales pitch, for a change QVC??? Rather than continual BS

Rant over!! :grin:

Whilst Im here.. If JR was ever in the Celebrity BB house, she would be first evicted - without a doubt.
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Whilst Im here.. If JR was ever in the Celebrity BB house, she would be first evicted - without a doubt.

Never happen! where would she keep all her lotions and potions?
Be are watching a shopping channel not a documentary, what exactly do you expect? Surely not the truth? Could you imagine if the guests and presenters were completely honest? It would make the fashion presentations very interesting!
my mum dislikes lulu for that very reason the fact she states her skin and looks are just down to her skincare range she goes mad everytime she sees her
Twisting on that ab thing is enough to give you a slipped disc, I don't know about waist sinching. JR rolled off it very inelegantly yesterday to speak to her son (who looks totally diff with no hair) and the seat kerchunked.
they always have daniel in on exercise equipment they use the line he's a personal trainer it's just cos he's jr's son back to lulu lol
I'm surprised after Lulu's disgraceful attitude over Strictly that she wasn't given the heave ho from QVC. Not only is she a bad loser she is the biggest con artist going & no credit to QVC at all. How she has the gaul to appear anywhere when it is obvious by the venom that was in the daily papers about her over SCD in that she is clearly disliked by the great British public beats me.

It would seem all that all her lotions, potions & snake oil give her is the hide of a rhinocerous ( & just as wrinkled ):giggle:
Oh, and I guess everything we read in the papers is true, and all people who write in to the papers are lovely, level headed pillars of the community!!! Lol. Love or hate Lulu she just did not gel with her dance partner. So what? So she got voted off? So what? So she has had some "work" done, yet she dares to be a business woman selling cosmetics. She can still use her products and go under the knife if she wants. She would not be the first person selling creams lotions and potions to do this. Come on, if you don't like it, don't buy it, as AY has said. I'm sure that if Lulu's stuff did not sell then qvc would not peddle it.
Oh, and I guess everything we read in the papers is true, and all people who write in to the papers are lovely, level headed pillars of the community!!! Lol. Love or hate Lulu she just did not gel with her dance partner. So what? So she got voted off? So what? So she has had some "work" done, yet she dares to be a business woman selling cosmetics. She can still use her products and go under the knife if she wants. She would not be the first person selling creams lotions and potions to do this. Come on, if you don't like it, don't buy it, as AY has said. I'm sure that if Lulu's stuff did not sell then qvc would not peddle it.
The problem, Kat73, is not that Lulu has had all these procedures, but that she makes out that she looks the way she does BECAUSE of her skincare range - that is not true & misleads peeps... This shouldn't be allowed on QVC - they should be made to state that Lulu has had certain procedures & its not down to her skincare range... After all, I thought QVC were bound by strict rules about what they can & can't say on tv?.... I also don't like Lulu, lol :bandit:
Oh, and I guess everything we read in the papers is true, and all people who write in to the papers are lovely, level headed pillars of the community!!! Lol. Love or hate Lulu she just did not gel with her dance partner. So what? So she got voted off? So what? So she has had some "work" done, yet she dares to be a business woman selling cosmetics. She can still use her products and go under the knife if she wants. She would not be the first person selling creams lotions and potions to do this. Come on, if you don't like it, don't buy it, as AY has said. I'm sure that if Lulu's stuff did not sell then qvc would not peddle it.

As far as I'm concerned, I couldn't give a monkey's f-rt about what she does or how she lives her life-that's completely her own affair. However I do object when she (and AY for that matter) implies that her youthful appearance is down to her skincare range when we all know that it's a complete fabrication. Perhaps if you tell fibs for long enough, you eventually come to regard them as the truth. She's now trying to make us believe that her foot cream will change our lives. The woman needs some serious help.
Well I will watch a bit more closely next time, I reckon it depends on how far she goes. Remember Lulu in the "relight my fire" days with Take That? This was quite a while ago, she didn't appear to have had any work done (or if she had it was very subtle) and I have no idea if she was selling skincare then or not. She did, however look fantastic for her age, as she does now. When I first saw her on Q she looked amazing for her age, but probably had not had any work done. Lulu's looks had a lot to do with here genes, her make up, her active lifestyle, and her diet back then and any help from cosmetics was probably secondary. The other thread "the Gatineau Trap" says it all about anti ageing claims. My point is that Lulu has always looked good. Any of the beauty brands on Q sell their products by saying "this will make your skin appear this, that, the other...." didnt the Gale Hayman "youth lift" have the tag, "a face lift in a bottle" or am I thinking of something else? If Lulu goes much further by saying that if you use her product your lines and wrinkles will vanish, then this would be misleading. I will listen more closely to what she actually says next time....what I saw a bit earlier seemed fine to me when she was on with JR.
Oh course Lu has had work done. Yes watch her from old episodes of Ad Fab, no way can you have the hamster cheeks at 63 and be a size 6! The first thing to go when you are that thin(and she never was that thin),the faces drops. The saying your face or your hips is fact. Also she has been a smoker all her career, used to see clips of her behinds the scenes of her shows puffing away like mad. The special lighting etc. Also used on QVC. I mix my own skincare in my kitchen was the famous one in the early shows. My Ar*se plays a Banjo(yes I will be demoing this on BGT)!

As for Strictly the non stop Vote For Our Lu from the presenters, when clearly the woman had two left feet was p*ssing a hell of a lot off. The facebook QVC page also had it Angels vote for Lu.
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Well I never knew that big bald bugger was Julia's son!

Oh yes it's a big family concern for JR, with 'our Sophie' in the gallery and Daniel exercising. Her other half is a musician so I wonder if it's him doing the TSV and OTO jingle every time it's on :grin:
As far as I'm concerned, I couldn't give a monkey's f-rt about what she does or how she lives her life-that's completely her own affair. However I do object when she (and AY for that matter) implies that her youthful appearance is down to her skincare range when we all know that it's a complete fabrication. Perhaps if you tell fibs for long enough, you eventually come to regard them as the truth. She's now trying to make us believe that her foot cream will change our lives. The woman needs some serious help.

Does it turn you into a dancer?
I know she has had work done NOW, I just don't know how long ago this was...
Oh yes it's a big family concern for JR, with 'our Sophie' in the gallery and Daniel exercising. Her other half is a musician so I wonder if it's him doing the TSV and OTO jingle every time it's on :grin:

so how did JR wangle that then?? so nepotism is alive and well at qvc. says a lot for their 'values'.

Does it turn you into a dancer?

I doubt it: didn't work for Lulu, did it? :mysmilie_845:

As for Lulu and Le Q not mentioning that Lulu's had surgery; I think that by law QVC SHOULD be mentioning that Lulu's looks are not just down to the creams she smothers her skin with.

Look at what happened to L'Oreal when they tried to make out that the hair of Cheryl Tweedy, Penelope Cruz and whoever was so luxurious and shiny due to their products, when it turns out they had shedloads of extensions glued to their scalps. L'Oreal now have to state in their adverts whether their models have "extra" assistance other than their shampoos, hair colour or make-up, be it hair extensions, false eyelashes or computer "enhancement".

Why should QVC be treated any differently?
I agree HC.
I can only conclude that complaints were made about L'Oreal's deception & no one has complained about QVC
Maybe when Lulu appears on QVC, selling her creams - a caption should appear on the screen, stating " Please be aware that Lulu has previously had surgery/botox/fillers/any ****** thing done to her face & QVC would like (have) to make people aware that Lulu's facial appearance is NOT because of her skincare range" ..... Something like that anyway :bandit:

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