Is the writing on the wall for polyester?


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Mar 21, 2015
Polyester is so beloved of QVC as an easy-care fabric for all sorts of clothing items... and they often say you can do exercise in the leggings/trousers so many brands bring to us... but this article on the BBC today made me wonder whether it's such a great thing.

They were particularly looking at sports attire, and why some items are whiffier than others... turns out the polyester stuff ends up ponging more than the natural fibre clothing (who'd have thought?).

Of course if clothes get whiffy and the whiff cannot be eradicated, they get chucked out and new clothes get bought, so perhaps I'm a little premature in thinking polyester has had its day.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The universe as QVC know it will end, people will be weeping and beating their breasts in sorrow!:mysmilie_15:

Wish they would take the bloody shark bite hems with it too!
They'll now probably use QVCs polyesterfest as a new source of fuel, after all you only need to rub two of those tops together and whoosh! enough fire to heat a small country. :mysmilie_17:
polyester is like any fibre its got its cheap versions and more expensive fabrications. i used to sew a lot and you could pay a fortune for the better stuff. i have a lot of gym stuff and it does smell obviously but a cap of dettol in the wash eradicates the odour.
polyester is like any fibre its got its cheap versions and more expensive fabrications. i used to sew a lot and you could pay a fortune for the better stuff. i have a lot of gym stuff and it does smell obviously but a cap of dettol in the wash eradicates the odour.

Agree, I love sewing with polyester, it has many uses, and if you buy a decent poly it serves a multitude of purposes. It has a bad name because disposable fashion brands use cheap and nasty versions of it.
Agree, I love sewing with polyester, it has many uses, and if you buy a decent poly it se
rves a multitude of purposes. It has a bad name because disposable fashion brands use cheap and nasty versions of it.

I agree, I like the real poly/cotton. I like it as it needs little or no ironing. I have never found it to make me sweat. The shark bite hems I hate with a passion.
Agree, I love sewing with polyester, it has many uses, and if you buy a decent poly it se
rves a multitude of purposes. It has a bad name because disposable fashion brands use cheap and nasty versions of it.

I agree, I like the real poly/cotton. I like it as it needs little or no ironing. I have never found it to make me sweat. The shark bite hems I hate with a passion.
Polyester has its uses and a lot depends on the quality of the fabric and the manufacturing of the clothes its made into. I like natural fibres for some clothes, especially linen for Summer but I`d hate to return to the days where everything we own had to be ironed or handwashed and this is where polyester comes into its own. Work clothes, school uniforms, sports wear are all worn daily so a fabric which washes quickly, dries quickly and doesn`t need ironing is always a bonus.
In my last job we had white 100% cotton short sleeve blouses, embroidered with the employers logo over the breast pocket and we were only given 2 of them. It was an absolute bind washing and ironing them daily and when someone came into work with an unironed blouse they resembled an unmade bed. The blouses were then changed to a polyester mix coloured blouse ( navy ) and what a difference it made. No more hanging a wet blouse on a coathanger overnight and then ironing it at 6am before leaving for work and no more staff wearing unwashed white blouses with yesterday`s tea stain down the front.
I know work clothes and fashion clothes are poles apart but a good quality polyester in a well made garment, hangs well and wears well. Sadly Q don`t always give good quality fabric with good quality manufacture and this lets them down.
I watched a bit of the Yong Kim the other night (I know, I know, I'm sad, but it's a bit like a compulsion - I keep looking to see whether I have just imagined the astronomical prices they are asking). I would imagine that Yong Kim will form a large part of the polyester mountain, wherever it might be (perhaps Yong Kim will be sitting on the top - we were told once again that she is a "real person"):smirk::smirk:
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Yong Kim is mainly viscose jersey, which is a natural fibre made from wood pulp.

Such a pity she can't seem to make classic clothes at reasonable prices, use more material across the bust and cut out the daft shark bite hems/ all the layering and the 'I wore this to bed look' lol
I was quite surprised to find the IW Yong Kim alike dress that so many here and on Facebook recommend was polyester! I assumed it was viscose.

I ended up choosing one that was a polyester/viscose mix from IW. It's nice enough and was a good price. Not amazing though.
some yong kim is a super fine viscose with some polyester and its a really nice fabric. gorgeously soft and lasts forever. i like yong kim but i dont buy it from qvc as it is very expensive. but all the pieces i have i wear/wash all the time and they never fall apart. it is expensive but i like casual plain well made stuff so they get worn daily for all occasions apart from weddings lol
I was quite surprised to find the IW Yong Kim alike dress that so many here and on Facebook recommend was polyester! I assumed it was viscose.

I ended up choosing one that was a polyester/viscose mix from IW. It's nice enough and was a good price. Not amazing though.

The black and khaki was viscose (they've sold out) exactly the same composition as the £100 plus one on QVC, the marl effect ones weren't because you can't create a textured marl with just viscose, anyway at over £100 less than a Yong Dim (also known as QVCs own brand) I'm quite happy, also had my free p&p, free returns and reduced to a jaw dropping £13.99 so at that price, when it washes and dries well and you get complemented on how nice it looks, what's not to like. :mysmilie_14:
The black and khaki was viscose (they've sold out) exactly the same composition as the £100 plus one on QVC, the marl effect ones weren't because you can't create a textured marl with just viscose, anyway at over £100 less than a Yong Dim (also known as QVCs own brand) I'm quite happy, also had my free p&p, free returns and reduced to a jaw dropping £13.99 so at that price, when it washes and dries well and you get complemented on how nice it looks, what's not to like. :mysmilie_14:

Am I looking at the wrong frock then? I one I chose was the marl, Daisy Eldridge, and as you say that's a mix but I thought the one that got the excellent reviews was the Nicole? But that's definitely polyester all the way so I thought that couldn't right. I'm not anti polyester at all. I just wanted to try the frock that gets the thumbs up. Perhaps I'll try the Nicole.

I only have one Yong Kim frock bought from eBay, still with the labels on, and I've never seen anything like it on QVC. It's lovely but I didn't pay £100 for it, nothing like. It's like a 3/4 sleeve fitted top with a looser sleeveless "cotton" dress over the top but it's actually all one frock with the two bits joined at the hem.
Am I looking at the wrong frock then? I one I chose was the marl, Daisy Eldridge, and as you say that's a mix but I thought the one that got the excellent reviews was the Nicole? But that's definitely polyester all the way so I thought that couldn't right. I'm not anti polyester at all. I just wanted to try the frock that gets the thumbs up. Perhaps I'll try the Nicole.

I only have one Yong Kim frock bought from eBay, still with the labels on, and I've never seen anything like it on QVC. It's lovely but I didn't pay £100 for it, nothing like. It's like a 3/4 sleeve fitted top with a looser sleeveless "cotton" dress over the top but it's actually all one frock with the two bits joined at the hem.

The majority of IW dresses have great reviews, including your Daisy Eldridge Fit and Flatte dress, where the black and khaki are viscose but like I say, they're sold out. You do get Nicole dresses made of viscose but by the looks of it, they've also sold out too.
Just a word of warning to anyone considering the cerise marl option ... the colour runs really badly. I have one black and white top that will never be the same again!!
Just a word of warning to anyone considering the cerise marl option ... the colour runs really badly. I have one black and white top that will never be the same again!!

Dylan colour run sheets are fab. I don't sort washing anymore. I was surprised when I washed some brand new white knickers the sheet was a pale green colour.

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