Is the B*tchfest reversed over yet?


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Nov 5, 2008
I hope so because I've just got to say that I have taken a solemn vow never to watch B&W when JR is on ever ever ever again. I saw half an hour of it last night and had to switch off. JR was sooo full of herself and acting like a girlie and all the " oh we are such good friends and in jokes " were making me feel sick. Also what the hell was Simon wearing? I know JR has lots of fans who love all the banter but to me it's just look at me how well connected I am.
Ok rant over I'm going out into the garden now to enjoy the sun and plant up some more QVC plants.
Also what the hell was Simon wearing? I know JR has lots of fans who love all the banter but to me it's just look at me how well connected I am.

I thought it was quite funny when he stated that his 40 quid glass bead necklace looked lovely on the model even though she was only in a standard LBD & then hesitated, laughed & announced it wasn't really standard though but vintage Balenciaga!
How up yourself can you possibly be........?
I thought it was quite funny when he stated that his 40 quid glass bead necklace looked lovely on the model even though she was only in a standard LBD & then hesitated, laughed & announced it wasn't really standard though but vintage Balenciaga!
How up yourself can you possibly be........?

I don't think we should answer that question on here. lol:3:
Their shows are sickening. JR only straightens her hair because he says he likes it and so on. I thought she was there to sell stuff not pander to the guest's whims? It doesn't even look nice on her! She kept trying to steal the limelight from Ali, probably because she looks nice on screen :D

I can't say I was exactly impressed when Simon announced to us that he can only last an hour and needed a "break". Yeah, thanks Simon, that's an image I really needed last night. I'm getting fed up with him telling JR that he wants her to do all his shows. I said in my last thread that it's just an insult to the other presenters.

Also, his stuff isn't any good anymore. I have older pieces of jewellery of his that look lovely and that I wear a lot but his new pieces just can't keep up. Way too flouncy and expensive. I wouldn't wear most of the new designs.
Bluddy hope was boring the ar$e off me. :rolleyes: I watched the two of them last night and the mutual admiration society was in full swing. :barf: JR looked a right state, that vile purple top/dress did nothing for her and the hair was a mess just hanging there - if she does have to have it long then fgs keep it curly. Ali on the other hand looked absolutely gorgeous which just accentuated how much JR was trying too hard to look glam.........and failing miserably. :34: Also thought the toilet break comment was way tmi, was he trying to have a comedy moment?? :rolleyes: I did actually like some of the jewellery though especially the necklace/earring sets. :pPC:
There was a bit of tetchiness when Simon kept harking on about the BAFTA's and was JR going etc. Julia said no, I am working, he asked, so you will be here??? In the end she snapped and said.....what part of I am not going dont you understand??????

Seems like Daniel and Catherine are going I think.

He also asked her if she ever did girly things so she maybe doesnt come across as girly to him!

Have to say, I dont mind watching either of them to be honest, together or on thier own.

I hope the reverse is over too, so I can say how stupid the ridiculous Claire Sutton sounds trying to sell us a bangle by asking whether it may give the wearer "wonder woman power" in that silly voice only 3 year olds will respond to.

Get a grip woman.
I hope the reverse is over too, so I can say how stupid the ridiculous Claire Sutton sounds trying to sell us a bangle by asking whether it may give the wearer "wonder woman power" in that silly voice only 3 year olds will respond to.

Get a grip woman.

bugga i've just ordered one for each wrist :13:
I know the Simon/JR shows are a bit camp and OTT but I do enjoy them and their repartee makes a change from the usual boring guests.:35:

With regard to Julia, her "bad" days are way better than my "best" days.:17:

As usual Julia acting like a 50+ teenager with her coy looks and silly giggles. Her hair was in my opinion a disgrace and the top thing she was wearing was bluddy awful. I can't understand why a fairly attractive looking woman makes herself look so unattractive.
I hope so because I've just got to say that I have taken a solemn vow never to watch B&W when JR is on ever ever ever again. I saw half an hour of it last night and had to switch off. JR was sooo full of herself and acting like a girlie and all the " oh we are such good friends and in jokes " were making me feel sick. Also what the hell was Simon wearing? I know JR has lots of fans who love all the banter but to me it's just look at me how well connected I am.
Ok rant over I'm going out into the garden now to enjoy the sun and plant up some more QVC plants.
Well said !
JR looked a right state, that vile purple top/dress did nothing for her and the hair was a mess just hanging there - if she does have to have it long then fgs keep it curly. Ali on the other hand looked absolutely gorgeous which just accentuated how much JR was trying too hard to look glam.........and failing miserably. :34: :pPC:
Julia thinks she can upstage anyone, but just ends up looking like mutton in the process.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
Was watching with my boyfriend and he said 'eew look at her hair, it looks like the kind of nylon-y stuff they put in dolls heads'. Which, though I felt bad, made me laugh - she looked so lovely when the GHD people styled her hair on Sunday, but last night it did her no favours...but the two of them together (that's Julia n Simon, not Julia and my other half ;) ) are becoming very nauseating indeed.
thought it was just a joke to begin with when Julia was trying to beat Ali into getting the jewelry on first, but then she nade it pretty obvious that the camera should focus on her rather than the model! very childish behaviour IMO.
Have to say I don't like much B&W stuff so don't watch the shows but caught a bit of it yesterday! JR was definitely "flirting" with him and it was so sickening. She probably gets all her B&W stuff for nothing!

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