Is it worth it?


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Witchy woman...
Jun 24, 2008
Cloud Cuckoo Land.
Finally plucked up courage and ordered my first piece, a hemimorphite ring a week on Sunday, still no sign of it being delivered but hey, I wasn't expecting a miracle. I then ordered a kyanite ring but as I'd checked out my order quickly as things can go walkies, I had to start another order. This I did on Monday and it arrived on Wednesday, very strong colour, beautiful ring but should there be an authenticity certificate? Very odd if there isn't. Mixed feelings about the whole business, not sure if it's worth the hassle. :33:
Hiya Basket Case saw the gemstone on the channel at the weekend it looks a really lovely bright shade of blue/turquoise doesn't it. No certificates come with any of the jewellery they just say the invoice is proof of what you have got - would be nice if they did certificates think they are just cutting down on the cost. With regard to delivery it can be hit or miss some items within 2-3 days or can take up to 2 weeks in my experience so hopefully you will have a speedy delivery.
Thanks Panda, I was dreading having to ring about a missing certificate, perhaps an authenticity certificate could be optional, as I like to be able to see the carat weight, gold weight etc which isn't shown on the invoice.
It does look a really lovely stone. I'll be interested to hear your opinion when it arrives. Sadly, Rocks' delivery does seem to take the term 'snail mail' to a whole new level!
You took the plunge then.......well done!
:mysmilie_797.gif: (I kyanite believe it!!) :mysmilie_797.gif:

If you go back into your Account....after logging in....and click on 'View Order History', it will appear with the picture of the item. Under the picture in faint text is 'More info'. Clicking on that will bring up another page with the original specs details that you first saw Hopefully somehow this can be printed out (copy and paste to notepad perhaps?).

Addendum...anyone else been getting the message about the 'Secure Connection failed' message when trying to login?

Firefox seems to have a major issue with the security certificate on this website!!
I had to allow an 'exception' to log in. Hmmm! :33:

Hope you get your first order asap BC.

S xx
While I know you can get item details from your Account, what happens if you order by phone? My OH has had items from R&Co - he doesn't have an e-mail account (well he has but never uses it - not 'puter savvy!), so only has the abbreviated details on the invoice. The other channels have a proper authenticity cert., so I don't see why R&Co can't...It helps if the items is to be a gift too..

While we're about it, the details of the return address are in tiny print down in the corner of the returns slip - Rocks tv gives you a proper sticker...
Hi Guys:

Happy New Year! This is my first post for 2009! You can get all the details you need on our jewellery by simply typing in the product number at our 'Historic Product Search' page:

It doesn't matter whether you ordered by phone or web, your item number is the only thing you need to verify a Rocks & Co. product. Simply enter an item number and press "go" to access the "more info" details for any Rocks & Co. jewellery. A handy "print page" button is also included, allowing you to generate a hard copy. Just staple it to your invoice for a permanent record of your purchase. Prices are not included as they are on customer invoices.

Basket Case, if you PM me the details on your pending order I will have someone follow this up for you.

Lastly, please let me assure everyone that there are no security probelms with our website. You may want to look at the security settings of your Interent browser, but again, the site is secure.

I hope this helps and as always, please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Kind Regards,

You took the plunge then.......well done!
:mysmilie_797.gif: (I kyanite believe it!!) :mysmilie_797.gif:

If you go back into your Account....after logging in....and click on 'View Order History', it will appear with the picture of the item. Under the picture in faint text is 'More info'. Clicking on that will bring up another page with the original specs details that you first saw Hopefully somehow this can be printed out (copy and paste to notepad perhaps?).

Addendum...anyone else been getting the message about the 'Secure Connection failed' message when trying to login?

Firefox seems to have a major issue with the security certificate on this website!!
I had to allow an 'exception' to log in. Hmmm! :33:

Hope you get your first order asap BC.

S xx

yes I was getting that message via Firefox this evening. I went in under IE browser instead - cannot find my order history on my account at all. what's happened to it??
Hi Sammi

My order was done on the web, hence my order history being available to view.
Don't think this applies to phone only orders.

BUT....sorry Gav.... just tried to log in again and got the same message

'Secure Connection Failed' followed by ' uses an invalid Security certificate.'...followed by more blurb.

Thought it might initially be due to upgrading to Firefox 3 and it not being familiar with this site.
Its obviously a slow learner!! :mysmilie_738.gif:
Hi Sacha:

I have just spoken to our programmers and you are correct, it is due to you upgrading to Firefox 3. It is not familiar with the security certification we use and will require you to allow some exceptions by following several steps before these messages halt. If you skip this process, the messages will keep occurring. For peace of mind, we tested this ourselves using Firefox 3 and I have attached the steps you need to follow as screen grabs.

Once again, please let me assure all our friends at Shopping Telly that there are no security issues with our website.

I hope this helps and as always, please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Best Wishes,



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