Irritating presenters


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Reading the thread on Simon Biaggi made me think - I think it's only really Kathy and Jilly who don't irritate me. Simon might qualify but he needs to cover his chest up more. Does anyone have a long list of non-irritating presenters to add?
I go through phases with all of them! Julia is the only one I never get tired of, although she does 'preen' when she is 'modelling' products.Chloe is top of my list for non watching at the moment & Ann 'I tell you what' Dawson.
Non-irritating? Julia, Catherine, Dale, Charlie and Jackie. I want to include Ali Young as I really do like her, but I wince every time she talks over someone! The rest irritate me at varying levels, for various reasons. That's not to say I don't like them, as I don't know them, I just very irked whilst listening to them.
I like Julia and Jilly, don't mind Dale, especially on Yankee.
That's about it for the likes.
I miss Julian.

JR except when she is being silly or saying numba, orda
CB only because he obviously does pre show preparation.
Dale, same as CB

Blood pressure off the radar:

Chuntley (enough said)
Del Boy - sell sell sell at all cost, don't worry about truth or ethics
SG - just won't stop talking and talking and talking
AD - banshee
Jackie - she's even more bored than I am watching her.
Marv - those rolling eyes and the gurning grr.

AK - ok on her own but talks over all guests.
JillyH - ok if only she would stop the "in this hour" and the ok? Upper inflection - you are not Australian.
Craig, Kathy, Simon, Chloe - rarely see so no great thoughts
AY - never watch beauty so spared the screeching
JF - stop the scratching and claws - although note in the last year or so she has got away very lightly on this forum

Anyone I've missed is probably because they bore me to tears.
I rather like Alison "I've had a face lift but it's better than Lulu" Keenan. I quite like her voice.

I can't stand Ann Dawson and Alison "for yew" Young. She's too "in my face area!"

I like Dale Franklin too. I think it's the voices that I tend to notice more than anything else.
Can`t stand Ali Tin Man Young, Del boy Flint, Anne Bagpipes Dawson, Jill Skeletor Franks or Charlie Here`s the Reveal Brooks.
Can tolerate Jilly, Dale and believe it or not, Chuntley but only in small doses.
I rarely watch shows and if I do watch then I tend to mute the volume after 10 minutes so maybe I`m just cranky with all of them lol.
I'm probably a lone voice but I absolutely love Ali Young, "paintented" aside. I could probably watch her all day.

I like Jackie, Chloe, Pippa, Dale, Charlie, Ali K.

Can tolerate Jilly, Simon, Craig, Sara, Ann.

Dislike Julia, Jill, Del Boy, Marv.

Hate hate hate Catherine!
I'm probably a lone voice but I absolutely love Ali Young, "paintented" aside. I could probably watch her all day.

I like Jackie, Chloe, Pippa, Dale, Charlie, Ali K.

Can tolerate Jilly, Simon, Craig, Sara, Ann.

Dislike Julia, Jill, Del Boy, Marv.

Hate hate hate Catherine!

I love Ali Young too!

I forgot to mention that Claire S is ok for me too. I saw her on L'Occitane today and had forgotten all about her.
Marverine is faintly ridiculous: I'm not sure why she's there sometimes. Ditto Alison Young's bitch, aka Will Gowing. Del Boy Flint is really the worst, totally lacking in integrity, ethics or anything approaching a moral compass, made all the worse with her 'I'm just a bit of a ordinary girl' routine. She's also unhealthily obsessed with social media, and I think gets it mixed up with reality sometimes.

Julia is really the only one who never irritates me: she's professional but personable at the same time. I also don't mind Chuntley at times, or Jackie Kabler (her disinterest and slight boredom is often quite refreshingly honest, whether or not she's actually intending to be like that). Alison Young's voice goes straight through me, as does the conker-brown Alison Keenan. I'm never going to get over Sara's caterpillar eyebrows that time (plus the fact she's irritating). Skeletor needs to stop the whole 'I've got x left, so I need you on the phone's now', and Craig would probably be better of back in that shoe shop fetching a size 4, 5 and 6 just in case.

Charlie is a little bit peculiar - I often think he might have either some breakdown or manic rampage live on air, probably during a fake diamond hour. I like Chloë's earthiness (so un-QVC) and I also like her pre-QVC antics, particularly the twitter filth during her time at Sky which, funnily enough, has never been mentioned at QVC. I dislike Claire Sutton's baby voice and showing off.

Pippa, Anne and Dale are to me like white toast, or a vanilla yoghourt - totally unremarkable and neither unpleasant nor particularly appealing. Simon Biagi, on the other hand, makes my skin crawl slightly - what's with all the unnecessary hair and flesh. A bit yukky.
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I don't feel anything even close to "hating" a Q presenter as I think there are far more worthwhile things to stress about in life. However here are the ones I really like and enjoy watching:

Catherine Huntley, Julia Roberts, Chloe Everton, Jackie Kabler and Jilly Halliday.

Craftalot I think you hit the nail on the head with Charlie seeming like he could totally lose it and have a meltdown at any moment. You have expressed what I have felt for ages but I couldn't put my finger on what my issue with him was!! :)
There are only two qvc presenters that I can't tolerate and never ever watch...they are Craig and Marverine...I switch off/over as soon as I see/hear them. The rest I can watch but it all depend on what they are presenting as to how long I will watch. Imo the 48hrs beauty feast is very, very boring, the only thing worse for me would be 48hrs of craft.
I don't feel anything even close to "hating" a Q presenter as I think there are far more worthwhile things to stress about in life.

Well I was using hate flippantly to mean dislike the presenting of and find unpleasant to watch, I'd never seriously actually hate or wish harm on someone because their presenting style or voice annoy me. I presume that's the case for everyone really, would anyone honestly loathe another human purely based on that?

It seems I forgot Claire and Kathy from my list, they're both very irritating.
I can sort of give anyone who does pre show preparation (a big big bug bear with me) a head start on the acceptable list.

Forgot about Clare - she's ok, a bit Barbie but again knows her stuff
Pippa - used to be a favourite but once the Yeah yeah started that was it for me.
My initial list was far too sketchy, so here's the update:
Non-irritating: Kathy (normal), Jilly (ordinary), Craig (I actually think he's quite sweet), Alison K (professional), Jackie (seems normal)
Mildly irritating: Prima Donna Julia, Chuntley, little-girl Claire, Mecharlie, bovver-girl Chloe, Dale, Pipa (why can't she spell it with 2 Ps like most Pippas?), Simon-with-the-manly-chest
Irritating beyond words: DBF (leader of the pack), Micael, AY, AD, JF, Marverine, Sara G
Have you noticed that more or less the same ones are usually in the top and bottom of everyone's list with the bland ones slightly shifting in or out of the middle ground.

Chuntley is the only one who seems to vary greatly between bottom and top. She is definitely a marmite one.
Have you noticed that more or less the same ones are usually in the top and bottom of everyone's list with the bland ones slightly shifting in or out of the middle ground.

Chuntley is the only one who seems to vary greatly between bottom and top. She is definitely a marmite one.

Interesting. Do you think there is consistency? I.e. if you like Catherine do you also like Chloe, Jackie & Julia?
Cannot stand AY's screeching, especially her rudeness with guests.
Pipa 'Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...and Amaaazing
Ann 'I tell you what'
Simon - 'And...And...And....
Clare Sutton (sometimes) with her baby voice and 'my mummy this and my mummy that'
AK - with her loud, forthright, speeded up voice that won't let a guest speak
Chuntley (sometimes) with her desperate need to be told she looks gorgeous
Charlie Brooks with his eagerness to stuff himself silly on cookery shows and his 'reveal' on jewellery
Dell Boy Flint - well, what more can I add
Jill Franks - drives me nuts thinking she owns QVC and her 'claw' hands all the time

I can only stand watching Julia, Jilly, Dale mostly.....Chloe is okish at times as is Miceal and Jackie
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