Intimidated ?


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Jul 23, 2018
Brandizzo, Italy
Several presenters, as well as Ruth Langsford, have said they find the designer Helene Burman intimidating. She certainly is always immaculately turned out ... not a hair out of place, tasteful jewelry and perfect makeup. As for her coats, though, ... so many have no front fastening and on the models do not even reach the middle of the chest. These can hardly be described as coats. Maybe her non QVC designs are award winning, but I could not put her on a pedestal for what she brings to the TV.
Several presenters, as well as Ruth Langsford, have said they find the designer Helene Burman intimidating. She certainly is always immaculately turned out ... not a hair out of place, tasteful jewelry and perfect makeup. As for her coats, though, ... so many have no front fastening and on the models do not even reach the middle of the chest. These can hardly be described as coats. Maybe her non QVC designs are award winning, but I could not put her on a pedestal for what she brings to the TV.
Rude. Did they explain why they felt this way?
Ruth Langsford said she was sweaty from dancing, and as she knew Helene Burman was in the QVC building. dreaded coming face to face with her. I have heard Katy Pullinger (sp ?) admit she felt intimidated. Why 'rude', Twilight ?
Rude because it's a very harsh word to use & means
'frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants'.
HB is a real designer, whose clothes can be found in good quality department stores. As far as I know, Q have not yet invited her to "design" made for Q items... I put design in quotes, as we all suspect that it only involves agreeing to put your name to whatever that comes from Q's own warehouses and factories. I hope she continues to hold out against the filthy lucre it no doubt generates.
Several presenters, as well as Ruth Langsford, have said they find the designer Helene Burman intimidating. She certainly is always immaculately turned out ... not a hair out of place, tasteful jewelry and perfect makeup. As for her coats, though, ... so many have no front fastening and on the models do not even reach the middle of the chest. These can hardly be described as coats. Maybe her non QVC designs are award winning, but I could not put her on a pedestal for what she brings to the TV.
Perhaps she had the day off when they learned to do buttonholes at design school!
Rude because it's a very harsh word to use & means
'frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants'.

HB is a real designer, whose clothes can be found in good quality department stores. As far as I know, Q have not yet invited her to "design" made for Q items... I put design in quotes, as we all suspect that it only involves agreeing to put your name to whatever that comes from Q's own warehouses and factories. I hope she continues to hold out against the filthy lucre it no doubt generates.
Ruth Langsford designs the clothes she brings to QVC. I don't think she just puts her name on the brand. willy nilly The same with Helene Burman. I should think both of them make good money selling their fashions on QVC and they give the impression they believe in what they are offering the customer. But I could be wrong

Rude because it's a very harsh word to use & means or pushed into doing something
'frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants'.
I would say that the presenters who said they were 'intimidated' meant they were 'in awe' of her. I do not think for one moment that they felt frightened or made to do something they didn't want to do.
I’m really sorry but I have to disagree about RL. Her Q clothes are truly awful - I don’t watch her on day TV so can’t comment on her personal wardrobe.

I will never be convinced that she has anything at all to do with designing the Q range and TBH if by any chance she actually does then she should be ashamed of herself.
Ruth Langsford designs the clothes she brings to QVC. I don't think she just puts her name on the brand. willy nilly The same with Helene Burman. I should think both of them make good money selling their fashions on QVC and they give the impression they believe in what they are offering the customer. But I could be wrong

I would say that the presenters who said they were 'intimidated' meant they were 'in awe' of her. I do not think for one moment that they felt frightened or made to do something they didn't want to do.

No I think like Amanda Holden, Rylan Clark Neal and his clone in the QVC “design” department Julien Macdonald, among others, Ruth Langsford does only put her name to the range, I say this because on a few occasions (that I’ve seen maybe more) she’s never known what material the garment is made off, how to open the garment or known which way round to wear it.
We've had this conversation many times about slebs being the face of a product. They are either slebs or designers who went to art/design school. The designers who are slebs have credible businesses with history, like Kelly Hoppen and Julien McDonald. Ambitious Holden does not, Ruth Langsford does not, Lisa Snowden/Andrea McLean does not. Shoppy is right, Langsford always stumbles as to fabric content or colour. What she is good at is hand movements when describing the product. Personally I think she is looking a bit dated in her tight tops, slim jeans and stiletto heels. A mumsy trying to look trendy.

Helen Berman is a bona fide designer, has been around for many years, and her collections used to be in an upmarket clothes catalogue and in concessional department stores. She has more design experience in her little finger than that other pretender in baggy trousers Victoria Beckham. 12 years ago I bought a fabulous beige suit with gold flecks of hers, to attend a wedding in Zurich. It cost around £180, was beautifully made and I felt a million dollars in it. I also have a matching dress and bolero jacket which I'll never part with. Quality always counts.
All employees should be professional enough not to comment, in the presence of or not, on their peers in any way that even slightly undermines them. That should be in all instances - saying they feel intimidated by someone, leaving a deliberately awkward silence, joking, flirting, making even slightly dubious comments, gestures or facial expressions. Otherwise, they aren't being professional. End.
All employees should be professional enough not to comment, in the presence of or not, on their peers in any way that even slightly undermines them. That should be in all instances - saying they feel intimidated by someone, leaving a deliberately awkward silence, joking, flirting, making even slightly dubious comments, gestures or facial expressions. Otherwise, they aren't being professional. End.
I think that the people who used the word 'intimidating' used it in a complimentary way, i.e., she is like fashion royalty
I would also say that the Q consensus in describing Helene as "intimidating" seems to me a way of diminishing her... a Male guest with a similar pedigree would not be given that description, I believe.
I would also say that the Q consensus in describing Helene as "intimidating" seems to me a way of diminishing her... a Male guest with a similar pedigree would not be given that description, I believe.
A very, very long time ago on QVC USA, the late actor Charlton Heston was selling CDs of his reading (I believe from the Bible), The QVC presenter, one Kathy Levin, said she had never, ever felt intimidated in her life, but that Heston made her feel that way. Of course, she meant it as a great compliment to his status as an actor.

A very, very long time ago on QVC USA, the late actor Charlton Heston was selling CDs of his reading (I believe from the Bible), The QVC presenter, one Kathy Levin, said she had never, ever felt intimidated in her life, but that Heston made her feel that way. Of course, she meant it as a great compliment to his status as an actor.

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