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This is an interesting ongoing conversation on Q's FB page - neatly sums up the horror that is the 'special' FB closed group and the folks that run it

Darn it, it wouldn't let me embed the link to the conversation for some reason - anyway, go to Q's FB page and it was started by someone 14 hours ago, querying where a specific post had gone to...
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The weird part is this Facebook will not tolerate any forum of QVC and the presenters are not the most fabulous wonderful amazing thing since sliced bread. One little mummer of something was late or you had to return you get banned straight away. You will be considered a Troll and one Admin talked of collecting IP addresses of those who visited her blog and keeping for her solicitor! You must at all time follow the hive mind.

Paranoia and vindictiveness - what an attractive combination!

This is an interesting ongoing conversation on Q's FB page - neatly sums up the horror that is the 'special' FB closed group and the folks that run it

Darn it, it wouldn't let me embed the link to the conversation for some reason - anyway, go to Q's FB page and it was started by someone 14 hours ago, querying where a specific post had gone to...

Not sure this is going to be possible for those of us who don't use FB, is it?
QVC themselves have been as bad as any spin off groups. On Q`s official facebook page many people and I mean many, have been blocked or banned for trivial reasons. I`m one of them and my crime was to voice my disgust at Basso`s blood trade as a furrier. I can no longer comment on that page but I can still read posts. Some people are totally blocked and can neither read nor comment.
If I`m not good enough for their facebook page and if their brand reps can`t be bothered to post on that page, only on small select closed groups, then neither QVC nor the brands deserve my custom. My money will spend anywhere and there is nothing QVC sells which can`t be found elsewhere.
I was having difficulty getting a new fridge, in the past few years companies put notes on their delivery restrictions so many times, such as "this is a kerbside delivery only", "we do not deliver above groundfloor, without prior arrangement" (and presumably extra expense???
maymorganlondon, that's a good point, sorry �� This is the link to the QVC Facebook page, it's public so I think you can read it even if you don't have a FB account...I think???
I am not on FB and I sometimes check out the visitor posts on their FB page as it is public. I find it usually sycophantic but you do see some complaints and the occasional spat. When the Green Seasons (is that the name?) Xmas meat delivery debacle was going on, it made interesting reading. Especially when the shows were still airing and you would never know there had been an issue.

I take it this current row is about the BTY group run by Delboy Flint's mate. She has deleted criticisms and barred posters. Well, thT is no shock to us on this forum! Same old, same old if you ask me. But it was good to see some posters not just letting the matter lie but continuing to post about it on a forum she cannot delete from.
Hope this works?

Just for the record peeps I have not blocked anyone. Not sure what has ensued but it would appear that my innocent question this morning has been removed. I can no longer see any comments.

I have just logged on and have no idea who has posted what. I merely asked a very simple question. Sadly this has been misinterpreted on this very page. Most odd and extremely disappointing!
5 5
Kim Williams
Kim Williams JJ would it be a FB issue? If you can see this?
15 hrs
January Jones
January Jones I can see this Kim. My simple question to a blogger that was raving about the upcoming elemis TSV has been removed. However during that process I believe some folks think I have either blocked them or removed my post. I have done neither.
5 · 14 hrs · Edited
Kim Williams
Kim Williams How odd? I did not see the post, odd things occurring on this page
14 hrs
January Jones
January Jones Mmmm like folks removing questions they don't want to answer. It means I have my answer. It's rather flattering to have a comment removed. Absolutely hilarious! xx
10 · 14 hrs
Bryher Reading
Bryher Reading I answered your question January and the blogger didn't like what I said, so she blocked me and has obviously blocked you too and removed your question and my response. That tells us what you wanted to know I think!
4 · 12 hrs
January Jones
January Jones Thanks Bryher! It has indeed resolved that. Thank you for replying. I'm only sorry that in that process you have been blocked through no fault of your own.

Q when did the rules of transparency change? Am bemused and confused. I don't believe I have violated any of Qs Facebook rules?
4 · 12 hrs
Bryher Reading
Bryher Reading I don't mind being blocked by her. The fact that she blocked me for expressing an opinion says everything. I may be wrong, but I don't think Q has anything to do with it. I think because she posted from her page she was able to delete our comments. Personally I call that the shameless manipulation of the comments to give a false impression of what people are saying.
1 · 11 hrs · Edited
Sue James
Sue James She is renowned for blocking must run into the thousands.
3 · 4 hrs
January Jones
January Jones Must do Sue! It's all rather amusing if I'm honest!
1 · 2 hrs
Margaret Norrington
Margaret Norrington Nowt so queer as folk! lol
1 hr
Sue James
Sue James Im amazed she's posted on here didn't think she was affiliated to Qvc well only by being a friend of a presenter Times must be hard!
50 mins
January Jones
January Jones Hence my perfectly reasonable question Sue. What a hoot!
1 · 41 mins
Here is the next one from someone else.

Where is the Elemis post gone that was here before?
3 3
Anne Knight
Anne Knight The one that showed the upcoming TSV?
2 · 16 hrs
Michelle Laing
Michelle Laing I can still see it but JJ's question is missing.
4 · 16 hrs
January Jones
January Jones Really! Quelle surprise!! I can't see so have to assume I have been blocked for asking a very simple question.

I wonder on what basis I have been blocked? Be helpful to know.
2 · 15 hrs
Efs Moore
Efs Moore Oh...probs fb playing up...again JJ. Or not☺
1 · 14 hrs
January Jones
January Jones Efs me thinks my question wasn't well received. Sadly said person(s) decided to remove my comment unbeknown to me. I find it rather flattering. In fact it's made me giggle! Hope you are well btw xx
13 hrs
Efs Moore
Efs Moore I think you're right, you will never know the Welcome to the great unwashed☺xxx
1 · 13 hrs
January Jones
January Jones Efs lol!! The great and the good!! Freedom of speech. If not palatable then at least have the conviction to say what the issue is. Simply blocking is.....hilarious xx
1 · 12 hrs
Efs Moore
Efs Moore
4 hrs
Amanda Lindberg
Amanda Lindberg Probably for no reason other than just deciding to block you..
1 · 1 hr · Edited
Jenny Hicks
Jenny Hicks What did you ask ?
2 · 15 hrs
Bryher Reading
Bryher Reading January asked if the blogger was connected with QVC. I answered her saying that the blogger runs the BTY group and is a close friend of Debbie Flint. I said that was hardly impartial in my opinion. The blogger immediately took exception to this, post...See More
7 · 12 hrs · Edited
January Jones
January Jones Thanks Bryher. As my post was removed I was not privy to see what had then been posted. I was also not given any explanation as to why my post was removed.

On a positive am totally bemused. On a negative, it tends to whip the fun out of Qs Facebook page. It used to be transparent, fun without ego's wading in.......the page now is a former shadow of itself.....
6 · 12 hrs
Jemima Bird
Jemima Bird Ah, the BTY group - always results in a giggle. As you say the behaviour answers your question quite succinctly and sadly undermines the integrity of the tsv and Elemis.
I can't remember why but I was blocked from the group but tbh the fawning and falseness was making my free thinking gene cry so hardly a big loss.
5 · 4 hrs
January Jones
January Jones Lol Jemma. Totally agree. My free thinking gene is very precious to me. The Elemis TSV looks fabulous!
2 · 4 hrs

Seems DF's bestie posted on the QVC FACEBOOK raving about the TSV, and how she tried it back in February. But she is just a beauty blogger so why is she given permission to post and review upcoming TSVs on the official QVC page seems to be the question asked. Others get told off and banned from the QVC page for doing the same.
I take it this current row is about the BTY group run by Delboy Flint's mate. She has deleted criticisms and barred posters. Well, thT is no shock to us on this forum! Same old, same old if you ask me. But it was good to see some posters not just letting the matter lie but continuing to post about it on a forum she cannot delete from.

Totally agree, will be interesting to see how Q handles it as I bet they're itching to delete both dissenting posts, but there are too many comments now!
There's no way on this earth that QVC will upset the walking sandwich board advertising QVC products that is Debbi Flint, she is literally like a walking QVC website.
It sounds as if the financial position of QVC in its entirety is not on as firm a footing as they would like us to believe. While so many other retailers have caught up with and surpassed the model which QVC launched with and acquired such market dominance, QVC themselves have not been redoubling their efforts to remain competitive.

I think all selly telly the world over is probably disingenuous with what they tell us on air. If you want to understand fully how things work, you have to either do your own homework and read the small print, or ask their Customer Services for clarification.

I got caught out myself with an auto-delivery. I assumed that returning a delivery automatically cancelled the whole programme. Not so (and in a way that's good). You have to return the goods and contact them to explicitly cancel the auto-delivery.

QVC is a sinking ship. What might have been novel years ago has become as outmoded as Alison Young's shoulder pads. With so much choice out there now in home shopping there's no reason to buy from those jokers. The supposed "benefit" of on-screen demos is negligible. Pretty much everything is rated and reviewed online these days. QVC's aggressive strategy is symptomatic of a company heading towards the rocks. It smacks of desperation.
I agree Julius, they seem to be cramming more and more items in per hour now on the hopes something might grab s viewers interest. I remember when they first started and they only had about four things on in the hour, now it's about eight to ten, possibly more, yes they may have online demos but not everyone has the Internet.
Agree, it's not the same as few years back! Combination of some poor products and constant online marketing which comes across fairly needy! Don't get me started with social media, mainly Fakebook, lololololo:mysmilie_1:
Put simply - it's a mess...

... now they need some new, fresh, thinking about how to change things.

Albert Einstein "The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results."

QVC "The solution to get different results is to do what we've done previously, worse and more than before."

I'll leave you to decide who's the genius.
Put simply - it's a mess...

... now they need some new, fresh, thinking about how to change things.

Albert Einstein "The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results."

QVC "The solution to get different results is to do what we've done previously, worse and more than before."

I'll leave you to decide who's the genius.
far tooo much beauty products..its boring now. how long does a 50 ml pot of face cream last 4-6 months so you only need 2-3 pots a year. qvc are rely on people multiple buying kits on a ridiculous scale. if you buy on the high street you buy what you need no stock pilling
Fibby Flint and her blogger bezzy friend live in totally different world to us, they live in a world were negative opinions don't exist because they're either removed or blocked to make them seem more popular than they actually are and houses are made of marshmallows with chocolate roofs, and bunnies hop through the luscious green grass and little birds and deers come to greet you as you skip up to your marshmallow cottage........ahhhh what a lovely little QVC bubble.

Major disclaimer......I never have, nor will be a part of anything DF related this includes reading her slutty novels, applying to join her "groups" or contribute one single penny to her bank that she laughs all the way too, horrid little woman.

I belonged to both BTY and Queens after a Facebook friend suggested I'd enjoy the groups. I never caused any controversy or got into any arguments and it used to be my first port of call each day to say hello to friends I'd made there, then one day I joined a more free speaking Q group and that was me gone from the other two, whooshed without any explanation. I wonder if Q realise how much custom these privileged groups have cost them. I used to get caught in the hype and buy all sorts of things I neither wanted nor needed, but once I'd been removed my spending has been minimal. SH must have saved me thousands by removing me.
Either they are going over the top with the beauty products, or we are all still watching too much QVC :mysmilie_47:
far tooo much beauty products..its boring now. how long does a 50 ml pot of face cream last 4-6 months so you only need 2-3 pots a year. qvc are rely on people multiple buying kits on a ridiculous scale. if you buy on the high street you buy what you need no stock pilling

Agree, gone over board and how on earth can everyone use, try, tested and wear daily? I struggle with my couple of favourite brands! It's all hyper bunkum and totally marketing constantly about these brands! :mysmilie_12:

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