Ingrid Tarrant - Useless


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Jun 24, 2008
theyve brought her in as the guest for Yong Kim fashion. she met pippa on joanne goode's radio prog last week and pippa thought she'd be good as a guest as they were looking for someone for the range.


Tarrant is more interested in gawping at the models instead of chatting with pippa.... long periods of silence from her :mysmilie_865: she's made a couple of ****oos about the clothes, commenting on a pale grey item "very few people can get away with that colour" :mysmilie_865: and saying she wouldnt wear something with a skirt - when we all know that you can wear anytthing off QVC with ANYthing in your wardrobe :mysmilie_865:

she's gonna have to buck her ideas up for 9pm 'cos she's on with JuJu
I'll cut her some slack if she's new to the presenting guest game. It makes a refreshing change to hear some honest comments, I liked that Pippa warned about a jumpsuit being short in the body, at the end of the day if an item does not suit it's going to be sent back so QVC are better off giving honest appraisals.
Caught the end of the Yong Kimshow. Initially saw Kim in the item descriptions and then the price and thought yikes!!! Kim and co prices have gone mad! Liked a couple of items but not at those prices.
whoever does the product descriptions needs to learn to spell too. modal was described as "model" and poplin as "popline".

adolph was modelling, the stuff suited her but jo fair looked wrong in them.
Flicked over and thought poor Jo. In a blue dress which did nothing for her.
Pipa talking to blond woman who just turned her back on Pipa and ignored her.

We have Lizze Cu thingy doing the curling tongs and having as much knowledge as a cockroach does on the same item. Now ex Mrs. Tarrgant. Think old Glen is laughing his red moccasins off.
A brief precis in case you missed it:

Pipa: And this modal tunic really works doesn't it?
Ingrid: Yes it really works, it's perfect.
Pipa: Perfect for smart casual
Ingrid: Yes, for smart casual.
Pipa: We haven't even touched on your credentials as a fashion expert yet, how you came to be in the fashion industry. You had your own boutique...
Ingrid: Yes I had my own boutique.
Pipa: Great. Now these prices are a bit higher than other ranges on QVC but then you can go out into the high street and find things twice the price of this.
Ingrid: Yes you can.
Pipa: Love this.
Ingrid: Yes, I love it too, it really works. Perfect. Yes.

A brief precis in case you missed it:

Pipa: And this modal tunic really works doesn't it?
Ingrid: Yes it really works, it's perfect.
Pipa: Perfect for smart casual
Ingrid: Yes, for smart casual.
Pipa: We haven't even touched on your credentials as a fashion expert yet, how you came to be in the fashion industry. You had your own boutique...
Ingrid: Yes I had my own boutique.
Pipa: Great. Now these prices are a bit higher than other ranges on QVC but then you can go out into the high street and find things twice the price of this.
Ingrid: Yes you can.
Pipa: Love this.
Ingrid: Yes, I love it too, it really works. Perfect. Yes.


Well, there you go.

Ex-Mrs Tarrant is obviously the best person to help sell QVC fashion. :angel:
it was embarrassing to watch paticularly when the t-caller called they looked self consious.pippa was carrying the guest and it was a strain even for pips!:blush:
i was thinking she'd have been wise to have phoned a friend for answers

Oh dear. :sweat:

QVC can get it right when it comes to guests: Carla who comes on with the handbag range that I've forgotten springs to mind. So I do wonder what Ingrid Tarrant did to convince QVC bosses that she'd be a good guest.

I hope she wasn't booked just because of her surname. :wonder:
Caught the end of the Yong Kimshow. Initially saw Kim in the item descriptions and then the price and thought yikes!!! Kim and co prices have gone mad! Liked a couple of items but not at those prices.

Yong Kim and Kim and Co. are 2 different ranges!
Yes, she did have to be rescued a few times. I think she forgot that live TV is like live radio and it requires continuous talking.
It will be intersting to see what she's like with Julia because I've never seen anybody else presenting this range apart from Pipa who absolutely loves it.

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