In process


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Only reason they get away with it is that there are enough people ready to buy from them despite the wait.

This is exactly why Q get away with what they do. People still buy from them in their masses. No need to change if making decent profits.
Every time I flicked over during the weekend some presenter was lauding the fact that they had x number of new customers since start of August and x during the weekend. I don't remember the actual numbers but I did think that in comparison to the Molton Brown days it was not a huge amount

I wonder why after all these years they have suddenly felt the need to keep mentioning new customers.
I wonder why after all these years they have suddenly felt the need to keep mentioning new customers.[/QUOTE]

I wondered that last night, think they were up to 11,000 new customers, when you add up the number of new customers they get each month, the whole of the UK must shop with them?
They love their bight-eyed eager new shoppers, but they don't do much to keep us jaded, cynical old customers sweet!
I have heard them mention no of new customers numerous times over the years.
They used to do it all the time, and for a while new customers names used to run along the bottom of the screen but nothing lately until last weekend. Or did I just zone them out in my boredom of the twaddle they spout on every show
I'm glad you brought this subject up, as I was beginning to think it was just me or, just my luck in the items I ordered. I have been 20 years with QVC so I've seen and heard it all, but although they used to often mention in passing now and then that they had new customers joining all the time, in the past year specifically, I hear them do it all the time, and you know when something sticks out is because it's unusual, so they are definitely making the point of telling the world 'oh look, more new customers', well I'm sick of it, just as i'm sick of the constant 'you know we have been voted second only to John Lewis for customer most trusted company' - yeah right, how many were on the survey I wonder, because frankly i don't believe this, although I don't think they can lie about it, I think not too many companies were surveyed or vice versa - customers.

The main reason I'm saying this is because i only shop online, have done so for the past five years, I could count the number of times I've actively gotten into my car and drove to the proverbial 'high street' to make purchases or window shop, so I know what I'm talking about, and as has already been mentioned, QVC are no great shakes in two areas [1] the cost of their p & p and, [2] delivery.

My minimum I've waited to receive an item has been five days, forget 3-5 working days, that went out the window for me a long time ago, I don't use credit cards for my purchases I use my debit card always, they say they don't take your money until the item on order has actually been dispatched too.

I think QVC need to get their act together and take more notice (and respect) for their customers, as we are the one paying the huge salaries and perks they're all having.
Like a lot of forumites, I've ordered items via ebay from China and had them arrive more quickly than QVC can get their orders out of the warehouse! It's a disgrace. And even if they do pay crap wages like Amazon, Amazon still manage to get the goods out quickly!

It really bugs me the way Chloe and Ali K say, in effect, that you will have your goods within "three to five days". I thought it used to be working days? In the words of Jim Royle, my arse! They can barely get it ready to dispatch in that time! And that's another bugbear of mine. When you order, the value of the order is put into a pending bin, for want of a better description, by the bank. QVC are taking so long to despatch that the money goes back into my account then gets taken again when the order finally goes out the door. It makes a complete mess of my bank and makes it very hard to keep a track of what is going on with orders. Does anyone else have a similar issue? This has happened twice in the last week and I have to be careful not to spend that money to avoid going overdrawn when QVC finally get their act together.

I do. I hate having to work out my installments....I only take the offer of installments thinking that the money is better in my bank than theirs:giggle:
Do they still accept cheques? I thought in the past, when people had ordered with cheques, they were put " in process" till their cheques cleared.
Another reason could be that if they were low or have run out of stock and they were gambling on some customers changing their mind, so they could make do with the cancelled orders and with what they have, rather than ordering more from suppliers(which will take about 3-4 days:wait:) therefore sometimes orders take a longer time to reach the customers.
I agree, I really cannot see why they can't leave the order cancel button on your order until the item is being got ready to be dispatched, like Amazon do, and the time in which it is removed differs I have noticed, sometimes it seems about 30mins other times it is a few minutes, I would not mind so much but they take so long on occasions to get the stuff out, they least they could do is leave you a bit longer to change your mind. Perhaps they just hope we will keep the items or pay to return them and they make a profit on the postage, who knows.
I always thought "in process" means the order was being processed rather than them carrying out any sort of checks on us, perhaps I am being naive :blush:

I had it appear for about an hour on a silly B&W order the other week there, thankfully it was still there when I decided that £60 for a gaudy ring was just horrendous. I'll not mention the 'we don't take the money until it's dispatched' comment they make as the £23.95 for the first easy pay sat in my pending transactions for 5 days! Yes, unavailable funds for 5 days for a cancelled order!

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