So if you had the spare cash, won the euromillions, rich elderly relative you didn't know about died and left you wads of dosh..........what would you treat yourself to (as its a QVC thread obv something off them!).
For me it would be a Lulu Guinness bag, would like one of the lips clutches but Q don't do these so any of the other gorg Lulu bags on there. Oh and maybe a Clarisonic as well.
I know we're all stuck in the blooming recession but its still nice to dream.......:happy:
For me it would be a Lulu Guinness bag, would like one of the lips clutches but Q don't do these so any of the other gorg Lulu bags on there. Oh and maybe a Clarisonic as well.
I know we're all stuck in the blooming recession but its still nice to dream.......:happy:
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