Ickle Gripe!!


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I guess this isn't really worthy of a whole new thread or anything, but Rocks and Co seeeeem to be taking a bit of notice, so there is something that has naffed me off that I would like to share!!

I have been watching Rocks and Co for a bit and have today registered...I know....get me!!!! Thing is, my surname is double barrelled (yes I really am as posh as my posts make me seem....honest...), let's say I am PrincessRacer Chumley-Warner for the sake of argument!! As requested put my first name in the first name box. As requested put my surname in the surname box. Went to the next box and was told my surname is invalid.

Excuse me???? Invalid??? My name??? MY name???

Apparently, having a hyphen in your name makes it invalid!!! Now call me picky if you wish (not to my face though) but I am quite attached to that hyphen! It is as much a part of my name as each of the letters - indeed it is almost a letter in its own right! I have now had to register WITHOUT my hyphen, and I feel naked!

So my name is now, apparently, PrincessRacer Chumley Warner....only it isn't because that looks like Chumley is my middle name which it isn't, which is why I have a hyphen in the first place!!!

OK, I know...I need to get out more and not be so concerned by hyphen omission, but EVERY name I have has to be questioned in its spelling - seriously my parents did me no favours in the 'easy spelling name' stakes - so I am hyper sensitive about people getting it wrong!!!
I would like to add (well I might as well go for it now I have started!) that I am registered with 3 other jewellry channels, none of whom have hyphen issues. I am me with them. I do not seem naked with them. My name appears as it ought to - two beautiful names conjoined by a fabulous example of the English Language's finest mark of punctuation.
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Well Mrs Chalmondley-Warner, I think you better get back to talking about fluffy kittens, and leave the serious stuff to the menfolk!!!!!

(incase you haven't got a clue what I'm talking about, it's from Harry Enfield!!!)
I guess this isn't really worthy of a whole new thread or anything, but Rocks and Co seeeeem to be taking a bit of notice, so there is something that has naffed me off that I would like to share!!

I have been watching Rocks and Co for a bit and have today registered...I know....get me!!!! Thing is, my surname is double barrelled (yes I really am as posh as my posts make me seem....honest...), let's say I am PrincessRacer Chumley-Warner for the sake of argument!! As requested put my first name in the first name box. As requested put my surname in the surname box. Went to the next box and was told my surname is invalid.

Excuse me???? Invalid??? My name??? MY name???

Apparently, having a hyphen in your name makes it invalid!!! Now call me picky if you wish (not to my face though) but I am quite attached to that hyphen! It is as much a part of my name as each of the letters - indeed it is almost a letter in its own right! I have now had to register WITHOUT my hyphen, and I feel naked!

So my name is now, apparently, PrincessRacer Chumley Warner....only it isn't because that looks like Chumley is my middle name which it isn't, which is why I have a hyphen in the first place!!!

OK, I know...I need to get out more and not be so concerned by hyphen omission, but EVERY name I have has to be questioned in its spelling - seriously my parents did me no favours in the 'easy spelling name' stakes - so I am hyper sensitive about people getting it wrong!!!

you have my simpathy, as my first name is hyphenated,people always think second part is the middle name [frustrating aint it!]
As a fellow doubled barreller, I also find this irritating. The only way round this with Rocks and Co is to leave a space. So instead of:


You need to put in:

Cholmondely Warner
you have my simpathy, as my first name is hyphenated,people always think second part is the middle name [frustrating aint it!]

Oh it really is!!!

I know I must seem REALLY anally retentive, but it is so thoroughly annoying! It also means that if/when I have to phone their Customer Services, whoever I get in the CS team will say Good Morning Mrs....er.....Warner because they won't realise that Chumley is also part of my surname, and there will be so many names on the screen that they will have to try and guess at where the first name ends and the surname begins (hence the 'er') so I end up correcting them and they sound all embarassed and start apologising.....

You get the picture!!! :rolleyes:
As a fellow doubled barreller, I also find this irritating. The only way round this with Rocks and Co is to leave a space. So instead of:


You need to put in:

Cholmondely Warner

That's what I ended up doing. Pain in the rear though coz you just know it will confuse CS!!!
I have a double barrelled first name. To make things worse, I am a swede with a scandinavian first half and a French second half. Now people have no idea how to pronounce Ingvoel but the Jacqueline part of it works for most British folks. My Mother had a major fondness for Jacqueline Kennedy! I am a duel person consequently. I use my husbands' surname as I was very proud to do so but that is just personal choice. I have one bank account in my maiden name, as it is a Swedish account but my UK account, I have chosen to use the Jacqueline part of my name, with the other half as my middle name. I have another middle name but the bank just couldn't accommodate two middle names. It bugs me that people can't choose what they want to be registered as. I hope the powers that be sort this out as it is a fairly basic request.

Inge xxx :)
Whoa - I nearly went way over the edge working out a double-barrel for you Sweepie! :wait2:

So going totally off topic for a second...

I used to work in a call centre and when we put account numbers in, peoples name would come up as follows:


so no spaces....with their address written straight underneath.

I will never forget the day I got a customer with the name Miss T Watt....or the name of the street she lived on.....Cockslicks Cottages...

...you can imagine my trying to keep a straight face while trying to confirm her name and address!!!!!!!!
Brilliant! Love it!

My friend's surname is Dick (I kid you not) and her first name start with an A .....
Many moons ago I worked with a real Richard Head. He used to say there was no point in changing it, as he was always gonna be called one anyway. xxxx
oooooh I work with a Richard Head, wonder if its the same one and yes, he sure is!! :giggle:
I guess this isn't really worthy of a whole new thread or anything, but Rocks and Co seeeeem to be taking a bit of notice, so there is something that has naffed me off that I would like to share!!

I have been watching Rocks and Co for a bit and have today registered...I know....get me!!!! Thing is, my surname is double barrelled (yes I really am as posh as my posts make me seem....honest...), let's say I am PrincessRacer Chumley-Warner for the sake of argument!! As requested put my first name in the first name box. As requested put my surname in the surname box. Went to the next box and was told my surname is invalid.

Excuse me???? Invalid??? My name??? MY name???

Apparently, having a hyphen in your name makes it invalid!!! Now call me picky if you wish (not to my face though) but I am quite attached to that hyphen! It is as much a part of my name as each of the letters - indeed it is almost a letter in its own right! I have now had to register WITHOUT my hyphen, and I feel naked!

So my name is now, apparently, PrincessRacer Chumley Warner....only it isn't because that looks like Chumley is my middle name which it isn't, which is why I have a hyphen in the first place!!!

OK, I know...I need to get out more and not be so concerned by hyphen omission, but EVERY name I have has to be questioned in its spelling - seriously my parents did me no favours in the 'easy spelling name' stakes - so I am hyper sensitive about people getting it wrong!!!

Oh Racey your post did make me laugh :grin: I know it's not funny and how it must be really annoying for you but it's "the way you tell em"!!
So, despite all the sweary words and sexual innuendos you're really a posh bird then?

I've always fancied a double-barrelled name, something like Klosblue-Bonjovi would have been nice :tongue2:
Sadly though I'm just common as muck and only have the one surname although I bet I get called a few that I don't know about!! :nod:
But dont'cha know it's now posher to not have the hyphen........:smirk: Hyphens are soooooooooooooo passé dahling. :YAWN: :pPC:

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