I know I should get a life but...........


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Going off topic AGAIN there was a brilliant program on radio 2 about Hylda Baker recently. She was so ahead of her time. It made me howl with laughter and also made me realise she was a troubled soul as so many comic geniuses are.

As you were!
Going off topic AGAIN there was a brilliant program on radio 2 about Hylda Baker recently. She was so ahead of her time. It made me howl with laughter and also made me realise she was a troubled soul as so many comic geniuses are.

As you were!

Not a word or phrase but I know I should get a life as I have just shouted at the TV after Keely announced that Elemis was worldwide in over twelve hundred countries. Getting a little too excited I think.

At least I can't see the apostrophe when they are speaking.........

I want to throw a brick at the tv when someone tell me that "the most important single criteria is.."
Really good website PPC. Thankyou. My local greengrocers misuse the apostrophe all the time. They sell lillies', cauliflowers', potatoes' etc. I have this almost uncontrollable urge(perhaps I need some items from Anne Summers) to run into the shop and confiscate all the offending price tickets. Do you think I need medical help?!! My OH thinks I do.
Oh yes Jude, laying gets my goat too! I hope this thread continues because its such good fun ! On a slightly different note, who gets mad at the misuse of the poor old apostrophe?


It reallywinds me up.
Also :
1. people who spell potato or tomato with an E on the end when it's in the singular, ( 'potatoe' ggggrrrr).
2. people who say nucular instead of nuclear.
3. people who write 'should of' instead of 'should have'.

and on Le Q:
1. AY saying 'paintent' for 'patent', as in shiny. There's no N in it.
2. That meat bloke with his '1 in number,' '2 in number.

I'm off to read the apostrophe website.
What about that little man who flogs the steam cleaners - he calls them "Haitch 2 Oh" .

Then there are the presenters who say joooolery. I say jool-ry, am I wrong ?
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And as for the terminology "you GUYS" , when clearly they are all women who are being spoken to, just makes me cringe. JF, PG and DF do this a lot. (I was dining with a girl friend, and the waitress came up to serve us with a "hi guys, wot can I getcha !, I I said - well, for a start I thought I left home a female this morning ! she apologised and referred thereafter to us as ladies)

I also hate it when the news channels refer to their Scotland /Wales/Ireland / Iceland/ etc correspondent. They would get a wrap on the knuckles from my old English Grammar teacher - she would insist its - our correspondent in Scotland/Wales/Ireland etc.
Yes, I was going to say how annoying I find paintent instead of patent and don't get me started on haitch!:angry:
Excellent thread. The ones that make me grind my teeth are:

Different to, no it is not. It is similar to and different from

Almost unique, if an object is unique it is the only one that exists. Somehow I do not think this could apply to anything sold by QVC. They should say very rare but again I don't think this would apply to anything they sell either

Iconic, this drives me wild, bloody every other thing on QVC seems to be described as "iconic" . Given that an icon is an image for religious contemplation or a symbol for a function on a computer, I am at a loss to see how word can be applied to things as diverse as Ojon shampoo, Cleanse and Polish and Vax cleaners!!
Really good website PPC. Thankyou. My local greengrocers misuse the apostrophe all the time. They sell lillies', cauliflowers', potatoes' etc. I have this almost uncontrollable urge(perhaps I need some items from Anne Summers) to run into the shop and confiscate all the offending price tickets. Do you think I need medical help?!! My OH thinks I do.

Glad I'm not the only one. My OH tells me to get over it! Half the time people don't bother with the diferrence between "its" and "it's." Oh yes and the other thing that drives me mad is when so many can't spell "their" and "there" correctly. I don't think they know there are two spellings of the same word:mysmilie_466:
Iconic, this drives me wild, bloody every other thing on QVC seems to be described as "iconic" . Given that an icon is an image for religious contemplation or a symbol for a function on a computer, I am at a loss to see how word can be applied to things as diverse as Ojon shampoo, Cleanse and Polish and Vax cleaners!!

:mysmilie_465: I'm guilty of that one because I've been listening to too many beauty bloggers I described a nail polish colour as iconic yesterday on another thread.
How about Jill Franks' use of "kitsch" when she actually means "retro". Daft woman.

Aside from QVC it beggars belief how many signs are grammatically incorrect. It's one thing thinking of a sign, but to draft it out, ask the boss, who then authorises it, sends it to the signwriters and then it gets made up and NOT ONE person has spotted misplaced apostrophes or other heinous crimes punishable only by death! A & E departments are the worst.

I remember seeing a sign which had been put in the playground of my son's school. It was some notice about sun cream - but there was an apostrophe there that shouldn't have been. Oh how I was tempted to go back with a marker pen and correct it!

I used to send no end of letters back to my children's school with spelling and grammar corrected. They loved me. Especially on parents evening when I lambasted them over an apostrophes exercise where my son had clearly got many of them completely wrong, but it had been marked correct. *snigger*
Ann Dawson once described the Gatineau tsv, as really taking the biscuit.

I thought that biscuit was a euphamism for p***. I did phone cs and point this out, but it seemed to go over the head of that particular rep.

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