I know I should get a life but...........


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Jul 8, 2011
I wish someone atQVC would give the presenters some English lessons.

It really annoys me when they persistently spout incorrect words and phrases. My two favourites at the moment are;

1. "The proof is in the pudding" The correct phrase is, of course,"the proof of the pudding is in the eating"

2. Using the word "bought" when they mean "brought" eg "this is the first time we have bought this item to QVC" For gawd's sake,bought is the past tense of to buy, not to bring.

Anyone else have any examples that really annoy them?

Spotaneously combusts.
Far too late (or early?) to think of every little thing that annoys me but the two you mentioned drive round the twist, especially the confusion of brought with bought.

One thing that does spring instantly to my tired mind, however, is that Jilly Halliday seems to think it's "coal bolt" blue instead of the correct "cobalt" blue.
Me, myself, I. As in:

why don't you call Dale and I ?
thank you for watching myself and Gilly

Less instead of fewer with plurals

Dawn Bibby used to annoy me with her colours, especially prussian blue which she always pronounced as pruuuuusian blue.
I Obviously Need To Get A Life Too...

....because THE MOST most annoying use of incorrect grammar for me is the use of the pronouns 'that' and 'who'. :mysmilie_503: I was taught that you use "that" when referring to inanimate objects and "who" for animated (person or persons) e.g.

If the noun is inanimate, use "that." The building that burned down was insured. But if your noun is animate, (a person or persons), use "who." The farmers who attended the meeting learned a lot.

I've noticed that Craig in particular does this all the bliddy time but it's not just a criticism of QVC presenters because most people speaking and even writing in the media get this wrong and it's GRAMATICALLY WRONG!!!! :headbang:

Phew, glad that's off me chesticles. :whew:

Rant over. :flower:
Rolling my sleeves up for a long list but to start with Snoozy and Ms DoubleDD and most presenters saying they "lay" on the bed....and some of them don't even have ovaries????

Jude xx
It really grinds my gears when presenters say 'expresso' instead of 'espresso' - Jill F, Jilly H and Craig are two of the worst at doing this. Whenever they are presenting a Kipling hour and that colour comes up, the guest says it correctly and they don't listen and continue saying 'expresso'. Craig once spent a memorable ( for all the wrong reasons ! ) hour presenting the Illy Espresso coffee machine, constantly calling it an expresso machine, despite the guest, who should know how to say it as he was supposed to be a 'Professor' of coffee, countering Craig's 'expresso' with 'espresso'.
Most of Alison Young and Jill Franks speech: they are the Hilda Bakers of shopping telly, but not as funny!

Jude xx
I really like Jilly Halliday but I detest it when she says "jump to the phones because it's gonna go"!!

P.S. Totally agree with you PPC on that and who........drives me nuts too!
'That's your bag/knife/colour combination etc' - no it is not as I do not own the item or indeed would be tempted to buy! Also, Ms Halliday's failure to include the 't' in the middle of words, particularly when quoting prices, so, 'tweny - two'. Grr!
Anyone saying was sat or was stood gets me going.
Myriad of instead of just myriad.
Laying gets me too Jude, I know Suzy has a mother hen persona but that's too much.
Jill Franks saying Muslim instead of muslin and her assertion of "I don't do pronunciation" which we had already noticed.
Oh yes Jude, laying gets my goat too! I hope this thread continues because its such good fun ! On a slightly different note, who gets mad at the misuse of the poor old apostrophe?
"Lots of people are jumping on the phones".....visions of houses littered with shattered plastic.
Jill Franks who constantly says (when referring to items of clothing) lots of colours on this one for you or, the sizes on this one for you are...... Also, how everything is really "cleva" even when it really isn't.

Jill Franks and Jilly Halliday are the worst culprits; the others I can bear. Just about.

Another thing that may be correct but is irritating; one of the new girls constantly says "bring this on holiday with you".

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