Guest Shopper
which is probably a good thing, but I just switched GemsExtra, sorry, Xtra...on, to watch Alan, and have had to switch off again. Alan is as fabulous, warm and charming as ever, but what is this constant plinky plonky background music that just goes on and on? Is that meant to keep viewers watching? If so, whose bright idea was it - someone who worked in interrogation at Guantanamo Bay, no doubt. Good grief, it's appalling, and now I can't even watch the one presenter I like, so thanks a bunch, Gems.
And don't get me started on the prices; just a bit of an increase there...and the start price might as well be a million pounds, it would be just as believable as the ones they're showing on the auctions now.
And don't get me started on the prices; just a bit of an increase there...and the start price might as well be a million pounds, it would be just as believable as the ones they're showing on the auctions now.