Walking in your own home indeed ! yeah right ! now I've seen it all - and it just HAD to be another American clone of Lori Greiner, Diane Gilman, Beth Terrell, et al zzzzzzzzzz.......... who does the presenting.
This is the ULTIMATE in money spinning rip-off, and there are people gullible enough who are buying it !!! For heavens sake, go for a walk, outside, and breathe the fresh air - for free !!!!!!!!!!
I've just had a nosy at this on the website and it looks like a load of rubbish. I love this quote:
"Each disc set is designed to help you eat a delicious balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner..."
I hate to rain on Leslie's parade, but I've been eating breakfast, lunch and dinner for over 30 years now. I really don't think I need help to eat - or walk for that matter! izza:
i think something like this could be handy for some people. my mother for example refuses to actually do any form of exercise saying she is too old (she isnt btw, she is 68 and in one of my classes there is a lady of 70 doing the same exercises as me lol) to do that sort of thing, nor will she walk any distance outside especially if alone or not actually going somewhere lol.
a dvd like this may work to motivate some people to move without the threat of a workout if you get my meaning. but the drawback would be having to listen to the person drone on. there is nowt worse worse than fitness dvd's where the instructor doesnt shut up. the best ones are when they are too busy to shout out anything other than the basic instructions lol
I had the original video version of this over 15 years ago, and I have to say then it was only the walking and not any sort of food program.
I found it good especially when it was wet and cold out and my children where much younger so couldn't be left at home alone.
I couldn't do it now as I am disabled by rheumatoid arthritis but I would have given it a chance if I was able. I could always send it back if I didn't get on with it!!!!
I love walking but can't always get out to do it with my home responsibilites so I'm interested but I've gone to Amazon and picked up a DVD by her for £8.00 including postage.
Doesn't seem all that ridiculous to me. For example, I can't do high impact exercise because of knee and ankle problems, which reduces my options for cardio/aerobic workouts. I love walking, but even on pavements it's not easy to walk fast, with all the bumps and potholes etc. 'Walking at home' is not as daft as it sounds.
Part of me says - what a load of rubbish walking in the lounge on the carpet - just get out and have a proper walk! But then the other part of me says that I have a wii fit and will 'run on the spot' for 30 mins on the carpet so this is probably just as daft.
It is easier when you don't have to go out in the cold and wet to do it and can fit it easier around family etc. Also I suppose anything that gets you motivated to start some exercise cannot be bad - even if it is a few dvd's and an elastic band. Maybe it will start some people off to go 'proper walking' when they have got a bit fit.
It looks like Leslie seems to stick to a few basic moves and varies the intensity - so I would imagine that if you can remember to go backwards and forwards, side to side and walk on the spot, you'd be able to do it at home with your favourite music on and save yourself £32. And you don't need those bands - you could use dumbbells instead.
The thing is they all work (exercise dvds) if you do them. I have a row of similar workout dvds going back as far as the first Rosemary Conolly one (no Jane Fonda as I'm not THAT old :happy: - no offence meant if you are :happy. They have all only been 'watched'. If you lack motivation then you aren't going to do it. On a couple of the Sky channels there are exercises to do at home for free.
Saying that, I went to a Zumba class last week:sweat:, 3rd time going, but ended up walking out as there was a woman there who insisted on videoing us, without our permission.
At least if you exercise at home you have no one else there to annoy you, or invade your 'space'.
I thought this looked quite good fun and decided to give it a try. I do stuff on my Wii and I go out walking but thought this could ring a few changes. It not really walking imo, more like basic aerobics which is fine with me because I prefer simple routines.
I know reviews about products have been discussed before but the review below has been put on since this morning and is from someone who has never written one before. I wonder if the sales aren't too good so the fantastic review has been posted. :wonder:
"I am so excited that Leslie Sansone has finally come to QVC UK! I have used her dvds for several years and they are one's that I come back to time and time again. It is great that her latest dvds are now available in a format that can be played in the UK as I have struggled with this in the past. Leslie is lovely and has great fun with her walkers who are real people like you and me - I can't encourage you enough to try for yourself. Happy walking and Thank You QVC!"
I have to admit the presentation was cringe worthy,but it is a very good system that i have been doing for years,and for someome who has dodgy knees it is great.
who ever put the presentation together got it wrong big time.Leslie is very famous in th states and she does use real people who have weight problems.Some of her 5 miles boosted walks are very good.I have to admit i have ordered it to try,mainly because of the bands,but all her dvs are available from other plces and collagevideo is thre place to watch clips as well as totalfitness.
her style is very chatty and some people find her annoying but her newest dvds have a music only option.I would buy just one dvd like the 2 fast miles boosted work if you are unsure.
I take on board what has been said about walking at home but have to ask why would anyone spend £30+ on a DVD showing them how to walk, how hard is it we do it every day!! OK so she swings her arms around and does side steps again why do you need a DVD to do this surely you could save the money turn on your favourite music and just do it. Go to you tube if you cant remeber how to do it there are videos on there for nothing
As for the heallthy eating again just google it there are thousands of websites out there giving the same advice for free.
I'm sorry but I think this is a rip off in a few months landfill site all over the country will be overflowing with elastic bands!! Just wish I had come up with the idea of making a DVD about walking on the spot I could have made a fortune
I saw the midnight launch and so wanted to post but was too tired.
It was the funniest thing I had ever seen. Debbie Flint looked ridiculous walking away as she presented the product. However, my favourite was the two girls she had demonstrating it- how fake were their smiles!!??! They must be sick by now.
I'm sure you could just watch the moves on the demonstrations and copy it for nothing!
Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Craigy is now demonstrating