how is this different


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May I just add this thread has been taken totaly off topic..

My descision has nothing to do with PR....we all have our liitle bug bears and rants... and PR was just having hers...I just replied to the thread...

It just seemed the right time to say ill keep quiet from now on if I've said or done things that are a bugbear or have annoyed anyone...

It was a last straw with a problem order and saturday's chat rudeness... that was aimed directly at me from a new nobody that thought they were somebody... no one had ever seen or heard of before and hope never to encounter them again... this is the reason and only reason behind my descision to just watch rocks....
But I want to say thank you to you all for the support you've shown me..

Now lets all get back to the real topic of this thread...

Mirabelle x

Ok, there is only so many veiled insults a girl can take in a day. You want me to be frank and open - fine. Here it is.

1) Someone show me, with a quote, where I have said anything that is insulting or offensive about Mira that could be the cause of her decision.

2) Stop speaking about my rant as though I am a child in a playground. Do I really need to remind anyone about the thread a few months ago where everyone (me included) absolutely tore to pieces a member of Rocks chat for being a trader and making a ton of requests in the chat?? I would advise a re read, THEN tell me this forum isn't about getting things off your chest.

3) I have been with Rocks from the start, so I KNOW Mira has been with Rocks from the start. I am not stupid. Now lets think about this rationally. Unless I am a complete cow with an axe to grind (which I am not. Not today, anyway!), how could my original rant possibly be construed as being aimed at Mira? I have no idea why Mira chose to declare herself 'Guilty as charged' - indeed I wish I did - particularly when you consider the aforementioned together with her stating to another forum member shortly afterwards in this thread that she had, indeed, been here from the start. Maybe that is a question that only Mira can answer...I don't know. I think you will agree though that when you take all of this into consideration, there is simply NO WAY my comment could ever have been construed as being aimed at Mira.

4) The people I was speaking about know who they are. I am not causing suspicion or paranoia. It is quite simple. If you joined Rocks, say Xmas 08 but have been crowing to the newbies that you have been there since the start, then yes, I am talking about you. If you are the person who I witnessed in chat the other day declare that they had been with Rocks for almost 3 years (a hell of an achievement, I think you will agree!) then yes, I was talking about you. If you haven't said anything like that, then no, I am not talking about you. I am still not going to name names because public humiliation for the sake of proving I wasn't meaning Mira is even less my style than plain old public humiliation!

And with that I shall take my leave. It has been fun, but I can see from the majority of comments that my presence is no longer welcome, so have fun chaps and chapettes, and I will see you anon.

P R we have been chat friends for such a long time, I dont know if you read my last post as above, in no way did you say or I have said you aimed anything towards me personaly, I just said guilty as charged with light hearted humour on your post, and answered amf question then I said as above..."it just seemed the right time" to say I'll keep quiet etc...

chats and forums..who needs them, they are not worth all this grief... there's enough grief in the world! :mysmilie_81:

I just don't know what else to say..

Mirabelle x
Hi Mirabelle, you are lovely and in my experience you don't seem to have a bad bone in your body:) I "get" what you mean, just reassuring new buyers that is not a bunch of fly by nights. You are not being a show-off at all and I see that you are still helping out with answering about ring sizes etc. so bless you x

There are some pushy people who bang on about being there ages and they think this gives them superiority. I think those are the ones who get on people's nerves, including mine! I joined the band wagon on about day 2, so I have seen your name quite a bit on the winners list - you are a very good customer! I haven't been very chatty either as I have no desire to enter into some of the playground games, same as PR, Argey, Cherry Picker and many others.

Take care, Inge xx
there is no need for anyone to leave,this has all got out of control does it really matter whether anyone was there from day one,after the first week,or 18months later if you have a brain cell in your head you know which person is the right one to ask any queries to i stopped going into regular chats quite a while ago along witha lot of regulars at the time because there was some bitching going on i still have the odd natter but at the end of the day whether you chat or not after a few days your history no one misses you and it was all for nothing so come on ladies Mira you cant leave we wont let you we need your advice and PR what would we do with out your pennyworth on this site and lets face it thats what its here for you are both want here XXXXXto you both
Some of you may have noticed I have been quiet of late - yes I know it makes a change!!! This has been due to a combination of not being well again and because I am totally disillusioned and disgusted at the constant nastieness and bickering which goes on here nowadays. The final straw for me was when Meeshoo found it necessary to leave because of a big mouthed idiot personally attacking here for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than pure spite and jealousy. What's going on? Why is it that a once happy, friendly place has now become an arena for slagging people off?

To add my tuppence worth to this thread and coming to it knowing nothing about what's been going on, can I say I feel that a comment by PR which was replied to tongue in cheek by Mirabelle has got completely out of hand and out of context. I do not believe PR meant anything untowards in her post and Mirabelle's reply appeared to be light hearted and fun!

What the hell does it matter when anyone started watching Rocks? I was there the very first night as Tabs, Sweetpea and many others can testify. We helped with the beta testing, had good fun and spent loads of money into the bargain! Back then the chat was fun and friendly but sadly this soon changed and all hell let loose because of one crazy individual with multiple personalities on here! (some of you will know what I am referring to!) That caused me to stay out of the Chatroom because life's too short for nastieness and bitchiness and I don't need aggrevation from something which is supposed to be a hobby. I pop in occasionally now but to be honest I find it boring and some of the chat is just pointless and nothing to do with jewellery!

I suppose what I'm trying to say is this - Please can people just be nice? It costs nothing and saves a lot of heartache. This forum is a great place to discuss jewellery, jewellery channels, presenters etc. and all of these are open to criticism good or bad, but for goodness sake, having a go at fellow members is just not on and nobody joins this forum to put themselves up for that kind of treatment.

PR and Mirabelle - I class you both as my friends and feel a problem has been created between you which has not been either of your doing or intention so please forget this thread and just be friends again - you know you want to!

By the way, don't anyone bother wasting your energy slagging me off for this post because quite frankly I couldn't give a toss what you think :mysmilie_687:
I agree, chat has changed radically since beta testing days, gone is the fun and enthusiasm of discussing purchases made and pending purchases. We are now discussing (or having thrust upon us) all manner of drivel from "period pains, to constipation" to goodness knows what else! IMVHO its gone too far! I know we all kicked up a fuss when moderation was suggested, but to be honest i'm starting to see the appeal.

I'd love to see the old days back, where friendliness was the key and not out out spite and petty jealous snipes (not from the original gang i hasten to add, or anyone else in this thread that i know of).

I'm afraid my instinct is that things are going to get worse as Rocks TV input increases. I think i shall be in stealth mode for the majority of the time on chat, and only come out to play when it seems "safe" to do so!
As you know, apart from the very occasional hello in chat, I don't have time to view (or buy) now, so I'm saddened to hear that the once very friendly chatbox is no longer fun. I'm sure I wouldn't have bought half the amount of things I did if it hadn't been for all the lovely people in the chatbox, (and one in particular :mysmilie_697: ) encouraging me and giving me their feedback on the pieces.
Some of you may have noticed I have been quiet of late - yes I know it makes a change!!! This has been due to a combination of not being well again and because I am totally disillusioned and disgusted at the constant nastieness and bickering which goes on here nowadays. The final straw for me was when Meeshoo found it necessary to leave because of a big mouthed idiot personally attacking here for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than pure spite and jealousy. What's going on? Why is it that a once happy, friendly place has now become an arena for slagging people off?

To add my tuppence worth to this thread and coming to it knowing nothing about what's been going on, can I say I feel that a comment by PR which was replied to tongue in cheek by Mirabelle has got completely out of hand and out of context. I do not believe PR meant anything untowards in her post and Mirabelle's reply appeared to be light hearted and fun!

What the hell does it matter when anyone started watching Rocks? I was there the very first night as Tabs, Sweetpea and many others can testify. We helped with the beta testing, had good fun and spent loads of money into the bargain! Back then the chat was fun and friendly but sadly this soon changed and all hell let loose because of one crazy individual with multiple personalities on here! (some of you will know what I am referring to!) That caused me to stay out of the Chatroom because life's too short for nastieness and bitchiness and I don't need aggrevation from something which is supposed to be a hobby. I pop in occasionally now but to be honest I find it boring and some of the chat is just pointless and nothing to do with jewellery!

I suppose what I'm trying to say is this - Please can people just be nice? It costs nothing and saves a lot of heartache. This forum is a great place to discuss jewellery, jewellery channels, presenters etc. and all of these are open to criticism good or bad, but for goodness sake, having a go at fellow members is just not on and nobody joins this forum to put themselves up for that kind of treatment.

PR and Mirabelle - I class you both as my friends and feel a problem has been created between you which has not been either of your doing or intention so please forget this thread and just be friends again - you know you want to!

By the way, don't anyone bother wasting your energy slagging me off for this post because quite frankly I couldn't give a toss what you think :mysmilie_687:

Oh poo, now what am I gonna do with the rest of me day? :mysmilie_12:

I looked into chat last night for a while only to see a long standing chatter throwing a tantrum and referring to "stinking sky viewers", at least twice. Not a good look, and certainly will have deterred peeps who found Rocks through watching the telly. This could be classed as on topic I suppose, but I think I'd rather have seen someone's verruca discussion than that.

Hope you feel better in health, and with the world, very soon Krosbint. xxxxxxxxxxx
:mysmilie_687: Lurgey. If only everyone was like you - you always bring a smile to my face :mysmilie_61:

Luv ya Lurgey :mysmilie_12:
Well I have watched Rocks from the very start,and I still watch everyday even when I am not joined in on the chat,I am addicted and wonder if I can have treatment to wean me off cos its costing me a fortune.LOL
Seriously ,I love you all ,Mirabelle you are a very very special person,helpful and kind.
I love Rockstv and so do my family who have all benefited from my purchases.Just waiting for my delivery tomorrow never had a thing as a child and now I have boxes and boxes full of beautiful things cos rocks makes them affordable.

Oh poo, now what am I gonna do with the rest of me day? :mysmilie_12:

I looked into chat last night for a while only to see a long standing chatter throwing a tantrum and referring to "stinking sky viewers", at least twice. Not a good look, and certainly will have deterred peeps who found Rocks through watching the telly. This could be classed as on topic I suppose, but I think I'd rather have seen someone's verruca discussion than that.

Hope you feel better in health, and with the world, very soon Krosbint. xxxxxxxxxxx

I saw that too and thought it was a dreadful thing to say!!!
Is it me but where has the turn of chat button gone from the chat room? ive not really used it before but i must admit im getting fedup of all the moaning and just plain rudeness theses days ... so little patience in the world, im feeling the need to use it....
Is it me but where has the turn of chat button gone from the chat room? ive not really used it before but i must admit im getting fedup of all the moaning and just plain rudeness theses days ... so little patience in the world, im feeling the need to use it....

Haven't found one Scorps, so I just move my window to the left and remove it that way - lol. xxxx
Is it me but where has the turn of chat button gone from the chat room? ive not really used it before but i must admit im getting fedup of all the moaning and just plain rudeness theses days ... so little patience in the world, im feeling the need to use it....

Totally agree Marie. I've just been reading in amazement for a while and I cannot believe how so many people seem to think it's a Request Room and that they have the divine right to request something and expect them to drop everything and put it on straight away! My god - are these people spoiled brats IRL or just in there?!!
Never thought of moving the window! What a muppet - I've been sticking a postcard over chat!!!!!::mysmilie_687:
OOO u is clever Argey... I will give that a go the left ,to the left i go... got to save my sanity some how:mysmilie_701:

Oh poo, now what am I gonna do with the rest of me day? :mysmilie_12:

I looked into chat last night for a while only to see a long standing chatter throwing a tantrum and referring to "stinking sky viewers", at least twice. Not a good look, and certainly will have deterred peeps who found Rocks through watching the telly. This could be classed as on topic I suppose, but I think I'd rather have seen someone's verruca discussion than that.

Hope you feel better in health, and with the world, very soon Krosbint. xxxxxxxxxxx

I saw her comments too Argey, she is acting like a spoilt brat again tonight and i really want to give her a slap, lol. In fact i could give a lot of the chatters a slap, i have never seen so much moaning and demanding items in the chat room, most of them are new buyers.
I have to agree with you all, I was watching last night and the amount of rudeness and demanding and moaning shocked me, one chatter was moaning because the charms hour wasnt finishing til 9.15pm and had had enough of charms, well they were all selling out and they even had to bring in unscheduled ones so people obviously still wanted them, another chatter was asking for wooden bangles but kept going on and on and on, I think that the amount of hard work the bennetts have put in bringing rocks tv to the fore they must look at some of these comments and wonder why the hell they bothered, chat is purely for chat, requests cant be given yet, people know this so why bemoan and belittle a fab company, if you dont like it then dont watch, dont comment and leave us to enjoy their wonderful jewelley.
Right, rant over i will be joining mira and not joining in the chat on there, hopefully people will realise how lucky we are to have rocks and just start to enjoy it again, maybe they could make a moaning/i'll have a tantrum if i dont get my request room and leave the rest of us in peace.
Today the moaning was about cs not answering there querys quickly enough and that a parcel had'nt arrived yet it was like the world was coming to an end its only ****** jewellery at the end of the day its hardly life and death is it, we can live without it for goodness sake give rocks a break.
It made my blood boil what is wrong with these people dont they watch the news and see what those poor people are having to endure in Haiti etc
Sorry guys rant over I'll now take a deep breath and chill
...... and how awful DPD are and the wooden bangles, bangles, bangles, BANGLES.

I've asked Rocks let us turn chat off - Steve says they'll look at it.

I try add positive comments but it is wearing me down. Lucky the gems are so good.

twig (no Rocks):mysmilie_73:

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