How daft can Jill Franks get?


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I do WS, all the time........well not all the time but you get my drift.....especially Si and Dave. I tell you all I need is those 2 and a stick of butter then.....................
Jill Franks is on air too much these days IMHO !, (I know Kathy gets a "little confused" over products but I can forgive her !), but poor Ralph kept telling her the colours and she still "messed up".
I saw her yesterday - it wasn't even funny when she went on and on about Larray and his speedos. Reminded me a bit of Dick Emery and the character he used to do ...are you married...I've been looking for a nice young man like you...
When she was on with Liz Earle the other night, I cringed with embarrassment. She interrupted time and time again, and when Liz finally decided to talk through the interruptions, Franks closed her gob for a nano second, only to do it again half way through the same sentence! She is so busy trying to say what she wants to say, that she doesn't LISTEN to what the guest is actually saying-I think the term is "gap searching". Unfortunately, she doesn't even have the manners to wait for the gaps....!
How daft is Jill Franks?

I agree, Jill Franks is losing the plot!! Do they not look at the inventory before they go on air? When people ring in she always wants:thinking2: to get them off as quickly as possible as she doesnt like to talk to them too long, probably because she has nothing to say of any interest!

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