Holden's face !!


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In my local SpaceNK a girl used to come in, haven't seen her since the first lockdown with her mother.
Now I have seen the pump up lips on TV but never in real life. I tried not to look, but it was impossible. No joke, she could have given Pete Burns a run for his money. An attractive woman in her early 20s with these massive lips, her mother was a very attractive untreated woman in her forties. I asked after they left what the hell has that girl done to herself, I was told she came in every week and bought loads of lip glosses. She must have needed to lubricate her lips all the time. I just thought she must have some sort of mental health problems to do that to herself to such a scale?
One of the best examples of “work” done on a face is Helen Mirren. I know she must have had work because she looks good for her age, but it’s been done by a very skilful surgeon and it’s difficult to define just what has been changed.
One of the worst examples of "work" being done has to be (alleged bankrupt) Katie Price. I mean FFS? I know insults mean persona non grata on this forum at the moment but she looks like a freak. Those breasts!!! I challenge one person to say she looks nice. Yes, if she likes it, but does she actually like it or is it all to keep her in the public eye?

I bet her creditors have steam coming out of their ears.

One of the worst examples of "work" being done has to be (alleged bankrupt) Katie Price. I mean FFS? I know insults mean persona non grata on this forum at the moment but she looks like a freak. Those breasts!!! I challenge one person to say she looks nice. Yes, if she likes it, but does she actually like it or is it all to keep her in the public eye?

I bet her creditors have steam coming out of their ears.

I was going to post about her she looks awful and those boobs are gargantuan.😲😲
One of the worst examples of "work" being done has to be (alleged bankrupt) Katie Price. I mean FFS? I know insults mean persona non grata on this forum at the moment but she looks like a freak. Those breasts!!! I challenge one person to say she looks nice. Yes, if she likes it, but does she actually like it or is it all to keep her in the public eye?

I bet her creditors have steam coming out of their ears.

It’s not an insult it’s the plain truth.
One of my nieces is 46 and has always been a good looking lass but since my sister her Mum, passed away she seems to have gone into overdrive when it comes to treatments and tattoos. She now has the whole of her back filled with a huge tattoo which runs from the nape of her neck right down to her buttocks and is currently part way through having a sleeve tattooed on one shoulder and right down her arm.
She`s also had fillers, botox and her lips done and quite frankly my sister would be horrified. Like me she hated duck lips, huge tattoos and faces filled with stuff or botoxed. In fact my sister had to have botox injections for medical reasons because she had a neurological illness which caused her face to droop making it look as if she`d had a stroke and she always said she couldn`t understand why people had botox just for cosmetic reasons.
Anyway when my sister passed away and her husband passed away just 3 months later, my niece and her brother inherited quite a lot of money from their estate and the sale of their house and by golly is she spending it. Laboutin shoes, tattoos which must have cost thousands to complete and other designer stuff too, new cars and expensive holidays booked now the skies have opened up again. I`m waiting for the lipo or the breast enhancement to follow soon. The thing is she had a natural beauty which is now being ruined and I find it sad to see.
Carol does an ad for life insurance, you know the sort. When you die, what will you leave for your family?

I swear her face looks embalmed! Smooth, shiny and doesn't really move.

Amanda looks like she is sucking a lemon all the time because of the pumped up cheek implants.
I agree I think Carol looks awful to be honest. Her face reminds me of how someone’s face looks 24 hours after death, a sight I have seen often, that’s all I can compare it to, why these women think it’s a good look totally evades me!
Carol Vorderman was a lovely looking woman but she has ruined herself IMO. That backside!! OK, have a few nips and tucks to hold back time but massive lips, boobs and bum? I think these ladies need to have a look in the mirror - the real mirror, not the Alice Through the Looking Glass one.

I agree I think Carol looks awful to be honest. Her face reminds me of how someone’s face looks 24 hours after death, a sight I have seen often, that’s all I can compare it to, why these women think it’s a good look totally evades me!
.....All I keep thinking about the subject is 'The Handbags & the Gladrags' - Rod Stewart or Sterephonics.
Rod Stewart is a far better version IMO.

Disagree. Probably has something to do with Kelly Jones (I know!) fronting the Stereophonics. They are headlining at the 'Big Feastival' up the road. This is a 'family' festival (eh???) & therefore, people will probably point.
The word Botox doesn't seem to have meaning for those having nips tucks and tweaks, or they are so stupid they don't care because it must be ok because the slebs have it done, and it must be safe because there are clinics that administer it.

Well, the reality is............ Botulinum toxin, often shortened to Botox, is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and related species. It prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction, thus causing flaccid paralysis. The toxin causes the disease botulism.

And the disease botulism is .................. Botulism is a rare and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The disease begins with weakness, blurred vision, feeling tired, and trouble speaking. This may then be followed by weakness of the arms, chest muscles, and legs.

One can only hope that anyone with a vulnerable immune system resist from having poison put into their blood stream - having Lupus I would run a million miles away from putting any toxins into my body - including the inks from tattoos.
I'll never forget the first time I saw a trout pout - it was on Lynne Perrie - the actress who played Ivy Tilsley in Coronation Street. Because she had an 'old' face, her duck beak looked ridiculous, and it was in all the papers at the time.
🤣 oh yes she had fat removed from her bum and put in her lips she could hardly talk
I know this might sound a bit "catty" but let's take Carol Vorderman as an example. Imo, she's a fairly good looking woman, with a good figure, but not anyone I've ever considered as beautiful. It doesn't matter, she's an intelligent woman who's tv appearances were more about her brains than her looks. I remember some years ago, she was photographed at an awards ceremony wearing this pretty short turquoise dress with a asymetric hem and plunging neckline that exposed quite a lot of "bappage". I personally thought that the dress was unflattering, and her boobs looked like they were on the verge of falling out. Yes, she looked lovely and tanned, but the entire ensemble just looked strange with CV's head stuck on top of it. The media was all over it, OMG! brains and beauty, who knew? etc etc. I think that's where it all started to go downhill. For her, the extra work she got for it must've paid dividends, but it started her on a trajectory of prioritising her looks over her talent and now she's got to the stage where she looks absolutely ridiculous. She was a decent looking woman before (not that it mattered) and now she looks like a joke!
Your Katie Prices and Holdens have always been about their looks - KP especially so I can see why they took the surgery route. I'll say it again Holden, you're just about getting away with it now, but FGS stop now before it's too late!

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